Duties and Roles of Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie 2: Discussion Sep 2022 -

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Arms of Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie

Welcome to the Duties and Roles of Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, Part 2

Commencing September 1st, 2022

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I think Beatrice and Eugiene are prob very happy with their lives - they both seem to be focused on their kids at the moment. If I was Charles I would consider making Beatrice a “minor working royal” (similar to how some of Elizabeth II cousins are used) - the Sussex couple are no longer working royals; Anne is the ultimate example of royal duty but is getting older and Charles and Camilla are getting older. Therefore in a decade or so the main working royals could be William Catherine Sophie and Edward and I think Beatrice could join them in minor capacity as a younger royal
If Edward, Sophie and Anne retire before the Princes of Wales' children come of age, perhaps Beatrice and Eugenie could be called upon to become working royals, even if not full-time. And maybe Peter Phillips too (I always thought Peter had some role behind the scenes at the Royal Household).
If I was Charles I would consider making Beatrice a “minor working royal” (similar to how some of Elizabeth II cousins are used) - the Sussex couple are no longer working royals; Anne is the ultimate example of royal duty but is getting older and Charles and Camilla are getting older. Therefore in a decade or so the main working royals could be William Catherine Sophie and Edward and I think Beatrice could join them in minor capacity as a younger royal

I agree. I really think Beatrice would be a valuable asset as a minor working royal in the vein of Princess Alexandra, the Duchess of Gloucester, etc. and I really think she'd enjoy this type of role. I can understand why she might not want to take on a more high profile role but given her role as a Counselor of State I don't think it would be at all inappropriate for her to perform some royal duties. I could certainly envision some sort of role like this for Peter, too, in a few years. However, I also wouldn't be surprised to find that Peter becomes a confidant and business associate of William's much as we're currently seeing David do for Charles. Possibly a role for Peter within the Duchy of Cornwall organization, maybe.
I think Beatrice and Eugiene are prob very happy with their lives - they both seem to be focused on their kids at the moment. If I was Charles I would consider making Beatrice a “minor working royal” (similar to how some of Elizabeth II cousins are used) - the Sussex couple are no longer working royals; Anne is the ultimate example of royal duty but is getting older and Charles and Camilla are getting older. Therefore in a decade or so the main working royals could be William Catherine Sophie and Edward and I think Beatrice could join them in minor capacity as a younger royal
Nope, not going to happen.
Unless a tragedy happens, i can’t see Beatrice and Eugenie be given any prominent roles to fill… We will continue to see them at birthdays, christmas, easter and various family celebrations, Trooping, Ascot and maybe in due course also at State Visit Banquets when the Kent/Gloucester-generation stops attending completely and more royals may be required around the dinner table - but apart from that they will continue with the life they live right now…

The Royal Family will simply have to re-adapt to be fewer working members again and only do as much as there is enough people for… That’s the case for the Spanish RF, the BeNeLux royals and the Scandinavian royals as well…
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Do they study ? Do they speak foreign languages ??
Sad that Wiliam , Prince of Wales has no working Royal of his age .
Was Sarah a working royal before her Divorce ?
Unless a tragedy happens, i can’t see Beatrice and Eugenie be given any prominent roles to fill… We will continue to see them at birthdays, christmas, easter and various family celebrations, Trooping, Ascot and maybe in due course also at State Visit Banquets when the Kent/Gloucester-generation stops attending completely and more royals may be required around the dinner table - but apart from that they will continue with the life they live right now…

The Royal Family will simply have to re-adapt to be fewer working members again and only do as much as there is enough people for… That’s the case for the Spanish RF, the BeNeLux royals and the Scandinavian royals as well…

of course not. Charles has wanted IMO for years and years to cut down bit by bit on the work done by the RF so that junior members can lead their own llives and less royals will be on the payroll. All european monarchies are doing the same. Bea And Eugenie are not working royals and wont become working royals.
Do they study ? Do they speak foreign languages ??
Sad that Wiliam , Prince of Wales has no working Royal of his age .
Was Sarah a working royal before her Divorce ?
Sarah was a working royal as the wife of Andrew. She has nolt been married to him now since 1996 and has not been therefore a working royal. As for Bea and Eugeine, they are both in their 30s, married with children, and have jobs so why would they be studying?
If either Beatrice or Eugenie became working royals then that opens the door to their cousins and in future, Harry's children. I don't think Charles will saddle William with that issue. Much easier to keep things as they are, which fits with the long-term plan of shrinking the working BRF.
If either Beatrice or Eugenie became working royals then that opens the door to their cousins and in future, Harry's children. I don't think Charles will saddle William with that issue. Much easier to keep things as they are, which fits with the long-term plan of shrinking the working BRF.

