NATO Summit. Madrid, June 27th to 30th, 2022

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Imperial Majesty
Apr 28, 2005
General Programme

The agenda of the Royal House will be published tomorrow. The fully confirmed event is the dinner that King Felipe and Queen Letizia will offer to the delegations on June 28 at the Royal Palace.

According to several press reports, Queen Letizia and the First Lady of the United States will participate in several joint activities on Monday the 27th. Queen Letizia is also scheduled to participate in activities on the program for accompanying persons on the 29th and 30th.

On June 28, King Felipe and the NATO Secretary General will participate in a forum organized by Elcano Royal Institute. King Felipe will receive the President of the United States and they will have a meeting at the Royal Palace.


King Felipe

Audience with Josep Borrell Fontelles, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the European Commission
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Queen Letizia

Meeting with Her Excellency the First Lady of the United States of America, Dr. Jill Biden
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Visit to the Headquarters of the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC), accompanied by Her Excellency the First Lady of the United States of America, Dr. Jill Biden
Headquarters of the AECC. Madrid


King Felipe

Official Welcome to His Excellency the President of the United States of America, Mr. Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
Torrejon Air Base. Torrejon de Ardoz (Madrid)

“NATO Public Forum” seminar, an act of public diplomacy co-organized by the Elcano Royal Institute

Meeting with His Excellency the President of the United States of America, Mr. Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
Royal Palace of Madrid

Meeting with His Excellency the Secretary General of NATO, Mr. Jens Stoltenberg
Royal Palace of Madrid

Queen Letizia

Visit to the Center for Attention, Reception and Referral of Ukrainian refugees, accompanied by Her Excellency the First Lady of the United States of America, Dr. Jill Biden

King Felipe and Queen Letizia

Dinner offered by Their Majesties the King and Queen to the delegations of Heads of State and Government attending the NATO Summit
Royal Palace of Madrid


King Felipe

Audience with Mrs. Ursula Von Der Leyen, President of the European Commission
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Meeting with His Excellency the President of the Republic of Korea, Yoon Suk Yeol
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Meeting with His Excellency the President of the Republic of Finland, Sauli Väinämö Niinistö
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Queen Letizia

Visit to the Royal Palace of La Granja de San Ildefonso with the companions of the participants in the NATO Summit
Royal Palace of La Granja de San Ildefonso. Royal Site of San Ildefonso (Segovia)

Visit to the Royal Glass Factory of La Granja with the companions of the participants in the NATO Summit
Royal Glass Factory of La Granja. Royal Site of San Ildefonso (Segovia)

Visit to the Queen Sofía National Art Center Museum with the companions of the participants in the NATO Summit
Queen Sofía National Art Center Museum. Madrid


King Felipe

Audience with Mr. Charles Michel, President of the European Council
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience with Admiral Rob Bauer, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Queen Letizia

Visit to the Royal Theater with the companions of the participants in the NATO Summit
Royal Theater of Madrid
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Very impressive schedule in very impressive changing times!
Viva El Rey!
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:previous: I agree...very impressive schedule for the Royal Couple. (What I would do to see the Danish CPC have this type of visit!! Denmark is the only country lately to NOT have any type of big visit since things opened up again! :whistling:). But I looks like there will be alot of royal news to look forward to from Madrid next week.
No tiara for Letizia at the dinner even though this is a diplomatic thing. Right?
No tiara for Letizia at the dinner even though this is a diplomatic thing. Right?

No tiaras either in the UK at official dinners during summits of that kind, so I see no reason why it should be different in Spain.
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:previous: I agree...very impressive schedule for the Royal Couple. (What I would do to see the Danish CPC have this type of visit!! Denmark is the only country lately to NOT have any type of big visit since things opened up again! :whistling:). But I looks like there will be alot of royal news to look forward to from Madrid next week.

They are only the crown prince couple and not the king and queen. In terms of number of activities they had a far more impressive schedule earlier this week.

On topic, good to see the king and queen are taking their hosting duties seriously. Makes me think about a similar even in the Netherlands several years ago with Willem-Alexander and Máxima as hosts - which included a dinner at Huis ten Bosch.
They are only the crown prince couple and not the king and queen. In terms of number of activities they had a far more impressive schedule earlier this week.

On topic, good to see the king and queen are taking their hosting duties seriously. Makes me think about a similar even in the Netherlands several years ago with Willem-Alexander and Máxima as hosts - which included a dinner at Huis ten Bosch.

Well, if this summit had taken place in Denmark, I can pretty much guarantee that it would be the CP Couple handling the duties listed here for the Spanish Royal couple, as evidenced by their roles in previous State Visits to Denmark. But again, I will digress.

On topic, it will be a busy week next week at this very important summit during this crucial time. I look forward to seeing Queen Letizia with our First Lady, Dr. Biden.
Queen Letizia met with US First Lady Jill Biden at the Royal Palace today, June 27:

** gtresnews gallery ** casareal ** rex gallery **

Afterwards they visited the Cancer Association (AECC) in Madrid:

** casareal ** ppe gallery **

** gettyimages gallery: ESP: Queen Letizia and First Lady Jill Biden Visit Cancer Association In Madrid **

Meanwhile King Felipe received Josep Borrell Fontelles, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the European Commission:

** casareal ** gtresnews gallery **

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The Palacio Real de Madrid is such a stunning setting for the event.

I wonder in which language they were speaking. Letizia is not known to be a good linguist and I think that's appalling.

Is Dr. Biden known to speak any other languages, or would that be less appalling?

Letizia lived and worked in the US for an extended period and since we don't see an interpreter around, I'm going to assume that her English, while clearly accented, was up to semi-diplomatic purposes today.
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I wonder in which language they were speaking. Letizia is not known to be a good linguist and I think that's appalling.

