The Swedish Royals and The World Childhood Foundation, Part 2 (June 2018 Onwards)

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Welcome to the The Swedish Royals and The World Childhood Foundation Part 2

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Frivilligorganisationernas Insamlingsråd Frii (Swedish Fundraising Council) updated to their website the collected funds each member association got in 2017.
The year was good for World Childhood Foundation Sweden, they got collected funds from fundraising in various events and sold products SEK 36.628.000 (in 2016 SEK 32.632.000).
World Childhood Foundation - Frii
Åsa Andreasson Åkerström from the World Childhood Foundation Sweden has told to Svensk Damtidning about how Madeleine will now work for WCF:
- She comes closer and participates in Childhood USA's activities, with greater opportunity to attend work meetings, project visits, events, etc. This in addition to the board meetings she, as a member of Childhood Sweden's Board and Honorary Member of the Childhood USA Board, attends in Sweden as well as in the USA, wrote Åsa in an email.
Does she have a project that she focuses extra on right now?
- 2019 Childhood celebrates 20 years and Princess Madeleine is involved in the preparation. She has also been the initiator of the #EyesWideOpen campaign launched in the United States in 2015 and has since taken various shapes worldwide. WCF Sweden's campaign #bryttystnaden we have been working with last year is a continuation of #EyesWideOpen - both campaigns basically argue that the best way to prevent sexual abuse of children - Childhood's focus issue - is safe adults in the child's vicinity, adults who are there, watching, listening and asking.
Åkerström tells also that Princess Madeleine will be at the New York office where she will attend events, work meetings and board meetings. On the other hand, she will not participate in the daily operative activities.
On October 3rd Madeleine will attend the UN meeting that Childhood organizes annually to discuss how sexual abuse of children can be put on the global agenda, and in the evening she attends at ThankYou Gala.
Detta jobbar prinsessan Madeleine med i USA _ Svensk Damtidning
During her visit to Leipzig queen Silvia will among other things inaugurate the first Childhood House in Germany.

Queen Silvia has spoken to Frankfurter Allgemeine
"Faster processes and child-friendly procedures"
Often it takes too long after a case of abuse until affected children receive protection, help or therapy. That's what Queen Silvia of Sweden wants to change - and calls for children to be more at the center of abusive practices.
Königin Silvia von Schweden fordert bessere Missbrauchsverfahren

Queen Silvia spoke at the opening of the German Lawyers' Day in Leipzig today. She told them about the Childhood House she inaugurates tomorrow.
Besuch aus Schweden – LVZ - Leipziger Volkszeitung
Königin Silvia eröffnet das erste Childhood-Haus in Deutschland

Round 2.5 million children are involved in trials every year in the European Union as victims or witnesses. It is mostly about custody, sexual abuse and exploitation. At the opening of the German Lawyer's Day on Wednesday, Queen Silvia emphasized that she was keen to protect children and give them access to justice. That's why she founded the World Childhood Foundation 19 years ago. "Children involved in litigation are often scared, over-sensed, insecure in many situations and not taken seriously, and wish to be treated with respect and dignity."
Königin Silvia eröffnet in Leipzig Deutschlands erstes Childhood-Haus _ MDR.DE

With Queen Silvia of Sweden and the president of the @BVerfG Andreas Voßkuhle at the #Lawyersday in Leipzig. Queen Silvia calls for more focus on helping and protecting children in abusive practices. #Childhood # djt18

Honorable visit to the German Lawyer's Day in Leipzig. To the opening Queen Silvia from Sweden gives a greeting. She has long been involved in children's rights, e.g. in legal proceedings. #djtleipzig @WorldChildhoodF

#Juristentag. "Children's rights are particularly close to my heart." Greetings from Queen Silvia of Sweden in Leipzig. @juristentag

At the opening of the 72nd German Lawyers' Day in Leipzig, Queen Silvia of Sweden calls for a child-friendly judiciary: "It is important to meet the children at the eye level - even if this eye level is only at 1.35 meters".önigin silvia&src=typd
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From Instagram of World Childhood Foundation Germany
"Ladies and gentlemen, I have already mentioned the extremely important role that you all have when it comes to child-friendly justice and the access of children to the law! In everyday practice, in dealing with children at eye level, even if this eye level sometimes a meter and thirty-five. "
- H.M. Queen Silvia of Sweden in her opening remarks at the opening of the #DeutscheJuristentages."

