Sex Name Godparents & Duchy for Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia's Third Child

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Imperial Majesty
Jul 19, 2009
Sex Name Godparents & Duchy for Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia's Third Child

Now with the happy announcement we may start this thread:

A girl: Kristina Britta Agnes
A boy: Erik Philipp Mikael

Duchy: Jamtland

Godparents: Prince Daniel, Gustaf Magnusson, Vivien Sommerlath, two friends.
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Prince Christian Gustaf Fredrik, Duke of Västerbotten
Princess Lilian Marie Silvia, Duchess of Västerbotten

HRH Prince Daniel of Sweden
Helena Sommerlath
Oscar Bergmann
Fredrik von der Esch
Frida Vesterberg
A third child and sibling for Alexander and Gabriel ...

A sister called Carla Victoria Kristina, born at Easter.
Godparents - Charlene, Daniel and two more friends.
I don't know which Duchy.
I'm very curious to see what the king will do in terms of duchy. This child won't be a royal highness, so it would make sense to give him/her a duchy more like Madeleine's children than a very traditional one like his/her older brothers (for example, Västerbotten was the duchy of someone who was meant to be king one day). Or maybe he'll find something in-between: a duchy that in recent history has been used for less prominent princes (or as a 'second dukedom'), such as Närke or Västmanland - both are in the same area as the others within CP's family
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I would want the third child to be a Princess after two Princes.
As for the name, Estelle, Silvia, Ewa, Mary, Leonore, Lilian, Maria, Adrienne, Josephine and Alice have all been used. I would suggest Louise, Eugenie and Charlotte. I would want Louise to be the tilltalsnamn as Eugenie and Charlotte are too associated with the British Royal Family.
For a Prince, Nicolas, Paul, Gustaf, Oscar, Carl, Olof, Alexander, Erik, Hubertus, Bertil, Gabriel and Walther have all been used. I would suggest Eugen, Ludvig, Sigvard, Lennart, Folke and Johan.
As for the dukedom, since the Prince Couple's dukedoms are all in Svealand (Värmland for Carl Philip, Södermanland for Alexander, Dalarna for Gabriel), I would expect it to be Västmanland (last held by Erik, 1889-1918), Närke (last held by Eugen, 1865-1947), Uppland (last held by Sigvard, 1907-2002, whose spouse is still alive. Dukedom officially stripped in 1934.). Since Västmanland has the longest period of inactivity, I would suggest Västmanland to be the dukedom.
So, in short, I'm going for Princess Louise Eugenie Charlotte, Duchess of Västmanland.
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I hope it's a girla and I think for the first name they'll go with something trendy and modern. For middle names they might use Renate (since Silvia is used for Estelle) or maybe Alice for Silvia's mum, and of course Marie for Sofia's. And it's time that Norrland gets more attention, so:
Olivia Renate Marie, Duchess of Norrbotten
Vera Sibylla Marie, Duchess of Västerbotten
Lilly Renate Marie, Duchess of Härjedalen
Wilma Sibylla Marie, Duchess of Lappland

Edit: forgot that Alice is used for Adrienne, so I swap it for Sibylla for the King's mum.
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Random guess:

Boy: Christian/Arthur/Hubert/Georg
Girl: Ingrid/Josephine/Louise/Alice
Duchy: Västmanland/Uppland

For the name my guess is something very royal in broad terms but not necessarily used in the family.
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Boy: Elias Edmund Kristian
Girl: Olivia Marie Elisa

I also like the names Theodor, Oliver and Lucas as a calling name for a boy and Linnea, Amelia and Alva for a girl.

Duchy: Lapland

Godparents: Really hoping for Daniel
If it is a boy and if he still receives a duchy (something which cannot be taken for granted after the changes in 2019), my prediction is Halland, the duchy held by Prince Bertil. Prince Carl Philip seems to be treated as the "heir" to Prince Bertil, inheriting his residence and being regularly compared to him.

While Alexander and Gabriel are traditional European names, my understanding is that they are not perceived as at all "royal" in Sweden, and I predict the parents will again pick a name they are fond of without consulting the royal (or foreign royal) family trees.
Halland would indeed be a beautiful nod to prince Bertil's heritage.

And I agree that a Duchy cannot be taken for granted but I don't think that the king would want this grandchild to be the only one without a ducal title (and especially not one in the male line), so my expectation is that this grandchild will also receive a duchy like his/her brothers and cousins.
Halland would indeed be a beautiful nod to prince Bertil's heritage.

And I agree that a Duchy cannot be taken for granted but I don't think that the king would want this grandchild to be the only one without a ducal title (and especially not one in the male line), so my expectation is that this grandchild will also receive a duchy like his/her brothers and cousins.