Just is not going to happen. Perhaps years ago when they were 18 or so, it was considered but around that time the public mood began to push for less working royals and less money being spent on security. They lost thier security.... I think from then on it was clear that the working RF would nt include them.
There is no need for either sister to become a full time working royal but I see no reason why they couldn't take on a few more patronages and do a handful of engagements a year. There is a shortage of younger royals
royal- blue, that is exactly how I feel. I think Beatrice would be perfect for as you say a handful of engagements a year.
Certainly, as you say NOT full time Working Royal Status. But it wouldn't hurt to see if She, or the Public might warm to this.
And who is going to pay for the security of these two Princesses (who really aren’t any too popular with the British public anyway);while they carry out their half a dozen or so of royal engagements per year?

It would be OK for their other expenses to come out of the Sovereign Grant but the cost of Royal security comes via payments from the Home Office (in other words the tax payer.) it is quite expensive. I can’t see that going down well with the British public, many of whom are struggling to keep a roof over their heads and feed their families.

And really, would a dozen or so engagements a year make such a difference to British perceptions of the RF? Younger people on Britain are turning away from monarchy in greater numbers with each decade that passes. I don’t believe that the part time addition of two Princesses in their mid 30s to the royal roster would stem that tide at all.
Curryong, they or I hope just one, Beatrice, as the eldest AND IN her position as a Councillor of State, She would only have Security on "Official Engagements", right ?

It might be nice to work her in. Small steps. Almost a test case, and we all might be pleasantly surprised. If not, no harm no foul.
Who knows ?

Her marriage to the very wealthy and urbane and cultured Edo has made her radiant. She also would resonate with so many blended Families. Its so nice to see Wolfie, Edo's son at Windsor Family Events.

Unfortunately, I agree with you about Eugenie.
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While I don't think, it is going to happen, I don't think security costs would be the deal breaker. It really doesn't matter whether the security is paid for the Duchess of Gloucester, the duke of Kent or princess Beatrice to attend an engagement There might be a few engagements where a younger representative of the royal family may work better than someone in their 50s or 70s (as is now mostly the case unless the prince or princess of Wales show up).
And who is going to pay for the security of these two Princesses (who really aren’t any too popular with the British public anyway);while they carry out their half a dozen or so of royal engagements per year?

It would be OK for their other expenses to come out of the Sovereign Grant but the cost of Royal security comes via payments from the Home Office (in other words the tax payer.) it is quite expensive. I can’t see that going down well with the British public, many of whom are struggling to keep a roof over their heads and feed their families.

And really, would a dozen or so engagements a year make such a difference to British perceptions of the RF? Younger people on Britain are turning away from monarchy in greater numbers with each decade that passes. I don’t believe that the part time addition of two Princesses in their mid 30s to the royal roster would stem that tide at all.

Not that I think there is any likelihood of Beatrice or Eugenie being called upon to carry out royal duties, but security costs can be covered using funding saved from securing Harry & Meghan.
Most of the royals now have lesser security than they use to back in say the 90s and 00s when nearly all had 24hr/365 day security. The same security teams / costs that went of say Princess Alexandra doing her public duties could be used for Eugenie and Beatrice instead. They both have UK residences inside a security cordon anyway - Beatrice at St James' and Eugenie at KP. The family have gone from 4,000 public engagements a year to 2,000 so cost wise they would be fine.

