Crown Princess Mary, Current Events Part 13: August 2016 - May 2018

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Jan 29, 2005

Welcome to Part 13 of the thread for Crown Princess Mary's current events!

You can find the old thread here:

** Crown Princess Mary, Current Events Part 12: April 2015 - August 2016 **

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:flowers: Happy Posting! :flowers:
Thanks, iceflower. :flowers:

Summary of note in Billed Bladet #35, 2016.
Written by Lisbeth Grube.

As you know Mary visited the Copenhagener suburb, Glostrup on the occasion of the town's 825th anniversary.

When the town turned 800, it was a young Frederik who attended and Mary was indeed shown a photo from that occasion.
Anyway, Mary was shown around and exclamations from the audience like: "My, she's beautiful" and "She's bling" was heard.
Inbetween chatting to the locals and appearing in many selfies Mary also got time to look at the calisthenic teams and karate.


Summary of article in Billed Bladet #35, 2016.
Written by Marianne Singer.

As you also know Mary was the one who stood for the unveiling of the new portraits by her and Frederik. Portraits made by the photographer Marco Grobs.
- No, I still don't like the one of Mary, but the one with Frederik is pretty cool. :cool:

It was incidentally the first time Mary saw the portraits in full size and she said about her own portrait: "It's difficult to put words to a picture of yourself, but I think he's captured something from both of us - in the much more subdued background I had and the more pomp and circumstance background the portrait of the Crown Prince". (*)
Mary admitted she was a little apprehensive before going to the exhibition.

Marco Grob said about the photo shoots at Amalienborg in April: "The co-operation went extremely well. They are likable, open and very friendly. I was received with a great hospitality at Amalienborg. It was very pleasant.
The pictures were made the same day and it took about an hour and a half for each portrait and the CP-couple did not interfere with the pictures.
They are both very well educated. It's always a pleasure to talk with people who have experienced much and traveled a lot - that we have in common.
The Crown Princess and I have have in common that we both come from a different background and ends up in another world". Marco Grob is working-class background.


BB this week is packed with articles about the DRF and the GRF!
They will be uploaded sometime Saturday in the Mary in Greenland thread.

(*) Allow me to translate freely: My own portrait is... interesting.... The one with Frederik is pretty cool though.
It's some busy weeks for our Mary :) The next 10 days she will have official events all days (except for the weekend).

Today, Crown Princess Mary participates as guest of honor in the reception to mark the 10th anniversary of the Parliamentary Intergroup Network for SRHR (Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights).
The Danish Parliament, Christiansborg.

The first picture:


BB picture:

BB article:
Kronprinsesse Mary deltog i quiz i Folketinget | BILLED-BLADET

Telling us that Mary took part in a quiz with Foreign Minister Kristian Jensen leading it. Mary and all the others were divided into teams and Mary's team ended up in a great second place.


Oh what a cute little flower girl who recieved Mary today :wub: :lol:
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:previous: again a very important topic
more information on the event
Folketingets Tværpolitiske Netværk SRSR's 10-års jubilæumsreception | Kongehuset

and pictures from Sex and Society International
"Today we have celebrated that Danish politicians now in a decade has gone together across party boundaries and fought for sexual and reproductive rights. the intergroup network for sexual and reproductive health and rights "
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Can someone tell me more about the beautiful paintings we can see in the facebook photos?
Can someone tell me more about the beautiful paintings we can see in the facebook photos?

There are no doubt many who know more about this than me.
To me this looks like painting by some of the "skagensmalere". Artists who went to the northern most tip of Denmark around 1880-1920 to paint the scenic landscape and the no less scenic locals.

Try a Google image search for "skagensmalere".
Here is a DK Wikipedia on the subject:

It's great art IMO.
Thanks Muhler, great art indeed. The period between 1880 and 1920 is a very interesting one, still building on French impressionism but getting more personal, more luminous I'd say...
The light certainly was one of the main reasons why the artists congregated in Skagen. The light there is spectacular!

Here is more about the artists, including their works. You can select whatever language you wish to view it: Skagensmalerne
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And I see the TRF gets a mentioning. ;)
Then perhaps we can expect some hard facts?

Here's an additional article about the 10th anniversary of the Parliamentary network:

** dailymail: Let's talk about sex, Mary! The Crown Princess places second in a quiz..**

got to love the headline LOL

her event today, HRH The Crown Princess is in charge of the awards by FSR - Danish Auditors' awards within Denmark's best CSR reporting.

two more pictures from the award event today
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It's interesting to see the galleries with both Mary and Frederik recently, in particular I'd say since PH "retired".

To children and young people in particular M&F is their regent couple. QMII is nice enough and they will turn out to see her, but M&F are, I believe, the rallying point for people under 30.
It's pretty logic actually, for children and young, M&F are about the same age as their parents, so it's natural to see them as part role models, part authority figures.

- Or do you think I'm completely off the mark here? :ermm:;)
No, you are very right, Muhler. And I has mentioned the same before. I'm from the Crown Prince Couple's generation and for me and my generation F&M are our 'Regent couple'. And it's them who have our big interest. It's natural, they're the same age, our children are the same age etc.
And it doesn't help that they both are doing their job excellent and they both are very visible in the Danish population - because of their many many royal duties, but also because they are visible like you can run into them at the Danish streets.

Queen Margrethe also do it excellent and she is also our Queen. I will put it like this. After Prince Henrik has retired - it feels like Denmark these years have a Queen Margrethe and a 'Regent Couple' (in CP Frederik and CP Mary). Do that makes sense?


Here is a new video from BB from Mary visiting the Day Care Center - and the video shows Mary's naturalness with people. Notice how she is helping a resident to move his rolator witput making something big out of that, and how she - as the most natural thing in the world - touch people with loving strokes.