Yes, that's a good point. I mainly wondered whether his lawyers might believe he is pushing the boundaries by granting a duchy outside the Royal House for the first time in modern times, but since no one cared enough to object to the ex-members of the Royal House keeping their duchies, it is very unlikely to be an issue.

I agree that the King has shown special favor for his male descendants in male line, including on the subject of duchies (as Somebody and I discussed recently in Titles of the Swedish RF and Changes 2019), but it's doubtful he would have the same sentiments for female descendants in male line. That is why I think Halland may be likelier for a son than a daughter.
Boy: Probably some name linked to Bernadottes. Perhaps Bertil, Arvid or Folke.
Girl: Hard to say. Probably some quiet traditional Swedish name.
Duchy: Probably something lesser used. Might be Halland.
Godparents: Probably some relatives or family friends.
I hope Prince Daniel is one of the Godparents and maybe Pss Kelly of S C G.
Looked up the full names of their sons:

Alexander Erik Hubertus Bertil
Alexander: personal preference?
Erik: Sofia's father
Hubertus: one of Carl Gustav's middle names
Bertil: CP's godfather and one of his middle names

Gabriel Carl Walther
Gabriel: personal preference?
Carl: first name of both Gabriel's father and paternal grandfather and CP's maternal grandfather (although he was known by his third name)
Walther: (third) name of CP's maternal grandfather

So, I'm guessing probably 3 names again with the first name based on personal preference and middle names more traditional and in reference to family members.

Boy: Ferdinand Andreas Gustaf
Ferdinand as the unexpected -but still rather traditional- first name (I also liked the idea of a prince Lars but that would be rather short in comparison to his brothers; both Lars and Ferdinand can be found in Sofia's family tree but only once). Andreas in reference to both CP's godfather and Sofia's great-grandfather. Also hoping for a Gustaf this time; so, all three are named after the king... If they'd like to be a little more original they could pick 'Folke' instead - but that would be two names with an F. I doubted about including Oskar (or Oscar) in the name as it would fit nicely with both sides of the family but as there already is a cousin Oscar, it's probably not the most likely pick.

Girl: Ingrid Renate Britt
In both cases the grandmother's second name; 'Britt' is also the name of Sofia's maternal grandmother; Estelle is already used Silvia, so I figured that Renate might be nice instead, although I wouldn't surprised if they use Silvia none the less) - as I've no idea what they might pick as a first name (I would never have guessed 'Gabriel' to go with 'Alexander') I decided to stick with Ingrid which is a name that can be found in the larger family tree of CP and of Sofia (with both Ingrid and Ingegerd - which to me look a lot a like but maybe that's not the way it is perceived in Sweden).

For those interested in the family names on Sofia's side of the family (information taken from link (website seems a bit sketchy but the information seems legit). Names that occur more than ones (in whichever spelling are in bold).

Paternal side:
Father: Erik Oscar

Paternal grandfather: Stif Ingvar
Paternal grandfather's parents: Erik Andreas Emanuel & Frida Kristina
Great-grandfather's parents: Anders Fredrik & Anna Charlotta
Great-grandmother's parents: Joel Fredrik & Johanna

Paternal grandmother: Ingrid Ann-Marie
Paternal grandmother's parents: Oskar Petrus & Lily Kristina
Great-grandfather's parents: Karl Ferdinand & Hedda Vilhelmina
Great-grandmother's parents: Carl August & Emma Helena

Maternal side:
Mother: Marie Britt

Maternal grandfather: Janne Herbert Ribbe
Maternal grandfather's parents: Lars Gotthard & Maria Elisabet
Great-grandfather's parents: Jan Persson & Anna
Great-grandmother's parents: Per Johan & Gum Anna Maria

Maternal grandmother: Britt Ingegerd
Maternal grandmother's parents: Per Gustaf & Grund Anna Maria
Great-grandfather's parents: Per Gabrielsson & Hilma Maria
Great-grandmother's parents: Grund Erik Johan & Knif Ida Maria
I have mixed thoughts on the child being granted a duchy since the change of titles in was announced October 2019,I think a little sister might be nice Gabriel and Alexander.
Edmund Folke Gustaf
Theodor Sigvard Philip
Folke Edmund Gustaf

Ingrid Lilian Alice
Mathilda Silvia Marie
Lilian Ingrid Alice

I'm a bit back and forth on whether I think the baby will receive a heavy-weight dukedom or a new one will be created. I think the case can be made for either but considering CG's feelings towards CP, I'm leaning towards a historical duchy – regardless of whether it's a boy or a girl. I'm thinking Västerbotten or Halland.

