Princess Märtha Louise & Durek Verrett: News & Information 2019 - 2024

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Money, money, money...

It looks like Princess Märtha Louise and her Shaman are burning through their money reserves - as "Bunte online", the german magazine, reports, the pockets of the Princess are empty!

In Norway they have a tax register, in which everybody can see, who owns what. And while she had back in 2017 still a small fortune of roughly half a million Euro, there is now nothing left. In 2017 she also earned around 175 000 Euro, now only around 70 000. She has sold her estate on the island Hankø too, but for much less, than she expected - and the money went straight to the bank to pay for the mortgage.

I wonder, what this will lead too: Will this financial trouble strengthen the relationship to the Shaman, or will it end it? Sure is, they are not together anymore for any supposed financial motives!
It looks like Princess Märtha Louise and her Shaman are burning through their money reserves - as "Bunte online", the german magazine, reports, the pockets of the Princess are empty!

In Norway they have a tax register, in which everybody can see, who owns what. And while she had back in 2017 still a small fortune of roughly half a million Euro, there is now nothing left. In 2017 she also earned around 175 000 Euro, now only around 70 000. She has sold her estate on the island Hankø too, but for much less, than she expected - and the money went straight to the bank to pay for the mortgage.

I wonder, what this will lead too: Will this financial trouble strengthen the relationship to the Shaman, or will it end it? Sure is, they are not together anymore for any supposed financial motives!

Typically, when couples start to have money problems, that's not exactly the glue that holds a relationship together. Add in the Pandemic which has created a global financial crisis for so many it's difficult to see how this couple can stay together if neither one of them is capable of bringing home the bacon... unless they both plan on living off Martha's parents. :nonono: Stay tuned!
She may be broke but that doesn't mean he is.

He might be a sham, but there are a lot of people who buy into that new age stuff. And they pay big money in cases for 'treatment'. He has clients with a lot of money like Hollywood actors and musicians. He has gone 'virtual' since the pandemic, doing zoom sessions with his clients.

To be honest the pandemic may have helped his business. A lot of people with extra time on their hands. His rich clients will not have had to worry about lack of extra income. And finding a 'new age cure' for virus prevention would be right up the alley of some of them. He could make quite a bit of money hosting a class or two on zoom a few times a week where ever he is.

He isn't with her for her money. He is with her for her name and publicity.
Reported on Hollywood wikidata Durek's net worth ~ only $500,000. I really don't think business is booming, the last online workshop he offered was Atlantean Crystal Healing for $20 on Dec 19. That instagram post had 41 comments. I think the Durek magic is beginning to fade.
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I hope ML is today where she should be with her children and her family. Hope she will put her family before her own needs and wants.
Seeing as it's the first year anniversary of the girl's father's death, I would hope so too, Real Countess. The first Christmas after losing a loved one is hard. Especially if that person died on Christmas. ?
Se og Hor reports that the shaman had to leave the Schengen area (= EU + Norway, Iceland & Switzerland) in December after 90 days. American citizens are allowed to stay in the Schengen area for up to 90 days as tourists... Afterwards, you need to leave & apply for a visa.

So apparently he left (possibly for the US), applied for a tourist visa and flew back to Oslo via Amsterdam. There, he had to quarantine separately from Märtha Louise and her daughters, according to new regulations.
I notice that Se & Hør writes that Durek with certainty was in Norway on 22nd December.
And as such most be assumed to have spend Christmas with the NRF.

- The engagement is moving ever closer IMO.
I notice that Se & Hør writes that Durek with certainty was in Norway on 22nd December.
And as such most be assumed to have spend Christmas with the NRF.

- The engagement is moving ever closer IMO.

I think so too. He's already talked about it, and I also don't think he can remain in Norway on a tourist visa indefinitely. Even if he leaves every 90 days, there must be some sort of limit...
Oh, it's definitely moving closer. He's openly talked about it and said he was going to propose this time last year but Ari's death scuppered his plans. There's also a quote that said he keeps planning to propose but he wants it to be a surprise and M-L keeps guessing so he doesn't.

I assumed they decided (or were strongly "encouraged") to wait at least a year after Ari's death for everything to settle and the family to grieve by her parents or someone else with sense they listened to.

Unless it suddenly all goes pear shaped I would theoretically bet quite a bit that they'll be engaged by next Christmas at the latest and probably long before that. Maybe they'll film it for their new TV show.

I do wonder how her money problems will affect them as well, but he's quite well off.
I believe I read it on this thread, that Durek is worth $500,000.00 US dollars. Not all that much to support a Princess.
It wouldn't surprise me if a few months down the line we got an engagement announcement from ML and Durek.
I believe I read it on this thread, that Durek is worth $500,000.00 US dollars. Not all that much to support a Princess.

