Sarah, Duchess of York Current Events 7: December 2006-February 2007

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Heir Apparent
Nov 21, 2005
Welcome to the Part 6 of the Current Events of Sarah, Duchess of York.
December 2006 - February 2007

Part 5 can be found here.

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Enjoy posting! :flowers:
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New Pics 27.12.2006

British royals HRH Sarah, Duchess of York with daughters, Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie at Heathrow airport before leaving for Thailand to see in the New Year. 27/12/2006. It's nice to see them all in similar colours :smile

Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3
Thanks for the photos, Iceflower. I love Sarah's sweater-coat! First time I've seen her in it. They all seem to have a black & white theme going in there.
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older sister

when i see sarah with her girls she always looks like the older sister not the mother.
Sophie, that's true!
And since they tend to dress in a similar style...
Skydragon said:
Fergie flies out for her party date with Kate

Their friendship was sealed when they were photographed falling out of a nightclub together looking royally plastered.

Sarah is really looking her age, the company she keeps just gets worse and to take her daughters along is terrible!

Yes, well, that's the way we all form our friendships, isn't it? :lol: It's hard to believe Sarah Ferguson is 47 years old, taking off to spend New Year on the other side of the world with a known drug user (who incidentally got off scot-free) - a woman at least 15 years younger than her. Sarah is looking very 'slept in' lately. It must be hard work constantly trying to persuade everybody that you're your daughters' sister, rather than their mother...
Avareenah said:
It must be hard work constantly trying to persuade everybody that you're your daughters' sister, rather than their mother...

And failing miserably! :ROFLMAO:
i'd agree...sarah needs to grow up. nothing wrong with spending new year's on the other side of the world but at least do it with some people that aren't more the half your age.
Duchess said:
i'd agree...sarah needs to grow up. nothing wrong with spending new year's on the other side of the world but at least do it with some people that aren't more the half your age.

It's not so much the age difference than the fact of what Kate Moss represents. I have nothing against this woman and I'm actually kinda glad her career wasn't ruined by bad judgement calls (btw, where is Kate's daughter ~ seems she's never around, though that's a topic for another site). Anyway, I just think that it's too soon after all the scandal for Sarah (and more importantly, her royal daughters) to be seen all chummy with someone like Kate. And that heinous boyfriend of hers. And yes, I know there will be other ppl there, most of whom don't have the same soured rep as Kate Moss, but it's Kate Moss that's being linked to the royals by the media and I just don't think it's a good thing at this time.

The Duchess of York has revealed how watching Helen Mirren in the acclaimed movie The Queen led to a feeling of regret over her behaviour in the wake of her split from husband Prince Andrew, and concern that she had hurt her former mother-in-law.
Roslyn said:
This is very interesting. I want to know her definition of 'couple'.
I hate to think, she seems to be saying that when they are together they live as husband and wife. :ermm:
Thae still are a couple, for andrew and sarah never have a couple relationship normal, I think they are still in love, are very good friend and are very good parents an if they can live toghter in peace after to be divorce, it's great for them.
Skydragon said:
I hate to think, she seems to be saying that when they are together they live as husband and wife. :ermm:

Oh no . . . I would hope not.
Needless to say...the headline is slightly misleading.

I read the article in People. She basically stays with him when she is in London, she does state that they are best friends, they are a family but not together. As the article mentions...they do date other people, and its a challenge for the new person to get used to the old ex. But they are a packge deal. Basically if you can't handle the presence of Sarah or Andrew..the new relationship won't work.

They will never remarry each other. And I don't think they will remarry anyone else.
Zonk said:
She basically stays with him when she is in London, she does state that they are best friends, they are a family but not together.
Tacky! :wacko:
How on earth is that tacky? They are two people who used to be married, who share two daughters. They seem to realize that they are better friends than anything else....why can't every one else accept that?
Avalon said:

The Duchess of York has revealed how watching Helen Mirren in the acclaimed movie The Queen led to a feeling of regret over her behaviour in the wake of her split from husband Prince Andrew, and concern that she had hurt her former mother-in-law.

Is it really possible that it was not until she saw the film that it occurred to her that she might have hurt the Queen, betrayed people and let down the monarchy? :huh:
Sarah has in the past expressed regret that she let the Queen down. I think these comments have reappeared as she was asked what she thought of the movie, The Queen.
The Hello! story is slightly ambiguous in the first paragraph, but the timing is made clear in the third:

The 47-year-old admitted that after her divorce from Andrew she felt she had "betrayed everybody and let down the monarchy".

