General News about Frederik, Mary and Family Part 19: September 2023 -

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Can someone please explain to me how Frederik was able to travel without any security? I thought personal protection was a 24/7 deal ... especially when travelling? How did he even get out of Denmark?

The whole thing is very odd.

He traveled safely. In this video, when he left Genoveva's house, the security guards were not on the street, strangely, but then an embassy car arrives to pick up the Prince.
Can someone please explain to me how Frederik was able to travel without any security? I thought personal protection was a 24/7 deal ... especially when travelling? How did he even get out of Denmark?

The whole thing is very odd.

That's the question no one can answer except Frederick. As the heir to the throne of Denmark, he would have had top Spanish police security if they knew he was in the country and his movements. His private bodyguards should also have been with him.

Only him can answer why he was alone without any security in Madrid at 8.30 am.
I obviously don´t know but if I had to guess I´d suppose that Frederik has done similar things many times before. I don´t assume he tricked his security, I think he works with them in order to not risk too much on one hand and retain some freedom and privacy on the other. I´d also suppose that he has staid at friends´ houses overnight before. Just this time he had the misfortune to be with someone who is specifically targetted by the Spanish media and thus got caught.

With hindsight, he and his advisors should probably have known better.
But you know what they say about hindsight.
Genoveva Casanova lives in Alfonso XII street in Madrid. It's a long street, and the video shows Frederick walking the street on his own without any type of security until he reaches a bus stop. He then makes a phone call and moves behind the bus stop when a bus arrives. He then gets a paper from his pocket, looks at it, tears it up and throws it in a public bin.

He keeps walking around the bus stop until a car arrives and he gets in.

This is his factual movements on the video.
As I posted when this first broke before, Frederik's recklessness in putting himself at risk, with ZERO security for a time, a future King, IN a foreign Country, no less, is simply astounding. In these increasingly dangerous and unstable times. Man, can you imagine if he had been kidnapped ?

The Video doesn't lie. He IS solo, WAITING to get picked up. And the leg -foot signal is comedy gold. So he could be identified, I'm guessing ?
Why didn't Frederik CALL from inside, then stand by window to await the car ?

I wonder who is hurt the most with trust broken more ? QMll, that her 55 year old Son and Heir displayed such appallingly bad judgement and reckless behavior ? Or Princess Mary, again such utter carelessness and irresponsible actions ? Frederik displayed zero thought for ANY implications, and yes, the "optics" or repercussions. To his Wife, Family or his Position.

Well, he has to face them now.

Give me a break, the whole thing seems preposterous, couldn't make it up. Like something out a a parody skit, like the UK TVShow, The Windsors.

No one would have cared about them going to The Exhibit, Dinner, or seeing a Flamenco Dancers Show. It is what happened next that blew it open.
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Why didn't Frederik CALL from inside, then stand by window to await the car ?

This is the question I find more damming. If Frederick staying with Ms Casanova was honest and open to his wife and family, why couldn't he call his embassy car from her apartment to be picked up at the door? Why walking on his own for 10 minutes without security of any kind until arriving to a bus stop to call them?
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Why didn't Frederik CALL from inside, then stand by window to await the car ?

This is the question I find more damming. If Frederick staying with Ms Casanova was honest and open to his wife and family, why couldn't he call his embassy car from her apartment to be picked up at the door? Why walking on his own for 10 minutes without security of any kind until arriving to a bus stop to call them?

The entire incident seems so out of character and reckless. I have a feeling there is another part of the story we don't even know about -- perhaps never will know. I just can't believe that he would be so reckless for what appears to be a one-night stand?!
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These Spanish TV shows are something, 6 people discussing Frederiks every move. Therefore nobody should be surprised that the issue is pushed as much in Spain, a lot of money to be made.
As I posted when this first broke before, Frederik's recklessness in putting himself at risk, with ZERO security for a time, a future King, IN a foreign Country, no less, is simply astounding. In these increasingly dangerous and unstable times. Man, can you imagine if he had been kidnapped ?

The Video doesn't lie. He IS solo, WAITING to get picked up. And the leg -foot signal is comedy gold. So he could be identified, I'm guessing ?
Why didn't Frederik CALL from inside, then stand by window to await the car ?

I wonder who is hurt the most with trust broken more ? QMll, that her 55 year old Son and Heir displayed such appallingly bad judgement and reckless behavior ? Or Princess Mary, again such utter carelessness and irresponsible actions ? Frederik displayed zero thought for ANY implications, and yes, the "optics" or repercussions. To his Wife, Family or his Position.