From website of World Childhood Foundation Germany
I.M. spricht am Deutschen Juristentag über Kinderrechte _ Childhood Deutschland

In the evening
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Queen Silvia inaugurated today the first Childhood House in Germany, in Leipzig.
Königin Silvia eröffnet Kinderhaus für Opfer von Gewalt und Missbrauch

ROYAL: Silvia eröffnet Kinderschutzzentrum in Leipzig

From Instagram of World Childhood Foundation
"CHILDHOOD STORIES 3/5. They said it would not happen - when Childhood Germany began to run the issue of setting up Barnahus with unified support for children exposed to sexual abuse and violence. The experts said that the German justice system was simply incompatible with Barnahus. Two years later, 'Childhood Haus' in Leipzig is reality: Today, the founder of Childhood, Queen Silvia, opened Germany's first children's house together with German Minister of Justice, Katarina Barley. Great!"

From Instagram of World Childhood Foundation Germany

Queen Silvia exports Swedish barnahus (children's homes) to Germany
Queen Silvia today opens the first children's house in Germany. In a children's house, children and young people are taken for police hearings after a report on abuse or sexual abuse. All the relevant authorities are there to act quickly for the best interests of the child.
The Queen's organization World Childhood Foundation was in charge of the first children's house in Linköping in 2005. There are now 32 children's homes in Sweden, and the idea is spreading to many EU countries.
To a children's house, children come to the police hearing for a child-friendly environment. Instead of the child repeating his story several times, others involved as social security officers, prosecutors and pediatricians will be there to listen and quickly support the child and decide on action.
More countries on time
Iceland was first out, after American model. In Finland, Poland, the Baltic States and the UK, children's homes are underway.
- We want the children's homes to become reality throughout the EU. It is an extremely good way for all involved authorities to assist in the best interests of the child with rapid efforts for vulnerable children, said Turid Heiberg, who heads the work of the Baltic Sea councils.
Drottning Silvia exporterar svenska barnahus till Tyskland _ SVT Nyheter

ROYAL: Silvia nimmt als Ehrengast am 72. Deutschen Juristentag in Leipzig teil
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Court website
Drottningen invigde barnahus i Leipzig - Sveriges Kungahus

Court Instagram

ROYAL: Silvia beim Abendempfang der Stadt in Leipzig
Belga Image

On Friday
From Instagram of World Childhood Foundation Germany
"Her Majesty was just visiting the Childhood stand at #DJT before she attended the closing event of the 72nd German Lawyer's Day, where she is now attending a discussion panel on children's rights in the judiciary."

"The closing event of the 72nd djt is just beginning with a keynote address to the Childhood House in Leipzig by H.M. Queen Silvia of Sweden"

ROYAL: Silvia beim 72. Deutschen Juristentag in Leipzig

Noble gold, looped pearl necklaces, a classic watch. Her Majesty has also combined rainbow-colored plastic bracelets made of beads, as children make them. Queen Silvia of Sweden (74) is especially attached to them and wore them as a matter of course during her visit to Leipzig.
These are not gifts from her seven grandchildren, but a way to give donations (12 euros) to the Childhood Foundation, of which she is the patron. Every pearl color stands for a childrens right.
Königin Silvia - Plastik- Armband ist ihr liebster Schmuck - Leipzig -
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It was planned that only Madeleine would attend at the Childhood Seminar at the UN tomorrow, and at the WCF's ThankYou Gala. But now queen Silvia has flewn to New York too.