Her view on HM:
"The Queen is one of the finest ladies I've ever met in my life. I'm so honoured to be able to say we are friends. I love her. She's given up her whole life to her country. She's a great lady and a wonderful grandmother."
i think it's wonderful that they still consider themselves a family and that they can live together when sarah is in London. i'm sure it's been a source of strength for the girls. this relationship is one of those very rare examples of love no matter what happens. i'll bet that the "suits" really hate it that sarah and andrew have stuck together through all this.

Andrew to date.... Do you fancy coming back to mine for a coffee
Date.... Oh, that would be lovely, but isn't Sarah staying again this week
Andrew... Don't worry she won't mind!


Stay friends - wonderful, stay close - lovely for the children, allow your ex wife to come and live with you, as a couple, when she is in the UK, (at the taxpayers expense, I might add) tacky and wrong.

If he want's to live with the woman, then get married again instead of this pretence at being 'a family'. Does being a 'family' and living in this way, mean they can both have as many sexual partners as they want, without any repercussions?
What do you mean by repercussions? They are both free (not committed to anyone else from what we can see) and over the legal age of consent. Whatever their relationship is, it works for them. Her continued presence in Andrew's life seems to be a mutual thing.

And in reference to the taxpayers, I believe you said it best. The British Taxpayers never have much say in who they pay for within the royal family or after they leave it.
repercussions - you really can't see what lesson it teaches young married men and women. Oh it's OK for us to sleep together, even though we are divorced because a member of the royal family does it, (we will say sorry to your new partner later).

Andrew and Sarah can have as many sexual partners as they want without having to bother about making a commitment, what message do you think it sends? The damage it is doing to the repair of the royals reputation. Sarah was never very popular, especially after she was seen with her lover in the swimming pool, in the UK, IMO, now she is making Andrew an even bigger laughing stock.

You have seen the complaints about Catherine taking taxpayers money, how do you think it would be seen, if news slows down further and one of the papers runs the story of Sarah sponging off of the UK, again.
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Skydragon said:
repercussions - you really can't see what lesson it teaches young married men and women. Oh it's OK for us to sleep together, even though we are divorced because a member of the royal family does it, (we will say sorry to your new partner later).

Andrew and Sarah can have as many sexual partners as they want without having to bother about making a commitment, what message do you think it sends? The damage it is doing to the repair of the royals reputation. Sarah was never very popular, especially after she was seen with her lover in the swimming pool, in the UK, IMO, now she is making Andrew an even bigger laughing stock.

You have seen the complaints about Catherine taking taxpayers money, how do you think it would be seen, if news slows down further and one of the papers runs the story of Sarah sponging off of the UK, again.

Well you are certainly entitled to your opinion. But based upon what young people (both married and unmarried) see on television and read in the news...I am sure Sarah and Andrew's "relationship" is not going to be the deciding factor in how people decide to act.

I don't have access to the full British media, so I don't know if Andrew is or is not considered a laughing stock by the British public for continuing to support Sarah. But from what I can see 1) it doesn't matter to Andrew what anyone thinks about his relationship and 2) I don't think the British media thinks about Sarah at all. In reference to one of the papers reporting that Sarah is sponging off the UK, it doesn't really matter. She is always going to get bad press , some of deserved and some of undeserved IMO.
Zonk said:
Well you are certainly entitled to your opinion. But based upon what young people (both married and unmarried) see on television and read in the news...I am sure Sarah and Andrew's "relationship" is not going to be the deciding factor in how people decide to act.

I don't have access to the full British media, so I don't know if Andrew is or is not considered a laughing stock by the British public for continuing to support Sarah.

Most of the young people I know, know that what they see on the tv is just acting and not a basis on how to live their lives. They also don't see actors as 'real' or (as they put it) 'of this earth or fullers'! They do comment on the successful second marriage of Charles, the relief that they are not in the same boat as Catherine and that TS is still 'milking him', poor sap'.
She earns enough I would have thought to support herself, then again, she never could handle money and spend less than she or he earned!
It sounds like a "disposable" relationship. It only stands when it's "convenient" for them, and then they go off and date other people.
I'm more concerned about the confusing message it must be sending their own daughters. No wonder Eugenie always seems to have a perplexed/unhappy look on her face. I wonder if she's a very sensitive person. :sad:
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