Kate vs. Chelsy

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Heir Presumptive
Oct 3, 2004
28 June 2005
Who's the fittest to become a princess?
By Kevin O'Sullivan
LADIES and gentlemen take your seats, a fascinating contest for suitability to become a future princess is about to begin.​

In the red corner is fag-smoking South African boozer Chelsy Davy. Her opponent in the blue corner is the squeaky-clean woman they call England's perfect rose - Kate Middleton....

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I don't know if either of these women will stand the test of time. Pretty women come and they go. These young men have to find life partners that have more substance than style. I am sure that neither of these men want a repeat of their mother, they need to be very selective in their choice. However, they are young, but when "true" adulthood comes a knocking, meaning duty, service, a palace or two, and a bugdet of their own to tend, they will grow up quickly. But I am sure that William will be the least to worry about he is the smarter of the two. If Kate is the "one," he would be smart to wait it out and give their relationship time to mature beyond the confounds of school. They may need their distance in future to figure out how serious they are in their commitment and their love. To marry into the British Royal family is to marry an institution not the Jones next door. It would be unlike anything these yougn ladies have ever experienced, therefore, they need to be of sound mind and heart before moving forward with a marrage.

Their lives will not be their's alone anymore. It would be alot to ask
Akilah what on earth do you mean 'a repeat of their mother'?
Going back to the thread I think both girls seem to suit each of the boys! On top of which I think both girls are good for William and Harry. People completly seperate from their family.
I think that it's a bit premature to think about marriage for either William or Harry. Their father didn't marry until his early thirties and I think they'll likely follow suit, either marrying in their early thirties or late twenties.

By the way, I think the incessant Diana-bashing on several forums is a bit tacky. The lady's been dead for eight years; it's time we stopped bad-mouthing her.
grecka said:
I think that it's a bit premature to think about marriage for either William or Harry. Their father didn't marry until his early thirties and I think they'll likely follow suit, either marrying in their early thirties or late twenties.

By the way, I think the incessant Diana-bashing on several forums is a bit tacky. The lady's been dead for eight years; it's time we stopped bad-mouthing her.

Of course, it to soon for William and Harry to be thinking about marriage, but when they do marry I would hope these young men take into account their parent's situation and do not repeat it.
I would have to agree with you there. Diana and Charles were pushed together for the sake of "the greater good", and they were basically doomed to fail in their marriage from the beginning. I think both William and Harry will be alotted much more freedom in choosing wives.
Akilah said:
I don't know if either of these women will stand the test of time. Pretty women come and they go. These young men have to find life partners that have more substance than style. I am sure that neither of these men want a repeat of their mother, they need to be very selective in their choice. However, they are young, but when "true" adulthood comes a knocking, meaning duty, service, a palace or two, and a bugdet of their own to tend, they will grow up quickly. But I am sure that William will be the least to worry about he is the smarter of the two. If Kate is the "one," he would be smart to wait it out and give their relationship time to mature beyond the confounds of school. They may need their distance in future to figure out how serious they are in their commitment and their love. To marry into the British Royal family is to marry an institution not the Jones next door. It would be unlike anything these yougn ladies have ever experienced, therefore, they need to be of sound mind and heart before moving forward with a marrage.

Their lives will not be their's alone anymore. It would be alot to ask
I cannot believe the short-sightedness of people who think that a person with a pretty face and/or a waist that's the 'figuratively' size would not be a person of substance...whether Diana was thin or not, her beauty definitely was in 2nd place behind her charitable behaviour and perfect 'mothering' skills....I'm offended!!!
William and Harry will have to be selective. Things were just not meant to be with Diana and Charles. My motto is "Things happen for a reason, sometimes those reasons are very clear, very quickly, and sometimes it takes time for them to reveal themselves." Please keep in mind that I am not diminishing the fact that Diana's death wasn't tragic, but I have faith that in some way, it will benefit someone or something in the end. William and Harry have quite a few "good" relationships to gather knowledge from, Queen Elizabeth & Prince Phillip, Duke & Duchess of Glouchester, Edward & Sophie and Prince & Princess Michael of Kent. I have confidence that they will choose their partner wisely.
Personally I find Chelsy and her family to be rather declasse. From appearances (which I know can be decieving) she appears to have the morals of an alley cat and her family are simply cashing in on her relationship with Harry. IMHO Diana would have been appalled!