For godparents, surely this will be Daniel's time!
If a boy : Edmund Gustaf Stig Janne

If a girl : Lilian Silvia Marie

Not sure wether they will go for 4 or 3 names as Alexander has 4 and Gabriel has 3.

Dukedom : Norrbotten. I think they will opt for Northern Sweden but not Västerbotten. For King Carl XVI Gustaf, the Duke and Duchess of Västerbotten are very much still his parents, like he repeatedly has said that he still views himself as the Duke of Jämtland, even though a King doesn’t really have any need for a dukedom... The residential city of Norrbotten is the beautiful city of ”Luleå”. I am sure it would be most appreciated.

Should they go for a southern region i think Småland has a pretty good chance. Or perhaps Småland and Öland (where Solliden Palace is) as a double dukedom.
I doubt we will see anything like Bertil, Johan, Folke or such.

With their first two they chose to pick names with no family connection, simply ones they liked. And then honored the family in the middle names. I don't see them changing paths with their third child. Maddie and Chris did the same.

The siblings also have avoided repeating names. Except Carl which both Oscar and Gabriel have in their names.

I think we will get a more popular name first, and then some family names.


Theodore Edmund Janne
-Theodore is a popular name for Swedish babies, a long name like his brothers
-Edmund for the king's father who went by his last middle name in the family
-Janne for Sofia's paternal grandftaher

Elias Leopold Stif
-Elias as a popular baby name
-Leopold in honor of CP's godfather Prince Leopold of Bavaria
-Stif in honor of Sofia's grandfather

Matteo Edmund Lars
-popular name
-king's father
-Lars Sofia's grandfather

Daughter. I'd be shocked if there isn't a nod to both mothers in the name.

Lilly Renate Britt
-popular girls name, slight nod to Lilian but still her own name
-Renate for the queen as Estelle already has Silvia
-Britt for Sofia's mother's middle name

Olivia Marie Renate
-popular girls name
-Marie for Sofia's mother
-Renate for the queen

Linnea Silvia Marie
-popular name
-the queen (though I am not sure they will use her first)
-Sofia's mom

Freja Sibylla Marie
-popular name
-king's mother
-Sofia's mother
Dukedom : Norrbotten. I think they will opt for Northern Sweden but not Västerbotten. For King Carl XVI Gustaf, the Duke and Duchess of Västerbotten are very much still his parents, like he repeatedly has said that he still views himself as the Duke of Jämtland, even though a King doesn’t really have any need for a dukedom... The residential city of Norrbotten is the beautiful city of ”Luleå”. I am sure it would be most appreciated.

If I remember correctly, there has never been a Duke of Norrbotten in Swedish History, but I prefer this dukedom to be reserved for Estelle's child if Carl XVI Gustaf can live to see his great-grandchild, so that the heir apparent to the heir apparent to the heir apparent can be the first duke/duchess of a Norrland province (as it has been so for Gustaf Adolf, Duke of Västerbotten and Carl Gustaf, Duke of Jämtland.). Prior to Gustaf Adolf, no dukedom in Norrland has ever been granted.

Still, I think that Härjedalen is a good choice for Grandchild No.8 if they opt for a dukedom in Northern Sweden, as this dukedom is quite a minor one compared to the others.
I'm a bit back and forth on whether I think the baby will receive a heavy-weight dukedom or a new one will be created. I think the case can be made for either but considering CG's feelings towards CP, I'm leaning towards a historical duchy – regardless of whether it's a boy or a girl. I'm thinking Västerbotten or Halland.

Södermanland is indeed a historical duchy, but after the dukedom of Skåne was first created in 1826, I get a feeling that the Dukedom of Södermanland is now instead granted to someone who plays the second fiddle to the Duke of Skåne (e.g. Wilhelm vs his great brother Gustaf VI Adolf, and now, Alexander vs his higher-in-line cousin Oscar).

As for Dalarna, it isn't as historical as it sounds, as it was first granted to August, Carl XIV Johan's youngest grandson, in 1831. The second Duke of Dalarna was Carl Johan, Gustaf V's fourth grandson in line to the throne, born 1916.

I think that Västmanland is quite historical, as it was first used for Gustavus II Adolphus and then for Erik, the third son of Gustaf V.
Södermanland is indeed a historical duchy, but after the dukedom of Skåne was first created in 1826, I get a feeling that the Dukedom of Södermanland is now instead granted to someone who plays the second fiddle to the Duke of Skåne (e.g. Wilhelm vs his great brother Gustaf VI Adolf, and now, Alexander vs his higher-in-line cousin Oscar).

