Nicholas & Alina Maria de Roumanie Medforth Mills and Family, News & Events 2: 2022 -

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Arms of the Royal House of Romania

Welcome to Nicholas & Alina Maria de Roumanie Medforth Mills and Family
News and Events, Part 2

Commencing January 1st, 2022

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Nicholas & Alina Maria de Roumanie Medforth Mills and Family, News & Events 2: 2022 -

The Mifne Romania at its website, Nicolae is now the Honorary President and Honorary member of APCAT (Asociaţia Punct de Cotitură în Autism Timpuriu), Alina-Maria is a Honorary member and Ambassador of a campaign.

The Mifne Romania project is an impactful project, which brings together people with a desire to contribute, whose voice can bring about a change for Romania.
We are honored that Nicolae al României, the grandson of King Mihai I, together with his wife Alina-Maria de Roumanie, through their openness and empathy, turned their attention to the concept of Mifne and is involved in the initiative of the Turning Point in Early Autism, which, in collaboration with the Israel Mifne Center, aims to accredit in Romania a center for early diagnosis and early intensive intervention for babies at risk of developing autism and their families. We believe we have common values ​​and our mission is to help the community we live in improve the quality of life for families with children with autism. We thank them for their collaboration in agreement with the Romanian-Israeli partnership.

Nicolae al României
Honorary member of APCAT (Asociaţia Punct de Cotitură în Autism Timpuriu)
Honorary President of the Association
"I want to be involved, to be a voice, to pass on the message, to be heard by everyone. How can you identify certain signs of autism, what to do? For Romania we are only at the beginning. We need to start somewhere. I hope that together, your mission, our mission will be a long and successful one."

Alina-Maria a României
Honorary member of APCAT
Ambassador of the Autism Awareness Campaign
"It simply came to our notice. This is where our mission to help these parents comes in. It's hard to be in their situation. We can help by making this method known… I know that early signs of autism are new."
Patronaj -

Alina-Maria at her Facebook
"We are happy to announce our involvement in the Mifne Romania project, which aims to accredit an early diagnosis center and intensive interventions for infants at risk of developing autism and their families. The early signs of autism are a novelty and many babies could benefit from bringing the Mifne method to Romania."
Nicolae visited Olovina brewery together with his friend Liviu Popescu (Popescu is the co-owner of Fratelli Group and the vice-president of Organization of Hotel and Restaurant Owners of Romania).

Nicolae writes at his Facebook
"It is a pleasure every time to discover Romanian brands and special people, who do things out of passion. And when these passions turn into lasting business, the joy is even greater. I support and encourage young entrepreneurs in promoting local values, locally and internationally.
That's how I discovered Olovina, a craft gourmet brewery. I visited the factory, I discovered the production methods and I was impressed by the attention to detail, but also by the combination of tastes in each assortment.
Olovina beers have a unique and intense taste and are made in Romania, according to original recipes."
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Nicolae at his social media
"On Friday, January 14, one day before the National Culture Day, I will hold a conference on "Monarchy in support of Romanian culture" at the Ion Heliade Rădulescu Dâmbovița County Library.
The conference will be followed by the presentation of the photo album "My grandfather, King Mihai"."

Cele mai noi știri din județul Dâmbovița si nu doar atât! Nicolae al României, conferință și lansare de carte la Târgoviște, cu ocazia Zilei Culturii Naționale. -
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Prince Nicolae in Dâmbovița, at the events dedicated to the National Culture Day
Prince Nicolae of Romania, was invited to Dâmbovița to the events dedicated to the National Culture Day, events organized, starting today, by the Dâmbovița County Council through the “Ion Heliade Rădulescu” County Library.
Prince Nicolae also paid a visit to the headquarters of the Dâmbovița County Council, where he was greeted by the president of the CJD, Corneliu Ștefan, and the vice-presidents Luciana Cristea and Antonel Jîjîie.
Principele Nicolae al României, în Dâmbovița, la evenimentele dedicate Zilei Culturii Naţionale