Well, he has to face them now.

Give me a break, the whole thing seems preposterous, couldn't make it up. Like something out a a parody skit, like the UK TVShow, The Windsors.

No one would have cared about them going to The Exhibit, Dinner, or seeing a Flamenco Dancers Show. It is what happened next that blew it open.

Yeah, yeah, easy now.

Frederik won't be shipped off to Christiansø to face oblivion there.

AFAIK he flew by private jet to Spain, that's what the Spanish press said, right?
And he did not slip out of DK without knowing about or there would have been a nation wide lockdown. (Such a lockdown has happened before.)
It is also a well known secret that he from time to time move about in DK (where he is among the most wellknown persons at all) without PET officers.
And who knows him in Spain? Even the pap had to check with a paper, before even finding out who Frederik was.
A person with bad intentions would first have to spot Frederik, then ID him before even contemplating what to do and how. I doubt would-be kidnappers and assassins roam the streets of Madrid in the hope of finding someone to harm. I also imagine the streets of Madrid to be pretty safe not least in a neighborhood where Miss Casanova lives.
Anyway, someone within PET would have made the assessment that it was relatively low risk for Frederik to move about solo in Madrid.

I think the obvious answer for Frederik standing on the street alone was that he had arranged for the car to pick him up at 08:30, so he just went down. And when the car wasn't there, he called: Where are you? And then waited on the street rather then walking inside again.
The car came and he was driven away.

Should he had brought security with him? IMO yes. But he didn't. And I wonder if such low-key behavior by royals aren't more common than we would normally think.

Anyway, as far as I understand there wasn't anything new in this much awaited video shown on TV?
No concrete evidence of adultery. Only insinuations and perhaps even wishful thinking, I suspect.
Must be pretty slow news in Spain these days.

The DK press have watched the video as well and it's nowhere near headline news here. Nor is it the talk of the town. What people talk about is a politician who got kicked out by his party and the concerns about the ground being saturated by rain.

Mary evidently hasn't run off to Australia to contemplate her marriage, nor are there reports that she isn't living at Amalienborg.
No rumors about a separation or upcoming divorce.
- Oh well, there is always next year. :D

Quite disturbingly though when I look around on comments here and there there are actually people who can barely hide their wish for M&F's marriage being on the rocks or even better, end!
A most perplexing attitude, I dare say.
Fortunately, I know we won't see anything like that here on TRF. ?
JMHO -- but Frederik was set-up big time by someone. Why on earth did some random person take a picture of him that early in the morning unless they were tipped off???
Muhler, I don't put Royals on a pedestal. They are People too. The whole " letting daylight in upon the magic".... that fell apart A LONG TIME AGO.

I, also having been thru a terrible divorce wouldn't wish that on someone I like. And I do like Princess Mary. I also feel bad for her in this. And Queen Margarethe. Frederik KNOWS better, or should have.

I am not wishing for a separation and I don't think there is much chance of that happening either.

Would you prefer we don't discuss this it all all? Or just insist that Frederik wasn't acting foolish or irresponsible at the least ? OR downright reckless at the worst.

Frederik blew it. Screwed up big time. I guess we are all entitled to our own opinions.

Suztav. TOTALLY agree !!! Great catch !
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an interesting video from a Spanish pap/journalist analyzing the video of Frederik in the morning. Highlighting some "tricks" the media use to sell.

It's in Spanish. He highlights how there is no video of him exciting a building (her apartment or a hotel), cause he points out there are hotels nearby. He finds it very weird that 3 paps did not get a video of him exciting a building.
Also points out how the tabloids state that bodyguards were with him the night before (to the museum and restaurant) so the bodyguards must know where he stayed. But now the tabloids sell the story of him being without bodyguards or anyone knowing.

to me it highlights how facts will be lost as the story is sensationalized by those needing to sell it.:flowers:

starts at 36 minutes or so
an interesting video from a Spanish pap/journalist analyzing the video of Frederik in the morning. Highlighting some "tricks" the media use to sell.

It's in Spanish. He highlights how there is no video of him exciting a building (her apartment or a hotel), cause he points out there are hotels nearby. He finds it very weird that 3 paps did not get a video of him exciting a building.
Also points out how the tabloids state that bodyguards were with him the night before (to the museum and restaurant) so the bodyguards must know where he stayed. But now the tabloids sell the story of him being without bodyguards or anyone knowing.

to me it highlights how facts will be lost as the story is sensationalized by those needing to sell it.:flowers:

starts at 36 minutes or so

Bottom line ... he stayed some place ... but, perhaps not at her place. Correct?
This paparazzi is a character with little credibility, who has worked in the worst gossip press. He attacks a photo agency that is his competition and a television network from which he was fired.