When Princess Madeleine, Chris O'Neill and the three children this summer moved to Florida, the court announced that Madeleine will now focus on Childhood Foundation's activities in the United States.
The first major commitment would be the charity organization's annual ThankYou gala in New York tomorrow night. But in the end it was unclear whether princess Madeleine would really appear on the red carpet. In the schedule that went out to the journalists, Queen Silvia appeared to have replaced Madeleine - both at the UN headquarters during the day and on the exclusive gala at Cipriani restaurant in the evening.
Now comes the explanation: Princess Madeleine's three little children have all been ill.
- There has been cold with fever and so sick that we have planned for plan B - that the queen should go, says Margareta Thorgren.
But in the end, the children were healthy enough for Madeleine to feel that she could still travel to New York:
- She was aware that her name is at the invitation cards and tried to find a solution to the last. You never know when it comes to children and high fever, but now she does her utmost and goes, says Thorgren.
The decision was taken late in the Monday.
- The princess is very committed to their children and it is a new environment since they moved. She would rather not leave them when they are sick, but Adrienne is now so stable she can accompany and the other two are left at home with her father who takes care of them.
Despite Madeleine is now coming to New York, the Queen is still going to go.
- You must inform the UN who comes, and then Plan B got to enter. The queen would like to be there too. It is the Queen who founded Childhood and next year is the 20th anniversary, which means that she is currently working extra hard on these questions. She has just returned from Leipzig where Childhood opened a "children's house" (for children who have been subjected to violence or sexual abuse), says Thorgren.
- As the princess moved to the United States, she will be a bit more involved in Childhood in the United States. She wants to increase her commitment and work more actively.
How does the family like Florida?
- It's a big move when you move with three children. The family is acclimatizing and getting everyday life to work with schools for example. It's a lot about security and getting into a normal everyday life, says Thorgren.
Is Chris O'Neill working?
- He has always had an established work situation in the United States, so there is no change in his work. He has been working throughout Europe and the United States in the past.
Prinsessan Madeleines svåra dilemma när barnen blev sjuka
Queen Silvia at the seminar "Out of the Shadows: Shining Light on Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation" arranged by World Childhood Foundation, at UN Headquarters, New York.

With Deputy Secretary-General Amina J. Mohammed and Olof Skoog, Permanent Representative of Sweden to the United Nations.

Queen Silvia of #Sweden: "How can we hope for peace and justice while over 1 billion children experience violence every year?"

And from this photo we see that Madeleine was there too, originally it was planned that she would have attended alone.
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Madeleine has shared some photos - including some shots with Adrienne - of last weeks Word Childhood Foundation events:

** Photos **
Queen Silvia has been in Brazil since Tuesday, and she attended at a dinner with Childhood Brazil.

"Do you know who is in Brazil? Your Majesty Queen Silvia of Sweden! In São Paulo, where she is since Tuesday, 06/11, the monarch has already participated in a dinner @ childhoodbrasil. Established in 1999 by the Queen herself, the purpose of this institution is to protect children and adolescents, focusing on coping with sexual abuse and exploitation of children and adolescents. The swimmer @ jujuca1987 and the judoca @correaluciano participated in the night of fraternization in the city of São Paulo."

"It is an honor to meet Queen Silvia of Sweden, responsible for the Childhood Foundation, which since 1999 has been dedicated to the promotion and rights of children throughout the world. Here in Brazil, @ childhoodbrasil has specific actions in the fight against sexual abuse and exploitation of children and adolescents. Do not miss the site and have access to important and relevant information about the topic.
During her visit to Brazil, the Queen will meet with Minister Dias Tóffoli to discuss the protected listening law 13431/17 (Mrs. Maria do Rosário's bill), which aims to enable the testimonies of children and adolescents to be carried out with the support of a trained technical team, avoiding contact with the aggressor and process of revictimization. Each of us, regardless of the function and position he occupies, can and should do his part in building a more fraternal society. In particular, I feel motivated to continue fighting for what I believe in meeting people who play this role in the world"

Today, November 9, Queen Silvia attended the signement of a renewed cooperation agreement with Childhood Brasil and the Court of Justice of São Paulo in São Paulo:

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 ** Pic 3 ** Pic 4 ** Pic 5 ** rex gallery **
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Press release from Förlaget Näringslivshistoria