As for Dalarna, it isn't as historical as it sounds, as it was first granted to August, Carl XIV Johan's youngest grandson, in 1831. The second Duke of Dalarna was Carl Johan, Gustaf V's fourth grandson in line to the throne, born 1916.

I think that Västmanland is quite historical, as it was first used for Gustavus II Adolphus and then for Erik, the third son of Gustaf V.

I meant historical in terms of it having been in use before but I can see how that can be misinterpreted ?
Hoping for a girl - double name Silvia Marie
Names for a Girl:
- Alice
- Olivia
- Ella
- Lilly
- Clara
- Iris
- Sara
- Emma
- Lovisa
- Bianca
- Maria
- Hanna
- Filippa
- Matilda

Names for a Boy:
- Lucas
- Elias
- Noah
- Hugo
- Oliver
- Matteo
- Adrian
- Theo
- Vincent
- Axel
- Benjamim
- Henry
- Edvin
- Julian
I very much doubt that we'd ever see a Prince Janne. He'll be a member of the Royal family not a construction worker. IF they choose to name their son after Sofia's grandfather they'll name him Jan and not Janne.
If I remember correctly, there has never been a Duke of Norrbotten in Swedish History, but I prefer this dukedom to be reserved for Estelle's child if Carl XVI Gustaf can live to see his great-grandchild, so that the heir apparent to the heir apparent to the heir apparent can be the first duke/duchess of a Norrland province (as it has been so for Gustaf Adolf, Duke of Västerbotten and Carl Gustaf, Duke of Jämtland.). Prior to Gustaf Adolf, no dukedom in Norrland has ever been granted.

Still, I think that Härjedalen is a good choice for Grandchild No.8 if they opt for a dukedom in Northern Sweden, as this dukedom is quite a minor one compared to the others.

Yes there has never been a Duke of Norrbotten, though Norrbotten is quite a young region compared to the others... Many ”traditionalists” still views it as a part of Västerbotten wich it was until 1810 ;)

Härjedalen would be interesting. Though i suspect they will stick to regions with their own residential city as they have done so far... Härjedalen is a part of the Jämtland-Härjedalen region and it’s residential city is Östersund in Jämtland.

But who knows ;) I am quite sure that at least Halland won’t be used. The Duke and Duchess of Halland is still very much Prince Bertil and Princess Lilian in the minds of almost every swede.
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Top 30 Boy Names in Sweden for 2019

1. Lucas
2. Liam
3. William
4. Elias
5. Noah
6. Hugo
7. Oliver
8. Oscar (Cousin's name)
9. Adam
10. Matteo
11. Walter (Gabriel's middle name is Walther)
12. Alexander
13. Leo (too much like Leonore)
14. Nils
15. Alfred
16. Ludvig
17. Adrian (too much like Adrienne)
18. Theo
19. Leon (too much like Leonore)
20. Elliot
21. Arvid
22. Vincent
23. Theodor
24. Filip (father is Philip, could use as middle name)
25. Axel
26. Harry
27. Frans
28. Charlie
29. Mohamed
30. Gabriel

Alexander and Gabriel each have names from the top 30 most popular Swedish baby names. Both names have "L" and "R", so perhaps Oliver. Other possibilities are Lucas, Matteo, or Theodor. (I put names in italics that I doubt would be chosen due to already being used in their family or by other royals, etc.)
Thanks for the list. I personally prefer a non-top 10 name. I don't think they are necessarily looking for a name that includes the A, E, L and R; but I do expect another somewhat longer name that is internationally recognizable. So, Theodor remains a good contender. What about Elliot?

Also found the top-100 girl's names.
What about Alicia? It's a nice nod to great-grandmother Alice (although so far they haven't done 'nods' with the first names of their children); another reason not to pick this name is that the first two letters coincide with Alexander's name. So, maybe Lilly (as was already proposed) or Julia (another international name). Several names in the 40-50 area, such as Elvira (40), Emilia (42), Celine (44), Elise (45) or Edith (46) might also fit with the names of the baby's siblings.
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For a son: Johan Anders

For a Daughter: Maria could be one of the middle names.

For a Daughter Ingegerd could be used as a middle name.
Ingegerd Birgersdotter of Bjelbo was Queen of Sweden as the second wife of King Sverker II of Sweden.

The new Prince could be named: Eugen Gustaf Anders
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Anders remains a bit of a weird name for Dutch people as it means 'Different' in Dutch. In addition, while the names seem to work for Scandinavian countries, they seem a bit different from Alexander and Gabriel - however, I don't think these names fit very well together either, so, anything is possible.
deleted - double entry sorry
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