Now Kate. Here is a young lady who keeps her own counsel and her family keep to themselves. A much safer bet for a future princess.
wymanda said:
Personally I find Chelsy and her family to be rather declasse. From appearances (which I know can be decieving) she appears to have the morals of an alley cat and her family are simply cashing in on her relationship with Harry.
I don't know about Chelsy's moral. I guess you are referring to her party lifestyle that you maybe find not appropriate or maybe the way she dress? Could you elaborate please?
About her parents, I don't understand what you mean. Her parents were millionaires far before Harry was even born and their business is related to Safaris and killing animals. I don't quite understand how Harry could possibly bring them money. They were successful before him and I don't see people spending an awful lot of cash to kill poor beasts just because Chelsy is dating Harry...:confused:
Idriel said:
I don't know about Chelsy's moral. I guess you are referring to her party lifestyle that you maybe find not appropriate or maybe the way she dress? Could you elaborate please?
About her parents, I don't understand what you mean. Her parents were millionaires far before Harry was even born and their business is related to Safaris and killing animals. I don't quite understand how Harry could possibly bring them money. They were successful before him and I don't see people spending an awful lot of cash to kill poor beasts just because Chelsy is dating Harry...:confused:

I was referring to the fact that numerous members of Chelsy's family are giving stories to the press, for which I assume they get payed, about the infatuation between Harry & Chelsy!
Chelsy dresses like a tart and behaves like one. She appears to be well on the way to a drinking problem and will drag Harry down with her. He has little enough self control as it is without the influence of this young woman.
Personally I think she is after a title. Her fathers links with Mugabe make her questionably the worse girlfriend Harry could have found.
wymanda said:
I was referring to the fact that numerous members of Chelsy's family are giving stories to the press, for which I assume they get payed, about the infatuation between Harry & Chelsy!
OK I see what you mean know! You are talking about this uncle who told the press they were getting married and other daft remarks. I actually follow closely the UK royal family and as far as I know he is the only one in the family talking to the press (and he stopped now). Her dad talked about his links to Mugabe to defend himself but did not talk about Harry. And there has been various stories from "close friends" which are of course not to be trusted.
Chelsy dresses like a tart and behaves like one. She appears to be well on the way to a drinking problem and will drag Harry down with her.
I definitely agree her wardrobe is clearly a major issue :D ! As for her dragging Harry, well I don't see Harry needing anyone to misbehave! He's quite good at it on his own actually!!
Her fathers links with Mugabe make her questionably the worse girlfriend Harry could have found.
I don't know... look at Maxima. I don't think that will be a major issue if Harry decide to get serious about her. Also, until now she has her hands clean...
Regardless of who is better, i dont envy either of these girls. Look at the history of british royal marriages , most end in divorce.
That's only been the case recently, when senior young royals were expected to make suitable marriages in a day and age when marrying for love had become the norm and when the media was being very intrusive in their personal lives. Nowadays if the princes can marry who they like, within reason, this should be less of a problem.
I like both of them,however I am not sure if they will marry either because of the age thing,and just look at their father and when he married,and can we please just let Diana RIP???
diana seemed really nice. i like kate, but chelsy seems like the type of girl guys date because they're fun, not the kind of girl that guys marry
Then again, Harry is the type of "bad boy" girls date but not bring home to meet Mom & Dad.
I know Incas, but unfortunately the " bad boy " Harry is a royal boy and my Mom and Dad would'n mind LOLOL
mag pic of Chelsy and Kate..thanks to William and Harry Unlimited
i guess everyone has some " bad " days. LOL but the Chelsy's pic is hilarious
i can imagine kate marrying prince william. i think chelsy and harry wont last very long. thats just my opinion
why not? i know Wills is too young , but why not.
the photo of chelsy is so unflattering that i think the article isn't fair, despite the fact that i like kate more to begin with. also, it portrays one doing something healthy and normal like biking, and the other as some kind of drunk looking party girl with a drink in her hand
I agree. they should look at every aspect. Kate goes clubbing too. they should fairly compair the two. I don't like Chelsey on the fact that I don't think she is right for Harry.
Harry needs someone to love him unconditinaly and to control him in a way. I don't think Prince Charles really supports the relationship. Prince Charles knows what it is like for your parents to disaprove of love, ie Camila and he doesn't want harry to end up like himself. thats my opinion.
Quite honestly, Kate is just a little better than Chelsy. I mean Kate is such a "good girl" it ANNOYING!!! She goes clubbing in jeans and a full sleeve shirt!:confused: Nobody is that perfect. To me it just seems too good to be true. Any comments?:rolleyes:
Am I the only one that doesn't like Kate that much? It's kinda fishy to me that she went from having a pic of him on her wall at school and having the nicname of queen kate or something like that, then she ends up in South America not long after him, then all of a sudden she is in Scotland studying History of Art with him.. I sort of think she put herself in his path in a way which indicates (to me) obsession rather than love. I hope I'm wrong (because I think they'll get married), but I think it would partially explain her "saint kate" image... if she is as cunning as I get the impression she is then she isn't going to blow her chances with her prince now by getting blind drunk in a club and pashing another guy. But like I said, I hope I'm wrong. Maybe she really is in love with him and clean of these things I said entirely (instead of convincing herself she is meant to be queen and convince herself she is in love with him)... Time will tell I suppose.