Our Christmas gift this year is a book about Childhood's 20 years, which we have done together with Childhood, about their work to give children a safer and more loving childhood. In the book you meet some of all the projects that have been supported - and get to hear from Queen Silvia about why she started Childhood.
In 1999, the World Childhood Foundation was founded by Queen Silvia, with the aim of preventing violence and sexual abuse of children. During the 20 years since then, Childhood has provided support for more than a thousand different projects, to develop new methods and models so that more children can have a safe and loving childhood.
In the book "För en barndom fri från våld" (For a childhood free from violence), some of these projects are presented.
The book was also handed over as a much appreciated gift to the Queen on 18th December.
The book is available today in Swedish version, and in February will also be available in English, German and Portuguese editions.
Vår julgåva_ En bok om Childhood 20 år - Centrum för Näringslivshistoria
Is Madeleine's Childhood 20th anniversary interview going to be available to watch?
Åsa Andreasson, communications manager of World Childhood Foundation Sweden, told to Svensk Damtidning about queen Silvia's visit to South Africa:
- The Queen is after all Childhood's founder and honorary chairman. She is in South Africa together with parts of Childhood's board and employees from us to visit projects that we support on site. Princess Madeleine doesn't take part in this trip.
Drottning Silvias oväntade resa till Sydafrika _ Svensk Damtidning

Photos of queen Silvia on Monday
PAB and our Beloved community of... - Philisa Abafazi Bethu SA _ Facebook

Queen Silvia visited also Project Playground, and met Frida Vesterberg, the co-founder and the Director of the activity in South Africa.
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The court about queen Silvia's trip to South Africa
Drottningen besöker Sydafrika - Sveriges Kungahus

On Tuesday the queen visited James House
James House had the privilege of hosting Queen Silvia of Sweden as well as delegates from World Childhood Foundation.
It has been an experience of a lifetime for the staff, children and parents of Hangberg and Imizamo Yethu as they shared their experiences of the James House services.
The Queen had a beautiful gentle nature when interacting with the children. They all loved speaking and playing with Her Majesty
James House - James House had the privilege of hosting... _ Facebook

Today the queen visited also Liliesleaf museum
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Princess Madeleine had meeting with Childhood Co-workers in Miami this past week
World Childhood Foundation celebrates 20 years this year.
Madeleine comes to Sweden to attend with queen Silvia at a charity dinner at restaurant Tyrol on 7th February. Margareta Thorgren said that Madeleine comes without her children.
Prinsessan Madeleine tillbaka till Sverige

There are also rumours that Madeleine will stay in Stockholm for some days and that her children's book will be published then.
The royal court's press release about Madeleine's children's book.
When Princess Madeleine makes debut with a children's book, it is with a theme that through her work with the World Childhood Foundation has come to engage her strongly: children's rights.
The book "Stella och hemligheten" will be published in the beginning of June by Bonnier Carlsen in cooperation with World Childhood Foundation. Madeleine has written the book together with Karini Gustafson-Teixeira and Marie Oskarsson. Madeleine and Karini are behind the idea. Karini works with Madeleine at World Childhood Foundation.
Prinsessan Madeleine debuterar med barnboken ”Stella och hemligheten” - Sveriges Kungahus

Margareta Thorgren said to Expressen that Madeleine has had ideas to the book many years. The book tells about integrity, self-esteem and trust. It is difficult to write to children about such a difficult things, so it has taken many years.
On the cover of the book Madeleine uses name "Madeleine Bernadotte".
Prinsessan Madeleine släpper barnbok_ Stella och hemligheten

Så ser prinsessan Madeleines bok ut _ Hovbloggen

Madeleine's Instagram

The idea of this book is very similar to what Generation Pep had with its book "Sagasagor: Fiffiga kroppen och finurliga knoppen" in 2017, to tell about important issues to children with a book.
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Margareta Thorgren told this morning at TV4 Nyhetsmorgon why Madeleine does not have her title on the cover, but uses the name Madeleine Bernadotte.
- It is actually a decision that is made that as soon as there is something that can bring in money, a commercial product. Then we have chosen that Princess Madeleine is there with her first and last name, says Margareta Thorgren and continues:
- And if there will be any profits from this book, then of course they should go to World Childhood Foundation and to various projects to precisely counteract violence against children and sexual abuse of children.
Erkännandet om prinsessan Madeleines bok i Nyhetsmorgon _ Hä

Prinsessan Madeleine debuterar med... - Swedish Press Agency _ Facebook
Queen Silvia and Madeleine attend tomorrow at Executive Committee Meeting of World Childhood Foundation.
King Carl Gustaf, queen Silvia, Carl Philip and Madeleine attend at a charity dinner on the occasion of the World Childhood Foundation's 20th anniversary
Kalender - Sveriges Kungahus