And to add a little common sense... if Frederik had slept in a hotel, the logical thing would be that they would pick him up at the door and that he would not have to wander the streets and wait at a bus stop.
an interesting video from a Spanish pap/journalist analyzing the video of Frederik in the morning. Highlighting some "tricks" the media use to sell.

It's in Spanish. He highlights how there is no video of him exciting a building (her apartment or a hotel), cause he points out there are hotels nearby. He finds it very weird that 3 paps did not get a video of him exciting a building.
Also points out how the tabloids state that bodyguards were with him the night before (to the museum and restaurant) so the bodyguards must know where he stayed. But now the tabloids sell the story of him being without bodyguards or anyone knowing.

to me it highlights how facts will be lost as the story is sensationalized by those needing to sell it.:flowers:

starts at 36 minutes or so

Thanks Polyesco! Interesting.

Interesting that now this particular individual is horrible, not credible and should not be paid attention to. Why? Because he is presenting a version of events that does not fit the accepted narrative here? All of sudden he should not be listened to? :whistling:

This video is obviously presenting some information about how paps can craft a narrative by how they present photos, video and a timeline of their own creation. So, that is to be trust outright, without questioning? Now these paps are the paragons of veracity and accuracy? Are they trying to sell the most salacious version of events to make money? So this is to be taken as fact?

Sorry - in my view, having actual common sense is questioning things that do not make sense. Common sense is being able to look at a situation and not jump to the most dramatic conclusion. Unless, of course, that is the agenda and narrative that is being desired.

But I forgot, Spanish paps that "allegedly" attempt to blackmail (because that is what it is) a Head of State with photos are to held to some high moral standard - while a person on a video explaining the (well known) tactics of paps (around the world) is to be immediately dismissed as having ulterior motives

Sure. :whistling:
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Please explain to me how it's somehow more incriminating for Frederik to call for transport on the street than at Casanova's place? ?

Surely if one is having a sexy rendezvous, one call for transport within the comfort of the person you were just comfortable with's home. And surely, if his visits to Madrid are a regular occurrence as Spanish tabloids claim, he wouldn't have to flag down his transport.

Should he had brought security with him? IMO yes. But he didn't. And I wonder if such low-key behavior by royals aren't more common than we would normally think.

As someone who's holidayed in the same city as M&F and their kids, I can say for certainty: It is.

The DK press have watched the video as well and it's nowhere near headline news here. Nor is it the talk of the town. What people talk about is a politician who got kicked out by his party and the concerns about the ground being saturated by rain.

Personally, I think it says all I need to know that the Danish tabloid press isn't running this story with even a tenth of the ferocity they were running the stories about Herlufsholm or the title changes.

I don't know if people here think media outlets like BT, Ekstra Bladet, Se og Hør, Her&Nu shy away from criticising the DRF – that definitely isn't the case :cool: Make of that what you will.

This paparazzi is a character with little credibility, who has worked in the worst gossip press. He attacks a photo agency that is his competition and a television network from which he was fired.

Now I'm confused, I thought Spain didn't have a gossip press... :cool:

Moreover, normally I think most would agree that few paparazzi/tabloid journalists have much credibility. Surprisingly in this case, people seem very keen to believe them when they continue the narrative of an affair between Frederik and Casanova, and discredit them when they don't. I wonder why that is.
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Please explain to me how it's somehow more incriminating for Frederik to call for transport on the street than at Casanova's place? ?

Surely if one is having a sexy rendezvous, one call for transport within the comfort of the person you were just comfortable with's home. And surely, if his visits to Madrid are a regular occurrence as Spanish tabloids claim, he wouldn't have to flag down his transport.

As someone who's holidayed in the same city as M&F and their kids, I can say for certainty: It is.

Personally, I think it says all I need to know that the Danish tabloid press isn't running this story with even a tenth of the ferocity they were running the stories about Herlufsholm or the title changes.

I don't know if people here think media outlets like BT, Ekstra Bladet, Se og Hør, Her&Nu shy away from criticising the DRF – that definitely isn't the case :cool: Make of that what you will.

From my understanding of following the Danish press when it comes to the DRF - they have zero issue with criticizing them or their actions. Some tabloids seem to do it with a more sensationalized angle than others, but they don't bury the lead as they say.