Why so? The Duchess of Cambridge speaks nothing except English fluently, and is the only would-be Consort in Europe who is limited to one language.

Some would call that "appalling".:whistling:

Anyway Letizia's English has improved vastly since her marriage. Her English language skills are great.

I heard Letizia speaking English before and it sounded pretty good to me. As Prinsara said, as a journalist, she lived and worked in the US.

I believe Dr. Jill Biden doesn't speak Spanish though.

Dr. Biden is an accomplished woman, but the less said about her Spanish language skills the better.:eek:

The last truly multi-lingual First Lady the USA had was Jacqueline Kennedy, which as an American is disappointing to admit.
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I have to wonder why there still are those programs for spouses visiting museums and children while the men are talking big business or even about war...
I remember that Letizia was shown the vegetable garden of the White House by Michelle O while Felipe was received by Barack Obama...
Most of these women have an independent career these days still are pressed into the accessory role. Our former first husband Prof Joachim Sauer, a chemist with an impressive world wide reputation hated these events and hardly participated... I wonder what the wives and girlfriends are still doing at such a summit in 2022, tagging along in the shadow of the husbands, so much talk about women and independence and this is ad absurdum.
I have to wonder why there still are those programs for spouses visiting museums and children while the men are talking big business or even about war...
I remember that Letizia was shown the vegetable garden of the White House by Michelle O while Felipe was received by Barack Obama...
Most of these women have an independent career these days still are pressed into the accessory role. Our former first husband Prof Joachim Sauer, a chemist with an impressive world wide reputation hated these events and hardly participated... I wonder what the wives and girlfriends are still doing at such a summit in 2022, tagging along in the shadow of the husbands, so much talk about women and independence and this is ad absurdum.

Because their independent careers have nothing to do with coming along on diplomatic trips, regardless of gender. If they don't like the cultural activities or the socializing or the fancy dinners they can just stay home, like Merkel's husband.

Also, frequently, the spouses have given up their independent careers for their political partner's ambitions, or even non-political ones, like Letizia. Dr. Biden is the first First Lady to have a regular paying job outside the White House.
Because their independent careers have nothing to do with coming along on diplomatic trips, regardless of gender. If they don't like the cultural activities or the socializing or the fancy dinners they can just stay home, like Merkel's husband.

Also, frequently, the spouses have given up their independent careers for their political partner's ambitions, or even non-political ones, like Letizia. Dr. Biden is the first First Lady to have a regular paying job outside the White House.

The question is why they have to come along on diplomatic trips, something that Prof. Sauer never understood.

And there is certainly a difference between a royal consort position for life or a spouse of an elected president who will do the job for a limited time only.
Official Welcome to His Excellency the President of the United States of America, Mr. Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
Torrejon Air Base. Torrejon de Ardoz (Madrid)

King Felipe attends “NATO Public Forum” seminar, an act of public diplomacy co-organized by the Elcano Royal Institute

Meeting with His Excellency the President of the United States of America, Mr. Joseph R. Biden, Jr. at the Royal Palace of Madrid

Dinner offered by Their Majesties the King and Queen to the delegations of Heads of State and Government attending the NATO Summit at the Royal Palace of Madrid


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The question is why they have to come along on diplomatic trips, something that Prof. Sauer never understood.

The difference with Mr. Sauer is that he was the husband of the Cancellor not the President and those have seldom an official role here unline the wife's of the President. And then he preffered his Privacy ans was seldom in the Public. If i remember rigt he only once was present when his took oath as cancellor if at all.
The question is why they have to come along on diplomatic trips, something that Prof. Sauer never understood.

And there is certainly a difference between a royal consort position for life or a spouse of an elected president who will do the job for a limited time only.

They don't have to, most choose to, because it's seen as a privilege, and diplomatic service has always included spouses, families, and now whatever companions (again) choose to go. It's centuries-old tradition. Acting like it's some sort of chintzy little routine tagalongs (women) are forced into and smarter people (men) are too good for just isn't the case.

Tell that to Hillary Rodham or Michelle Robinson who gave up promising legal careers to be First Lady. I think most political spouses find it is generally a lifetime — if not life-disrupting — commitment.
The US First Lady looks the be thoroughly enjoying her engagements in Madrid.

Well her husband was making Felipe crack up from the moment he disembarked Air Force One, so it seems like it will be a cordial summit at minimum. Potentially jovial.

Letizia too appears to be enjoying herself.

Edit: I love Jacinda Ardern as much as anybody, but when did NZ join NATO?
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Well her husband was making Felipe crack up from the moment he disembarked Air Force One, so it seems like it will be a cordial summit at minimum. Potentially jovial.

Letizia too appears to be enjoying herself.

Edit: I love Jacinda Ardern as much as anybody, but when did NZ join NATO?

They aren't, however they are "contact countries" -
I heard Letizia speaking English before and it sounded pretty good to me. As Prinsara said, as a journalist, she lived and worked in the US.

I believe Dr. Jill Biden doesn't speak Spanish though.

Ex-King Constantine, Don Felipe's uncle, years ago, said words to the effect that Letizia, she may not have been queen then, was not good at languages. So, she may have been taking language lessons since.
King Felipe received European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen this morning, June 29:

** rex gallery ** gtresnews gallery ** casareal **

Afterwards he met with South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol:

** casareal **

As well as the President og Finland Sauli Vainamo Niinisto:

** gtresnews gallery **

Queen Letizia visited the Royal Palace of La Granja de San Ildefonso, the Royal Glass Factory of La Granja and the Reina Sofía National Art Centre Museum with the companions of the participants in the NATO Summit:

** gettyimages gallery ** gtresnews gallery ** ppe gallery **
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