Margareta Thorgren to Expressen about Madeleine's arrival to Sweden
- The princess comes to Sweden herself. It's a work trip. She is here to celebrate Childhood, but she also works on the children's book which will be published later this year. But it will be a shorter visit in Sweden, considering that she has three children at home.
"Stella och hemligheten" becomes Princess Madeleine's author debut. The children's book is a collaboration with the World Childhood Foundation and now she is entering a more hectic time to get everything ready for the deadline.
- The work involves internal meetings and work on the book. In connection with a book release, which is less than half a year away, it is a lot of different issues to be decided.
But despite the fact that the trip involves a lot of work and less pleasure, Princess Madeleine looks forward to the visit to Sweden.
- Childhood's 20th anniversary is celebrated throughout the year - it will be an exciting year with important questions. The Princess's book is a collaboration on this and it is precisely Childhood's main issues that weigh extra heavily. Madeleine always looks forward to coming home to Sweden, said Margareta Thorgren.
Prinsessan Madeleines hektiska tid – familjen stannar i USA
Madeleine arrived at 09.45 the princess arrived at Executive Committee Meeting of World Childhood Foundation at the foundation's head office in Vasastan, Stockholm. There she greeted the photographers good morning and half an hour later Queen Silvia also appeared outside the office.
The reason for the Queen's delay was the chaotic traffic situation in Stockholm's inner city on Thursday, with trapped underground lines and withdrawn buses.
Outside the office, she was received by Childhood Foundation Secretary General Paula Guillet de Monthoux.
Prinsessan Madeleine i möte med drottning Silvia i Stockholm

ROYAL: Madeleine und Silvia nehmen am Executive Committee Meeting World Childhood Foundation in Stockholm teil

Madeleine's Instagram

According to Åsa Andreasson Åkerström, Communications Manager at the World Childhood Foundation, Madeleine herself has planned the evening's charity dinner, she told to Svensk Damtidning. But Madeleine is not alone as an organizer. To her help, she has close friends Katarina von Horn, Louise Thott, Lovisa de Geer and Ingegerd von Porat.
Prinsessan Madeleines plan för lyxmiddagen

- Childhood is very important for the queen. Therefore, the King wants to support his wife and Prince Carl Philip also had the opportunity to come, says Margareta Thorgren.
However, neither the Crown Princess couple nor Princess Sofia will attend. Sofia will be on another assignment tonight and Victoria and Daniel will travel to Åre early tomorrow morning to cheer up our Swedish ski stars in the Alpine World Ski Championships.
Madeleines lycka! Kungen och Carl Philip kommer ikväll _ Svensk Damtidning

Everything is ready for the dinner at Tyrol.

IBL Bildbyrå

Wow vilken glitterbomb prinsessan Madeleine! _ Svensk Damtidning

Court Instagram

Countess Marianne Bernadotte at the dinner:
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A lot of friends of the royal family attended at the dinner:
Andrea Brodin and Cedric Notz
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Caroline and Peder Dinkelspiel
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Lovisa de Geer, Katarina von Horn and Louise "Lussan" Thott
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Gustav Thott (on the right) with Fares Fares
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Charlotte and Christoffer Cederlund
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Louise and Jacob Cronstedt
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Carola and Fredrik Gottlieb
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Ellen Dinkelspiel (second from left) and Leonie Persson (on the right)
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Lina and Petter von Heidenstam
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Sofi Fahrman
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Nathalie and Dag Werner
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The Reverend, Court Chaplain and Rector of the Royal Court Parish Michael Bjerkhagen.
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First Lady of the Court, countess Anna Hamilton (on the right)
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Information officer Ulrika Näsholm from the court
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Karini Gustafson-Teixeira, who works with Madeleine at WCF and has written the book with Madeleine
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Madeleines fest i natt – därför kom hon utan Chris

Andrea Brodin tells at her blog about the dinner: The whole event was donated by sponsors. Loreen and Miriam Bryant sang. Sissela Kyle was evening's moderator. Andrea thinks there were about 200 people at the dinner, everyone had paid SEK 5000.
Childhood 20 år, Tyrol - Andrea Brodin
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