There does not seem to be some invisible contract between the DRF and the press that ends up looking like some quid pro quo (ie exchanging leaks for good coverage or no coverage depending on the issue).
Interesting that now this particular individual is horrible, not credible and should not be paid attention to. Why? Because he is presenting a version of events that does not fit the accepted narrative here? All of sudden he should not be listened to? :whistling:

I think that on several occasions I have tried to indicate which Spanish media may be more or less reliable... but I am definitely not going to do it again. If you enjoy seeing all the amount of garbage that Spanish gossip can generate, you can continue enjoying it. ?
Muhler, I don't put Royals on a pedestal. They are People too. The whole " letting daylight in upon the magic".... that fell apart A LONG TIME AGO.

I, also having been thru a terrible divorce wouldn't wish that on someone I like. And I do like Princess Mary. I also feel bad for her in this. And Queen Margarethe. Frederik KNOWS better, or should have.

I am not wishing for a separation and I don't think there is much chance of that happening either.

Would you prefer we don't discuss this it all all? Or just insist that Frederik wasn't acting foolish or irresponsible at the least ? OR downright reckless at the worst.

Frederik blew it. Screwed up big time. I guess we are all entitled to our own opinions.

Suztav. TOTALLY agree !!! Great catch !

I don't understand... :ermm:

I specifically said in my post that the nasty (even gleeful) comments I have seen, surely wouldn't be something we would see here on TRF.

I didn't mention you or that you had any desire to wish that anything bad would happen in M&F's relationship. Perish the thought. No one in their right mind would wish an otherwise happy marriage to break down. - And after all you yourself have gone through some very troubling times in your life, regarding your divorce. I can't imagine that you would even dream of wishing something similar to happen to M&F. I naturally, and that goes without saying, extend my deepest sympathy to you and hope the best for you.

Nor did I say a word about us not discussing this narrative from the Spanish gossip press.

I have not rules out the notion that Frederik could, possible, perhaps, conceivably have had an affair.
Just as I have certainly not dismissed the notion that he has acted carelessly, thoughtlessly or even foolishly. - I'm just not that ready to crucify him on either grounds just yet. You know, the benefit of doubt thing, I'm so fond of.

On another note:
I now understand that the photographers, the presenters and the editors behind this remarkable documentary are people with impeccable integrity, whose words are unlikely to be doubted.
While the photographer who talked about the methods used by some paparazzi (naturally not these four stout men mentioned here in this thread) is a very naughty little man. Got it. ?
I think that on several occasions I have tried to indicate which Spanish media may be more or less reliable... but I am definitely not going to do it again. If you enjoy seeing all the amount of garbage that Spanish gossip can generate, you can continue enjoying it. ?

But I thought there were no gossip sites/tabloids in Spain? Has that changed since this sequence of events occurred?

What I will continue to do is apply common sense and critical thinking skills to whatever is written or presented about this particular situation. I don't have an agenda or a pre-determined narrative that I am going to present as fact or pick and choose what is reliable or not reliable based on whether it supports that aforementioned narrative.
But I thought there were no gossip sites/tabloids in Spain? Has that changed since this sequence of events occurred?

Maybe before attacking you should read things, or better inform yourself about how the press works in Spain.

In Spain there are no tabloids as such, there is the gossip press and within that press the jet set has Hola as its main magazine, and Genoveva falls into that group.

In Spain there are no tabloids and there is no yellow press either, those terms are used in other countries but not in Spain ... in Spain there is the gossip press or the pink press, which is somewhat more complex and includes magazines, newspapers, radios and televisions... and depending on the medium it can be more or less serious, or it can be real rubbish.
If I understand correctly, this happened on the Alfonso XII street, correct?

Which means the photographers would have been standing inside the park, observing the entrance to Miss Casanova's home. - And there is indeed a bus route through that street.
There are also two pretty good hotels, the Hotel Palacio Del Retiro, and the Petit Palace Savoy Alfonso XII.
Would these hotels be a place where a in Spain pretty unknown Danish Crown Prince might stay?

Did the documentary mention these two hotels on the same street?

And wouldn't you know, the Danish embassy is located 500 meters north of Alfonso XII Street. All you have to do is walk north (or take the bus for that matter) past the roundabout at the end of Alfonso XII street and continue up the very posh C de Serrano Street.
I suppose that was mentioned too in the documentary. Or perhaps they forgot?