Nicolae speaking today at the conference on "Monarchy in support of Romanian culture" at the Ion Heliade Rădulescu Dâmbovița County Library.
After the conference he presented the photo album "My grandfather, King Mihai"."
Nicolae posted photos from yesterday to his social media
"On the occasion of the National Culture Day, I was the guest of the Ion Heliade Rădulescu Dâmbovița County Library, where I held the conference on "Monarchy in support of Romanian culture".
For 81 years, the Royal Dynasty of Romania has consistently supported Romanian art and culture, traditional values and Romanian folk costumes. This was the period of affirmation of many poets, prose writers, playwrights, musicians, painters and sculptors."
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"The National Culture Day annually marks the promotion of culture and art, along with the celebration of the poet Mihai Eminescu. To mark this national holiday, I wanted to present the photo album "My grandfather King Mihai" and the Ion Heliade Rădulescu County Library in Dâmbovița, to meet the public of Targoviste.
It was a pleasure to share the fondest memories I have of my grandfather, moments that I gathered in this album, which includes over 200 photos from the public and private life of King Mihai."
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The story of a King, told by a Prince!, at the Dâmbovița County Library. – Cele mai noi știri din județul Dâmbovița si nu doar atât! Povestea unui Rege, spusă de un Prinț!, la Biblioteca Județeană Dâmbovița. Principele Nicolae al României a lansat cartea „Bunicul meu, Regele Mi

Royal visit to CJ Dâmbovița. Prince Nicolae launches a book at the County Library "IH Rădulescu"
Vizită regală la CJ Dâmbovița. Principele Nicolae al României lansează o carte la Biblioteca Județeană _I.H Rădulescu_ - Bazar Media

A nice photo of Nicolae and Alina-Maria, I don't know when it has been taken
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Alina Binder, the wife of former Prince Nicolae, is an elegant pregnant woman. She is wearing 10cm heels and feminine outfits
The other day, EVZ photojournalists met the wife of the former prince Nicolae and you can easily see from the photos how good Alina Binder looks!
The two spouses, without their daughter Maria-Alexandra, went together to visit some friends. While the former prince parked the car, Alina waited on the sidewalk.
Alina Binder, soția fostului principe Nicolae, este o gravidă elegantă. Poartă tocuri de 10 centimetri și ținute feminine _ Stiri, Vedete si Evenimente _
Nicolae and Alina-Maria visited Dealul cu Afine in Mândra Commune, Brașov.

Nicolae writes at his Facebook
"I am always happy to discover people who have created a successful brand with a lot of passion. Dealul cu Afine has at the foot of the Fagaras Mountains several hectares cultivated with certified organic blueberries, producing an exceptional juice and dehydrated blueberries. Owner Ajay Naqvi's passion for blueberries is not old, but now he has a lot of soul and has big plans for the future."
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Nicolae posted at his social media
This weekend I chose to pamper my family and friends with a special dish. I cooked risotto with mushrooms, a recipe I discovered when I was living in England.
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At Facebook of Asociatia Principele Nicolae
The environment is the "home" of mankind, and for this reason living in a healthy environment is a right we all have. In order to enjoy this right, however, we also have the responsibility to protect the planet, the only one currently known as habitable...
In addition to his interest in beekeeping and local beekeeping, Nicolae al Romaniei presents by personal example another way in which we can help small pollinators thrive.
Recently, he planted lavender among his own hives in his own garden, which are not only aesthetically pleasing and smell good, but are also a source of food for bees and other pollinators.
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Nicolae posted this old photo of him and Alina-Maria to his Facebook
"Today we celebrate Dragobete, the Romanian holiday of Love, a day full of traditions and customs that are still preserved from ancient times.
Perhaps the most beautiful habit of all is to express your affection for your loved one, giving her flowers or a symbolic gift, today and every other day, because love should be celebrated every day."

