If Stephanie Drops A Comment...

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Heir Presumptive
Jan 7, 2003

...the following coments done by Princess Stephanie are taken out of all-day-life situations my brothers and me had while spending holidays in Monaco...
My youngest brother collected some things he remembers from theese days and send it to me...I really laughes my ... off reading them and remebering....

I hope you enjoy.....and get to know Stephanie the way she is...through this....



  • If_Stephanie_drops_a_coment.doc
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This is the same ...just for those who don't want to download the file....I just copied it....:

Watching an animal documantery...
sayin: "Brown cows make hot choclate..."

As Louis opens up the door of his mom's car the alarm starts....
Steph:"Help, a kid steals my car and I'm sure he has no licence

Walking around in her store...waiting for a client...someone's
talking about Caroline...
Steph: If only Kif-Kif came around...I could go and have lunch..."

Screaming into her mobile: "I cant't understand you....whom are you
making love to?!"

Trying to get some beer out of the machine on her cafe's
counter...hitting it with both hands...shouting: " I'll climb on you
and make a toy for my kids...if you're not giving me some in 2

Reading a magazine during a break....sayin' : "Wow...they say I'm in
the states now with princess Diana....so what the hack am I still
doing here...I miss graet holidays......."
Sitting in her restaurant, talking to Alain Ducruet...
...One of the servents drops a plate, knife and fork behind the
Steph:"I've got the crises in my brain..."

Standing behind the counter of her store....hackin' the computer
...sayin':" Gotta go back to school tomorrow...my machine doesn't

My little brother entering the Replay Store with a Levis' cap on his
Steph:" The enemy attacs...."

Late at night in the cafe...conversation about all and nothing...
Jaqueline: "What do you guys consider to be romantic?"
Samuel:"Candellight, beach-party-fire...fire in general...."
Steph:"Yeah great...my house is burning down...how romantic..."

In an interview with italien mag 'OGGI'...
Oggi:"Do you practice nightlife?"
Steph:"Yes, at home in my bed...ehhhmmm...me alone..."

Looking into a mirror on her cafes wall...
...sayin' :" No, her again..."

Watching a soccer match on her restaurants big screen...the players
are forming a wall to hinder a freekick to score...putting their
hands in front of ..(the most important part of their body)...
Steph:" It's not worth protecting this..."

Screaming at a paparazzo...
Steph:"I want you to ask if you can take pictures..."
Paparazzo:" Your highness, may I take a picture?"
Steph:"No. today I look like Garfield"

Alain Ducruet talking to Thierry Lacoste about the economic ups and
downs of the Replay company...
Alain:"The number of fabrics we sold plus the number of people that
might become clients..devided own product and foreign product..gives
us a clue for next year,if we calculate with current results..."
Steph looking at Thierry, smiling :" You see Thierry, that's why I'm
crazy about him"

Standing on the sidewalk in Monte Carlo, watching a couple kissing....
Steph:" Can't believe that this countries head of state allows to do such
things in public..."

My brother singing:" On the telephone line I am anyone, I am
anythhing I wanna be...."
Steph:" I hope you won't call me at night"

Talkin to a friend...
Steph:" Yes my favourite word is 'active'...it's me who
rules...except at night...ehhmmm..when,when I'm tired..."


  • Steph_havin___fun.JPG
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This thread has convinced me that Stephanie is the royal I would most like to hang out with for a day. Good for her having a life and a sharp sense of humor. :p
Yeah, I guess she is a fun person with a lot of humor. It's probably great to be with her. :lol:

She seems so down to eartg and open minded....just a cutie that girl.

What do you guys think?
I think this thread goes very well with the 'Kind of funny pics' ....

If some of you have some more funny qotes of the famiy......please post ....
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Hahahahah:)....So funny...:):):)

Michelle, you and your brother for sure have great time when you meet Stephanie..

I don't know how I missed this thread...it definetly puts a smile on everybody's face...:)

So great you posted these quotas..If you have more please post..hehehe...still laughing..
This thread just shows us once again the great and fun person Stephanie is. Definetly someone I'd like to meet. ;)
Very funny. I enjoyed the line about the wall and the players. She´s hilarious. And the one about her and Diana is great too.

" Standing on the sidewalk in Monte Carlo, watching a couple kissing....
Steph:" Can't believe that this countries head of state allows to do such
things in public..."

ha ha ha. It´s okay. As long as they don´t scare the horses! ha ha ha.
Dennism said:
Very funny. I enjoyed the line about the wall and the players. She´s hilarious. And the one about her and Diana is great too.

" Standing on the sidewalk in Monte Carlo, watching a couple kissing....
Steph:" Can't believe that this countries head of state allows to do such
things in public..."

ha ha ha. It´s okay. As long as they don´t scare the horses! ha ha ha.