There are many many reasons why I don't think Beatrice and Eugenie would do public duties - security costs is unlikely to be one of them. Thought I accept their father would probably use it as an excuse to demand they get 24hr/365 day a year security.
While I personally think that both Beatrice and Eugenie would be an asset to the BRF I think its unfair to let them go about their lives and establish professional relationships for someone to say, hey you know what ....never mind what we said years ago...we don't need your help. You see, we can use your help now. So forget about what you have worked for the last 5 to 10 years.

I think they will continue to do what they do.... continue to support the patronages that have special meaning to them (not that the others don't), come out for major events, and that's it.
However, considering the above they could still continue their current careers and do some engagements. That model works for example in the Netherlands for the younger children and siblings (and their spouses) of the monarch. Of course, that includes some limitations regarding their careers (not making money of your title for one but also avoid too much controversy in any job you may take on; especially some areas in the private sector might be a bit risky) but is doable - although so far, it seems that the British royals so far struggled with that balance.
I think that an announcement will be coming in June confirming that Beatrice and Sir Tim Lawrence are now full-time royals.
Tim would have to become a royal first. Currently he isn't one and I don't see Charles creating him as a Prince.

I also don't see Beatrice being added to the working royals roster - especially after the announcement this week that about 200 charities are to lose their royal patronage. If there was any intention of bringing in more working royals then those 200 charities would be allocated to that person.
:previous: Would Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi accompany his wife?
Beatrice has been in the news quite a lot recently. She gave a TV interview, and she also gave a speech in Saudi Arabia. I don't think she would want to give up her job and become a full time working royal, and I don't think that the King wants that either, but this is a difficult year.
Honestly, don’t see this as news.

Yes, her participation in the State Visit would be new but I suspect that would be soley for the banquet, and that would be new for her not new in principal, Prince and Princess Michael of Kent attended state banquets for years despite never being “working royals”. They like everyone to be within so many places of a royal and simply put, don’t have enough now to do that now without calling in support.

As for Ascot, Garden Parties and Trooping… Beatrice had attended those in the past so it would simply be a continuation of what has happened before.

I don’t expect any announcement that Beatrice will become a full time working royal, if so why indeed wouldn’t she have just been given some of the 200 patronages that got dropped in the recent review. I think will continue to be, in effect, the royal reserve, who can attend bigger royal events as a guest to help boost the numbers of royals on parade as it were but no more than that. TBH, I think Beatrice is probably happy with that.

Don’t forget with all this talk of the RF struggling to carry out duties etc…. Looking at the figures most are doing less than last year anyway, including Camilla and the Edinburghs. So I don’t think they feel under any pressure, Charles will have a smaller working royal family that, inevitably, does less than say 2002 when there were more working, active royals, that is just the way it goes.
While i personally wouldn’t have anything against Beatrice being given a more prominent role, i don’t think that will go any further than attending commonwealth day service, chelsea flower show, garden parties, trooping, ascot, and lunches and dinners during state visits, and maybe the remembrance day… The BRF have many social events in their yearly calendar that requires many members attending even if they are not strictly ”working royals”…. And for those events they are a bit short-staffed at the moment…

But that’s a different thing than becoming a ”full time working royal”.

Some people in the bigger newspapers are still pushing the narrative that the british royal family does fewer engagements now than in the last reign and wants to have that being something negative… The truth is that’s the way it goes in every european royal house who are limiting their families to a smaller but more effective core group… That is the future for the remaining western monarchies…
While i personally wouldn’t have anything against Beatrice being given a more prominent role, i don’t think that will go any further than attending commonwealth day service, chelsea flower show, garden parties, trooping, ascot, and lunches and dinners during state visits, and maybe the remembrance day… The BRF have many social events in their yearly calendar that requires many members attending even if they are not strictly ”working royals”…. And for those events they are a bit short-staffed at the moment…

But that’s a different thing than becoming a ”full time working royal”.

Some people in the bigger newspapers are still pushing the narrative that the british royal family does fewer engagements now than in the last reign and wants to have that being something negative… The truth is that’s the way it goes in every european royal house who are limiting their families to a smaller but more effective core group… That is the future for the remaining western monarchies…
The Windsors I feel have made it clear over the decades that their European monarchical relatives are not a model for how they will do things.
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