Nicolae at his Facebook:
Today I had the pleasure of meeting Ion Schiau, founder of Albini Prassa, from whom I learned several unique stories related to watches and the history of Romania.
Initially, the company brought the Tissot watch to our country, later making its own special editions, dedicated to the Centenary of the Great Union, the Romanian Rugby Federation or Romanian folklore.
A special model is the Arrow of the Orient clock, a tribute to the world's first transcontinental airline, which connected Paris with Bucharest and Istanbul in the early 1920s. On October 20, 1921, at 3:31 p.m., the planes of the Franco-Romanian Air Navigation Company, flown by Albert Deullin and Lionel de Marmier, landed at Pipera Airport. The pilots were greeted by King Ferdinand and Queen Maria, the latter naming one of the aircraft.
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Nicolae at his social media today:
In these troubled times, my thoughts fly to the Ukrainian people, hard-pressed by fate.
I am sending a message of peace and saying a prayer for our neighbors across the border, who are now suffering.
God bless you!
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Nicolae posted a lovely family photo to his social media
"For me, nothing is more important than family.
Here I find peace, happiness, here I am charged with positive energy, and when we are together, no obstacle seems impossible to pass.
Looking into the eyes of my wife and our little girl, I realize how lucky I am! We can't wait for the second baby to be born, so that we can feel truly fulfilled!
The family is truly a holy thing!"
Asociatia Principele Nicolae at its Facebook
"Iorgoni and Asociatia Principele Nicolae come to the aid of Ukrainian refugees and open a collection point in Timisoara, the situation becoming more and more problematic at the border points with #Ukraine.
Especially the following resources are needed:
- generators
- backpacks
- sleeping bags / beds / duvets
- hygiene products (eg towels, wet wipes, toothpaste and toothbrushes, soap, shampoo, deodorant, etc.
- first aid kits and basic medicines
- lanterns
If you can make these resources available, we are waiting for you between 11:00 - 19:00 (Monday-Friday) and 10:00 - 14:00 (Saturday) at the Iorgoni headquarters in #Timișoara."

At Facebook of Iorgoni
Nicolae visited yesterday Constantin Brâncuși Technological High School in Craiova with the project "History of Royalty in Schools".
He writes at his Facebook:
"Over 50 students learned unique details and stories about the monarchy and had the opportunity to interact with a number of objects of the Royal Family, also receiving as a gift the textbook "History of the Monarchy".
During the meeting, topics related to education, society and future perspectives were also discussed.
The day continued with the laying of wreaths at the statues of King Mihai I and Ferdinand I and visits to the University of Craiova (founded by King Mihai I on April 21, 1947) and the Faculty of Agronomy.
At the end of the day I had a meeting with the people of culture in the city, who shared details about the history of the buildings in Craiova."
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Within the “History of Royalty” Project, Prince Nicolae was present today in Craiova. He had his first meeting at the “Constantin Brâncuşi” Technological High School, with the students and teachers. The prince was received by the management of the unit - Prof. Maria Sîrbu, director, and Prof. Stela Şarpe- director - deputy, being greeted with bread and salt, as is the tradition. Nicolae laid a wreath at the bust of King Ferdinand I in the courtyard, a work of art among the few in the country that symbolizes Ferdinand I. He then signed the High School Book of Honor. "We are honored to have you with us and hope that the project will move forward. Here, the great Constantin Brâncuşi also studied, and the school was established under the symbolic patronage of King Ferdinand I and Queen Maria. Students and teachers are waiting for you, to talk to them about Royalty and history", addressed Maria Sîrbu. Nicolae also visited the Museum named after Constantin Brîncuş. The prince then spoke to the students and teachers. "I am glad to be here, where Constantin Brâncuşi also studied. Through this project, I came to carry on the history of the Royal House of Romania. I don't want to talk too much, but I want to have a dialogue with you children. I hope to answer your questions as best I can. You are the hope "
Then Nicolae went to the University of Craiova, where he met the rector of the University of Craiova. Prior to this, the Prince laid a wreath at the bust of King Mihai, his grandfather. The meeting between the two took place, and the deputy Nicolae Giugea was also present. "We are honored to have you with us... The University of Craiova was established by a Decree of King Mihai, one of the last, in 1947. As a tribute, the Blue Hall, our largest, received the title of "King Mihai" Hall. In this sense, we invite you to visit the University of Craiova", addressed the rector. "I am happy to be at the University of Craiova. I came to you after talking to the students. I think we need to do everything we can to keep young people in the country. They can take university courses abroad, but must return to Romania. There, abroad, they gain experience ", mentioned Nicolae.
Proiectul “Istoria Regalităţii”, la Craiova _ Cuvântul Libertăţii