One can believe that Mary must be drained of energy with so many official duties.... but I think opposite it fills her with so much energy these event - it's obviously not an 'dull chore' for Mary, but a pleasure and something she enjoys and put her whole soul into.

BB says that the 66 years older man who Mary is talking to is a great admirer of Mary and her family.

VIDEO: Kronprinsesse Mary mødte stor beundrer | BILLED-BLADET
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Kronprinsesse Mary besøgte folkeskole men ikke alle måtte være med: Specialklasse-elever sendt væk

There is more on the story of Mary opening the new school in Aabybro.

All the pupils were there except some from classes for pupils with special needs. They had been send away on an outing the day Mary came.
That has resulted in a stir among at least some of the parents.

The school say they are sorry, but it was actually done in the best interest of the children.

- No article say it directly but I imagine the school thought the children would be too excited. There are children with conditions who prefer no unusual commotion around them.
However, IMO they could just have informed the parents over the school's intranet.
Crown Princess Mary participates in the United Nations General Assembly in New York

Crown Princess Mary must have traveled from Denmark today - because she participates in the UNGA (United Nations General Assembly) in New York the next three days from 19 to 21 September.


It will be a quick visit for Mary, but neverless she has events from 7 o'clock in the morning to late evening.

Mary's visit ends on Wednesday afternoon. Only six days before she and Frederik begin their official business delegation to Washington and Boston. Some might think Mary deserves to take a few days off and enjoys the New York City... But no. Already on Thursday evening Mary has official events at home in Denmark... And I am quite sure that it is mostly because she will reach home to her children and have the 6 days with them before her and Frederik's official business trip.

But Mary really deserves her apanage! Boy, she works for it. But she also comes from a family where there had to work for a living.
Although Mary is the most popular member of the Danish royal family, and are known for being hard working and receiving postive publicity, I sometimes don't think she gets enough credit for how many official duties she has! It could easily be spread more out to the public. As for giving an example: I doubt this working visit will get much or even any coverage in the bigger Danish media. You know, those boring meetings visit.. But one can always dream, can't they... :)

Here's Mary's programme for the visit
Program for FN’s Generalforsamling i New York | Kongehuset

Monday, 19 September

Women Deliver reception
Kl. 19:00
The Crown Princess speaks at the Women Deliver reception "Celebrating Solutions. Keeping up the momentum for girls and women ".
The Crown Princess was patron of the Women Deliver Conference 2016 held in Copenhagen in May

Tuesday, 20 September

World Leaders x Young Leaders side event
Kl. 7.15
The Crown Princess participates in the side event "World Leaders x Young Leaders" organized in collaboration that includes Foreign Minister Kristian Jensen and the UNPopulation Fund, UNFPA. The event will provide an opportunity for dialogue between young leaders and representatives from governments, civil society and the private sector and academia.

Meeting of High Level Task Force on ICPD
Kl. 8.30
Crown Princess participates in the meeting of the High Level Task Force. The Crown Princess has since 2012 been a member of the International Panel InternationalHigh-Level Task Force on ICPD, working to promote sexual and reproductive health and rights, especially for marginalized groups.

Partnering for Global Prosperity
Kl. 11:00
The Crown Princess attends the meeting "Girl, Uninterrupted: Increasing Opportunity During Adolescence" with the participation of leaders from the private, public and nonprofit organizations. The meeting will take place in conjunction with the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) 2016 Annual Meeting, which brings together global leaders to find and implement innovative solutions to some of the world's most pressing challenges.

UNFPA side event
Kl. 13:15
The Crown Princess speaks at the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) side event "Stakeholder Commitments two SafeGuard Maternal Health During Humanitarian Crises:presentation of the 'Safe Birth Even Here' Campaign". The Crown Princess is patron of the United Nations Population Fund, UNFPA, an international development organization that promotes women's, men's and children's right to health and equality.

Kl. 17:30
The Crown Princess participates in the reception "Celebrating progress toward ending child marriage," which marks five years of progress in fighting child marriage.

Wednesday, 21 September

Deliver for Good
Kl. 8.15
The Crown Princess speaks at the "Deliver Good for: Investments in Girls and Women to Achieve the SDGs" organized by Women Deliver and organization partners.

Visit by Claus Meyer
Kl. 11:30
The Crown Princess participates in a tour of Claus Meyers Nordic market hall "greath Northern Food Hall", which opened in June 2016 and is located in Grand CentralStation. The purpose of the market hall is to raise awareness of Nordic food in New York. After the tour the Crown Princess participates in a lunch with Claus Meyer andPrime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen.
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Sept. 19 in New York
"Crown Princess Mary of Denmark: praises the power of #youthvoices - an integral component for change. #WD2016."

"A huge and sincere thank you to HRH Crown Princess Mary for her continued investment in girls and women everywhere. #deliverforgood #wd2016"


"@WomenDeliver we R so proud 2 have Crown Princess Mary in NY w/us. @Mav_Collective @KateRobertsPSI @Katja_Iversen"

Some more pictures from the Women Deliver reception, Sept. 19
Mary giving a speech
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A delightful picture of Crown Princess Mary on the stage holding her speech :)

Danish Foreign Minister, Kristian Jensen:

"Always inspiring HRH Mary of Denmark shared key takeaways from WD2016: The power of youth & innovative partnerships"


Press release from the Danish Royal Court:

"HRH The Crown Princess and Foreign Minister Kristian Jensen has shot off a new international campaign that focuses on girls and women's health and rights. It was launched last night in New York"

Crown Princess Mary helps launch new campaign for womens health:
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