Well, people were saying things like that about Chelsy too... that she wanted to be "famous", that she had some sort of hope of catching a prince too. If it is within her to do this, and use someone for want of fame, then she does NOT have the character to be a princess and a public figure at all - same for Kate, and any future girlfriend they have...

I don't think either of the girls is better than the other.

I think there has to be a higher standard than simply portraying a happy healthy relationship or person to the press otherwise it will all blow up in their faces... I hope they actually ARE healthy and in this for all the right reasons :) It must be hard for the boys to find girls who genuinly look past the fairytale from Day One but I hope they do, everyone deserves to be loved unconditionally.:p
Maybe she doesn't want to blow her chances with William..prince or no prince. So she doesn't get drunk at clubs. They were together before they went to college. I think William decided to go to St. Andrews because his friends were going there. Kate wasn't the only one of his friends to attend. No one likes Chelsy because of her morals, We don't see Kate walking around with her boobs hanging out. Therefore Kate is "better" than Chelsey when you look at who has the highest class and morals.
I don't know if Chelsey said she has always wanted to be famous, but looking at who supports their boyfriend the most. I will have to say Kate, because she convinced Will to stay in college, while I read from many different sources that Chelsey didn't want Harry to join the arm so they could spend more time together.
kool name, bananarama. I've never said that Kate has " a saint image" . i just like her style better.
by the way, where did you get the info that Kate and Wills knew each other long time before St. Andrews?
segolen said:
kool name, bananarama. I've never said that Kate has " a saint image" . i just like her style better.
by the way, where did you get the info that Kate and Wills knew each other long time before St. Andrews?

thanks :)

I never said that you said she had a saint kate image either, simple misunderstanding, I was referring to the media. I remember reading about her being refered to as saint kate, which summed it up to me. Agree totally her fashion is better than Chelsy's though - a bit bland but more appropriate to be photographed so constantly in, (but I don't think Kate the person is better than Chelsy the person - not saying you said that :) I said it lol).

I also never said that they knew each other before St Andrews, I think they met at St Andrews and not before (I am talking of an article that was with her friend Jessica (I think thats her name) in which she said the things about queen kate etc... I don't think Jessica said that Kate knew William before university though, I think they actually met there). I also read that she was in South America (Chile I think?) not long after him. It was simply something I noticed, could be coincidence though but I added all the stuff up I read about her and came to the conclusion that I didn't like her that much. I don't claim to know them, and only have the media to go on who I am aware sensationalises everything.

Hope that cleared that up :)
bananarama said:
I also never said that they knew each other before St Andrews, I think they met at St Andrews and not before (I am talking of an article that was with her friend Jessica (I think thats her name) in which she said the things about queen kate etc... I don't think Jessica said that Kate knew William before university though, I think they actually met there). I also read that she was in South America (Chile I think?) not long after him.
Hi bananarama! Your assumptions are right. Kate met William at Saint-Andrews and she was in Chile not long after he went there with the Raleigh.
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