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Video of Nicolae's visit to Craiova
Tele U Craiova - Nicolae al României a vizitat, ieri,... _ Facebook

Article with another video
FOTO_VIDEO. Principele Nicolae, în vizită la Liceul Brâncuși din Craiova - Stiri regionale Oltenia - Jurnalul Olteniei
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Nicolae al României presents in Alba Iulia the book “My grandfather, King Mihai”
On Monday, March 28, at the Principia Museum in Alba Iulia, starting with 18.00, the event will take place, with the honorable participation of the author, Nicolae al României. The event is organized by the Alba County Council and the "Lucian Blaga" Alba County Library, in partnership with Alba Iulia City Hall, the National Museum of the Alba Iulia Union and The Movement for the Kingdom and Crown, Alba branch.
28 martie 2022_ Nicolae al României lansează luni, la Alba Iulia, volumul „Bunicul meu, Regele Mihai”. Programul evenimentului - Ziarul Unirea
Nicolae at his social media, he was yesterday in Alba Iulia.
"The "In the Footsteps of Grandfather Mihai I" tour reached Alba-Iulia, such a special place for the Royal Family and especially for my grandfather, who had received the title of Grand Duke of Alba-Iulia on June 8, 1930.
The Principia Museum hosted the launch of the photo album "My Grandfather King Mihai", an event attended by over 200 people, officials, historians and citizens of the city.
As always, it was a great pleasure for me to be in front of you and to unravel together memories of my grandfather, the Last Sovereign of the country.
It was an evening full of excitement, for which I thank you!
Thank you for your support in making this event the Alba County Council, the Lucian Blaga County Library and the Kingdom and Crown Movement.
The "Following in the footsteps of grandfather Mihai I" continues its journey through the country, we will meet in other cities!"
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Asociatia Principele Nicolae at its Facebook about a school visit
"The project "History of Royalty in Schools" continues its tour through schools in the country!
Today, the students of the Theoretical High School from Teiuș, together with the students of Titu Maiorescu High School, Bethlen Gabor High School, Technological High School and Agricultural High School from Aiud had the opportunity to interact with Nicolae al Romaniei, in a history lesson on monarchy.
As always, the students were curious to find out details and unique stories related to the Kings of Romania, while admiring a series of objects of the Royal Family."
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His Highness Nicolae al Romaniei visited the Teiuș Theoretical High School, during the “In the footsteps of grandfather Mihai I”.
"The history lesson gained another significance because the monarchy in Romania was presented by a descendant of the Royal family", say the representatives of the Teiuș Theoretical High School.
FOTO_ Nicolae al României, vizită la Liceul Teoretic Teiuș_ Monarhia în România a fost prezentată chiar de descendentul familiei Regale - Ziarul Unirea
Asociatia Principele Nicolae at its Facebook about a school visit today
"Today it was the turn of the students from the “Avram Iancu” Gymnasium School and the Horea, Cloșca and Crișan National College from Alba-Iulia to know more about the Romanian monarchy, through the project “History of Royalty in Schools”.
Nicolae al Romaniei shared a lot of information about Royalty, in an interactive discussion about the contribution of kings and queens to the development of Romania. Moreover, the students admired some objects of the Royal Family, being captivated by their story.
The project will continue its journey around the country next week, with a visit to Curtea de Argeș."
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Nicolae at his Facebook
"During my visit to Alba-Iulia, during the presentation of the project "History of Royalty in Schools" and the tour "In the footsteps of my grandfather Mihai I", I had a meeting with the Rector of the University December 1, 1918, Mr. Daniel Breaz, who introduced me to the Palace Apor (headquarters of the University Rectorate) and with whom I debated topics related to university education.