And the documentary did show Frederik actually, physically, leaving the entrance door to Miss Casanova's home? (Which I believe I have now located. That didn't take long!)
I keep wondering when Ms Casanova will return to her home and normal life.

For someone accustomed to having a high profile in the Spanish media spotlight for years, I found her fleeing Madrid after being caught out lying about Frederik staying overnight at her apartment very dramatic.

I’ve read she has been photographed in different outfits … suggesting on more than one occasion … at her ex-husband’s San Sebastián home.

As these photos were described, rather than published, perhaps her lawyers have indeed had some effect, though they couldn’t put a lid on the original story and original photos.

Will she present her story in a glossy exclusive?

I think she must return at some stage and when she does, even if she stays silent, she will be subjected to attention whether she wants it or not, and that will feed the cycle.

Even Crown Princess Mary’s friend Amber Petty has been asked to comment by Daily Mail. They report she refused to comment on or “go anywhere near” the scandal.

I don’t think this is going to die down … it seems to have become a mini industry in YouTube land with so many videos being put out discussing every angle and aspect.

Thanks lula for letting us know the above YouTube broadcaster’s credibility level.

Of course, even Camilla Tominey, and the male Royal Reporter … can’t think of his name at the moment … have been on different TV channels down here in Australia discussing this, though avoiding mentioning Frederik and Genoveva spending the night together. As if anyone interested in this situation doesn’t have an internet connection and can find out for themselves. They seem to be making themselves irrelevant.

Even the body language experts on our TV praising Mary, trying to say her little gold F necklace is a message.

Well, certainly it was the subject of a crude joke on one TV station when this first blew up … along the lines of what trouble “a little F can get you into”.

These YouTubes and podcasts will be around forever. And their number will grow while it is a hot topic, and whenever more fuel comes out.

It will be interesting to see if Ms Casanova decides to take the bull by the horns and “explain” things in a situation where she will have some control of the narrative presented, or if she follows the example of the Danish Royal Family and tries to carry on while being buffeted by rumour and innuendo.
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Oh, you bet! "Genoveva tells her truth" will be her comeback to the cover of Hola!

That’s what I’m expecting Adda, especially from someone used to having a celebrity profile and working it, and who has friends in the media.

Then more sh*t will hit the fan, and another cat will be out of the bag and can never be put back in.

This is why I think the Danish Royal Family are staying stum. Not because they are above it all, not because they hope it will die down and they can ride it out.

The unknown in all of this is Genoveva Casanova and she has not shown her hand yet, let alone played it.

No-one wants to speak up, or have their friends speak out on their behalf, until they know what is going to come out from the other person involved in this, who has a life to continue and her own interests at stake.
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Oh, I think I forgot to mention the police station. District Police Station Madrid Retiro, that is located 300 meters from C de Alfonso XII street.
Big one, open 24/7/365.

I just found another 4 and 5 star hotels right next to C de Alfonso XII Street.
- I know, I know, our vigilant photographers never left their observation post, nor let their guard down for a moment, perhaps missing Frederik leaving Miss Casanova's home. That would be unthinkable.
What bothers me about this whole situation is the fact that democracies need the powers that be in them to balance each other out and to hold each other to account. In a monarchy, one of these powers is the royal family. I absolutely agree that they should be held to account. But another one of those powers is the press, and I all too often see people giving the press a free pass to act cynically and in a way that just serves their profit. This creates an imbalance that endangers imo in the long run the very survival of democracies. While the press is allowed to go rogue royal families often are held to an incredibly high standard. For example, in this case, Frederik and Mary are being accused by some people of presenting a „fairy tale“ to the public. From a cynical point of view, one could say that that is their job and they have done it well for a very long time, and what can you expect more? But then they are criticized for being inauthentic and basically lying to the public.

In my experience, you cannot have both: the perfect appearance and authenticity. Particularly not, if the humans in question have a more or less traumatizing family background which many royals actually have. Most traumatized people will at times act in a way that is irrational and damaging to themselves and their loved ones. (Don´t ask me how I know.)

There is a double standard in the expectations from the public towards royals on one hand and towards the media on the other. Royals are often expected to be some sort of superhumans while the media can do whatever as long as it is not expressly illegal. This creates an atmosphere where members of royal families are opened up to abusive behaviour from the press, not just in this case.