Yeah...and the real funny thing is that: 'this countries head of state' is .... her dad ( was it a this time) :D
Some more of Steph I remember:

- " I made some tea for the family. I was in the kitchen, only two steps from the living room where everyone was hanging around. I burned my fingers with that damn hot water. I screamed, I shouted, I cried ...I was yelling like a dieing dog..... this bunch of my own blood didn't react at all...When I told my nephews what had happend they said they thought I had restarted my singing career ....:D:p "

-" In Auron I love to make barbecues with all the kids of the village. I'm a specialist in burger-making. They call me 'Big-Mac-Monaco-Maker' "
michelle said:
Some more of Steph I remember:

- " I made some tea for the family. I was in the kitchen, only two steps from the living room where everyone was hanging around. I burned my fingers with that damn hot water. I screamed, I shouted, I cried ...I was yelling like a dieing dog..... this bunch of my own blood didn't react at all...When I told my nephews what had happend they said they thought I had restarted my singing career ....:D:p "

-" In Auron I love to make barbecues with all the kids of the village. I'm a specialist in burger-making. They call me 'Big-Mac-Monaco-Maker' "

Jajaja!!! Very funny Michelle:p ! The first is great!. Bad nephews!:cool: ;) :p
Hilarious Michelle keep posting more :) :D

I remember Rainier saying in 1999 that all of his grandchildren were very talented musicians and that the family could have their own musical group, but it wasn't possible since everyone would "fight" for the leading position of the group :D
monaco70s said:
Hilarious Michelle keep posting more :) :D

I remember Rainier saying in 1999 that all of his grandchildren were very talented musicians and that the family could have their own musical group, but it wasn't possible since everyone would "fight" for the leading position of the group :D

Really, he said that ? :) How cute......I imagine they'd be a great band....
Yes he said it when interviewed on the ocassion of his 50th year on the throne. Certainly they would ;)
Steph :D:D ...she's sooooo funny !

I remember this one: (came to think of it as we wonder what Mathieu's surname is)

My cousin when he was younger asked her: " Hey Stephanie, what's your surname btw ?"
Stephanie: " I don't have one ":p
Flo: " How come you have no surname. That's not posssible. Isn't it 'de Monaco' ?"
Stephanie: Monaco isn't a surname, little friend, Monaco is a country!

Flo ( really confused ) saying to my aunt: " Mom, Stephanie is a poor girl. She has no surmname at all."
My aunt: " She's kidding , honey ..."

Flo to Stephanie again: " My mom says you have to have a surname"
Stephanie: " Really, my god...they should have told me. What am I going to do now?":p
Flo: " No, Stephanie, seriously ( almost desperate ) stop making fun of me."
Steph: " Oh boy. Do you know Alberts surname?"
Flo: " No."
Steph: " Albert's surname is Grimaldi I think, so mine has to be something like that as well..." :p

Flo was ok with that answer....:D
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Really cute she has a good humor got any more ?
I have one more:

Stephanie and some friends have dinner.
Caroline enters the room.
Steph: " Oh guys attention! Here comes my sister... and that one takes herself as a REAL princess ;).... ayayay..."
Caro shaking her head with a big grin in her face as if she wants to say: " I'll get you one day, little fish..." :D
This is stuff that stephanie actually said? that last one is so funny LOL
RADKER18 said:
This is stuff that stephanie actually said? that last one is so funny LOL

It is! the last one it wasn't me personally who heard her saying that. I think it was Bernard Montiel or somebody who reported it. It was in ParisMatch, too ...:p
michelle said:
It is! the last one it wasn't me personally who heard her saying that. I think it was Bernard Montiel or somebody who reported it. It was in ParisMatch, too ...:p

Stephanie is really so funny! Spending time with her is definitely priceless! You're so lucky to know her, Michelle. :)
Stephanie also likes to say these words ( at least she used to)
She said 32 000 times a day: " Praise and and recognition " when someone did or said something right or something she liked...

As she dropped some clothes in her store Pierre ( 10 years old ) shouted:
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michelle said:
Stephanie also likes to say these words ( at least she used to)
She said 32 000 times a day: " Praise and and recognition " when someone did or said something right or something she liked...

As she dropped some clothes in her store Pierre ( 10 years old ) shouted:

Hahaha:) :p ..Pierre learned it from the best..:)

Michelle, thanx for sharing! It's always so pleasent surprise to "give a look" at this thread..;)
michelle said:
Stephanie also likes to say these words ( at least she used to)
She said 32 000 times a day: " Praise and and recognition " when someone did or said something right or something she liked...

As she dropped some clothes in her store Pierre ( 10 years old ) shouted:

Yeahhhh, Pierre - give it to her :D:p
I really enjoyed this thread!! :D :D :D ..Its so nice and interesting to know funny quotes and anecdotes about the Princess!!..Thanks Michelle for sharing :) .By the way Michelle, who's the two kids in your avatar?.They look like Caroline and Albert when they were young..
I like these quotes, especially the one about her surname. Thankyou for posting them.
Mahoogie said:
I really enjoyed this thread!! :D :D :D ..Its so nice and interesting to know funny quotes and anecdotes about the Princess!!..Thanks Michelle for sharing :) .By the way Michelle, who's the two kids in your avatar?.They look like Caroline and Albert when they were young..

The kids in her avatar are Caro and Steph :) Two cuties :)
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