Then I had the pleasure of visiting the Batthyaneum Library, founded on July 31, 1798 on the initiative of the Roman Catholic Bishop of Transylvania, Ignatius Batthyány. The former Trinitarian monastery, built in the Baroque style, has been transformed to function as a library, astronomical observatory and diocesan printing house. Through its collection of medieval and pre-modern books, the Batthyaneum Library is a veritable museum of rare books, with over 30,000 volumes of inestimable cultural value.
I also had a meeting with the Deputy Mayors of the city and the councilors from Alba-Iulia City Hall, in order to implement some projects and events on the occasion of the Centenary of the Coronation, which will be marked this year, on October 15. I proposed to the local authorities the declaration of Alba-Iulia as a "Royal City", the placement of a flag with the Royal Coat of Arms in the area of ​​the Coronation Cathedral, the establishment of a square to house the bust of my grandfather, King Mihai I and last but not least, the reapplication of the stone coat of arms on the frontispiece of the entrance gate to the Coronation Cathedral, abolished during the communist period."
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Prince Nicolae visited the "December 1, 1918" University of Alba Iulia today, March 31, being welcomed with open arms by the rector of the institution, Daniel Breaz.
"I am honored to receive today, at the December 1, 1918 University, the visit of Prince Nicolae, on which occasion we discussed the development of projects in the field of education. I was glad to see how attached Prince Nicolae is to our city, to its history and local values.From the discussions, we found that we share a common vision in the direction of promoting quality education, equipping young people with those skills designed to prepare them for the future and turn them into active citizens in the communities they belong to".
FOTO_ Principele Nicolae al României a vizitat Universitatea „1 Decembrie 1918” din Alba Iulia. Rectorul Daniel Breaz_ „Împărtășim o viziune comună în direcția promovării educației de calitate” - Ziarul Unirea
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Visibly old photos :flowers:
She is slim here and drinks champagne.
Prince Nicolae, among the students from the “Avram Iancu” Gymnasium School from Alba Iulia: The distinguished guest received as a gift a portrait of Queen Maria
The students and teachers of the “Avram Iancu” Gymnasium School had the honor to receive grandson of King Mihai I, Prince Nicolae, the distinguished guest being for the second time visiting this educational institution.
The event is part of a tour entitled "In the footsteps of Grandfather Mihai I", an opportunity to promote the project "History of royalty in schools", which aims to know the merits of the Royal House of Romania in the history of our country and bring students closer to values national. In a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, the prince recalled his grandfather's personality, the moments spent with him, as well as the advice he received from him, and then showed some photos from the history of the royal family gathered in an album. The students were very pleased with this meeting, and asked many questions to the guest.
FOTO_ Principele Nicolae, în mijlocul elevilor de la Școala Gimnazială „Avram Iancu” din Alba Iulia_ Distinsul oaspete a primit în dar un portret al reginei Maria - Ziarul Unirea

Nicolae thanks for the beautiful messages people sent him in social media on his birthday.

Next week Nicolae presents his photo album book "My Grandfather King Mihai" in two events.
The "Following in the footsteps of grandfather Mihai I" tour arrives on Wednesday, April 6, at Manuc's Inn in Bucharest, starting at 6.30 pm and on Thursday, April 7, at the Arges County Library "Dinicu Golescu" (Great Hall), from 6 pm.

Nicolae was interviewed on his visit to Alba Iulia
"My grandfather King Mihai, with Nicolae al Romaniei"

Nicolae has visited Albini Prassa, a Tissot store in Bucharest.

Nicolae today in Curtea de Argeș
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