I don´t follow the Danish royals and I don´t have much of an opinion on Frederik. If I did and if I did not like him I might think that he deserves what is happening even though it may be abusive. But as it is, the very fact that he is being harrassed in order for other people to make money makes me sympathize with him. Maybe he was stupid but in my book stupidity is not a crime.
Besides, his family is made to suffer with him. I understand that people blame Frederik even more because of that. In contrast, I blame the media. Why? Because imo it is so obvious that they do not even try to pretend that they are serving the public good whereas I so far do not see that Frederik had any bad intention in this. When one party is stupid and the other ill-intentioned I will always side with the stupid one.

I haven´t followed these issues closely but the Spanish media appear to have done an overall good job with covering the major scandals in the Spanish royal family. In this case, though, it seems to me that the Danish Crown Prince had the misfortune of being seen with a woman who is not very popular with the Spanish public and has a certain reputation (…) I get the impression that the Spanish media is either wildly overreacting or quite simply just after the money.
I don´t think that we as the public should support them in this or reward these practices, in our very own interest. For democracies to survive, the media has to be held morally accountable, too.
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I keep wondering when Ms Casanova will return to her home and normal life.

For someone accustomed to having a high profile in the Spanish media spotlight for years, I found her fleeing Madrid after being caught out lying about Frederik staying overnight at her apartment very dramatic.

Genoveva had a very serious health problem last August. She had a pulmonary embolism for which she was admitted to the hospital and from which she is still recovering. So, dramatic or not, the constant harassment from the paparazzi that she would suffer in Madrid and the stress that this whole situation is generating has her family, friends and doctors highly concerned.

But of course, I understand that with all the great experts in the Spanish press that there are in this forum, no one has explained what Genoveva's situation is, even though all the Spanish media talk about it.
What bothers me about this whole situation is the fact that democracies need the powers that be in them to balance each other out and to hold each other to account. In a monarchy, one of these powers is the royal family. I absolutely agree that they should be held to account. But another one of those powers is the press, and I all too often see people giving the press a free pass to act cynically and in a way that just serves their profit. This creates an imbalance that endangers imo in the long run the very survival of democracies. While the press is allowed to go rogue royal families often are held to an incredibly high standard. For example, in this case, Frederik and Mary are being accused by some people of presenting a „fairy tale“ to the public. From a cynical point of view, one could say that that is their job and they have done it well for a very long time, and what can you expect more? But then they are criticized for being inauthentic and basically lying to the public.

In my experience, you cannot have both: the perfect appearance and authenticity. Particularly not, if the humans in question have a more or less traumatizing family background which many royals actually have. Most traumatized people will at times act in a way that is irrational and damaging to themselves and their loved ones. (Don´t ask me how I know.)

There is a double standard in the expectations from the public towards royals on one hand and towards the media on the other. Royals are often expected to be some sort of superhumans while the media can do whatever as long as it is not expressly illegal. This creates an atmosphere where members of royal families are opened up to abusive behaviour from the press, not just in this case.

I don´t follow the Danish royals and I don´t have much of an opinion on Frederik. If I did and if I did not like him I might think that he deserves what is happening even though it may be abusive. But as it is, the very fact that he is being harrassed in order for other people to make money makes me sympathize with him. Maybe he was stupid but in my book stupidity is not a crime.
Besides, his family is made to suffer with him. I understand that people blame Frederik even more because of that. In contrast, I blame the media. Why? Because imo it is so obvious that they do not even try to pretend that they are serving the public good whereas I so far do not see that Frederik had any bad intention in this. When one party is stupid and the other ill-intentioned I will always side with the stupid one.

I haven´t followed these issues closely but the Spanish media appear to have done an overall good job with covering the major scandals in the Spanish royal family. In this case, though, it seems to me that the Danish Crown Prince had the misfortune of being seen with a woman who is not very popular with the Spanish public and has a certain reputation. (..) I get the impression that the Spanish media is either wildly overreacting or quite simply just after the money.
I don´t think that we as the public should support them in this or reward these practices, in our very own interest. For democracies to survive, the media has to be held morally accountable, too.

Another thoughtful post, thank you. :flowers:

IMO the greatest threat to free speech and freedom of the press in the Western countries today, is the press themselves.

If the press does not regulate itself - and that includes fact checking each other - or is open to what is basically corruption, like not publishing material if it's bought by whomever it involves - then freedom of the press get gradually eroded.
The press is after all even more dependent on being credible than those they write about. When the press lose credibility, the freedom of the press is eroded. It's too easy to claim: "fake news" and be believed.
And there are plenty of people who would be more than willing to limit the freedom of the press, given half the chance! A rogue and untrustworthy press corps is just perfect.
There is after all a reason why the profession of journalist ranks very low in polls about credible and respected professions.
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