That seems like a plausible amount. I really don't think he is very wealthy, as it is mentioned in the Vanity Fair article that he does not own a house or apartment but lived in Airbnb rentals prior to coming to Norway.
Yeah, in Sweden Prince Carl Philip was born as Crown Prince Carl Philip, and the succession change was backdated so Victoria became the Crown Princess.
In Norway, the succession change was not backdated that is why ML did not get to be Crown Princess.

The succession change in Sweden was not backdated. Victoria only became Crown Princess starting on the day it came into effect.

Princess Märtha Louise did not become Crown Princess as the constitutional change only applied gender-blind succession to those born after 1990; without that limitation, her father's older sister Ragnhild would have replaced him as the crown princess.

It's completely unsurprising that Vanity Fair would do a fluff piece, especially as they were also doing an exclusive interview and pictures. I wouldn't be surprise if this is a prelude to an engagement announcement/interview either. And yes, many in VF's target readership is in to paying a lot of money for quackery.

While the piece trustingly accepts some of the couple's descriptions (of, for instance, why Norwegians have not welcomed Durek Verrett and his business with open arms, which they contend is rooted in race and class) without examining the situation, there are some pointed passages which distinguish it from a fluff piece:

Durek can be sharp toward an assistant bringing him a plate of food without a napkin or toward his P.R. person when she interrupts. But with Märtha, he’s mush. “Isn’t she so beautiful?” “Honey, you look beautiful.” “Can’t you see why I love her?”

Shaman Durek describes his childhood in meandering, dramatic sentences, as if he has no idea what will come out of his mouth until the precise second that the words escape it. The experience of listening seems more important than the minutiae, as though he is so carried away with himself and his vision that the details don’t quite matter.

For instance, Derek Verrett, as he was born in Sacramento, California, in 1974 and grew up in nearby Foster City, is sometimes a sixth-generation shaman and other times a third-generation shaman. [...]

Durek told me alternately that his grandfather was a minister of his own megachurch, and also a carpenter. Some holy men are known to do both, right? [...] Durek says his father had a private plane and cars and domestic staff to match; that his dad insisted he eschew his powers, speak perfectly, sit up straight, wear a suit to school, and carry a briefcase as a kid. Other times, he says he grew up splitting his time between Foster City and Hawaii, where his first language was pidgin and he’d have to wake up in the middle of the night to catch fish to feed his relatives.

“You can’t sign it,” he said. My dad is a lawyer. “Did you happen to get to paragraph five or six where it talks about entering your genitals?”

I hadn’t. The waiver seemed long and he was a shaman. I cringed and told him I had to go and scrolled down to those paragraphs.

You expressly consent to any and all treatments, methods, and techniques necessary that Shaman Durek may perform in your session as determined by him. This includes but is not limited to physical touching, energy healing, releasing of toxins…, energetic entry or physical touching of my genitals or electric shock treatment in the spine.

Okay, the cynic within me may be able to see the logic and Durek "protecting himself" against a lawsuits should he engage in sexual activity with a client because "the mood is right." - But a true professional would never ever let it evolve to that stage. I don't think that would stand in court.

He states in the interview that the clause is not designed to allow sexual activity but is necessary because:

“If I need to clean out your lymphatic system, it’s near your groin area. So if my finger’s here, that could be misinterpreted.” There is a technique in shamanism, he explains, to help women when they want to have babies, or men who are impotent, or women who can’t have orgasms. “You have to speak to their sexual glands…. There are things that I might have to take off to show me their genitals. I’ve had women who come in who--—one woman had vulva inflammation.” Clients proposition him. “I’ve had celebrities come to sessions with me, pull off all of their clothes, and ask me to **** them. I’ve had women and men—can’t say names, but I can tell you, big names—who have come in and been like, ‘I’ve always dreamed about having sex with a shaman.’ I’m like, ‘That’s not why I’m here for you.’ ”
Wow what a hog wash. Hell would freeze over first before I would let him lay a hand on me. I would call this something else, but not a healing. A, S. A. yes healing NO. Believe me he would not get a look into the garden of EDEN.

I confess to belong to the obvious minority of people, for whom the idea of having sex with a shaman has never crossed their minds...
I now understand it's a common fantasy.
For that piece of info, I shall give thanks to Durek.

When you have lived - and remember - several lives, it really can be difficult to keep track of what generation of shamans you belong to. Be reasonable, I say.
And considering that Durek is in constant contact with ancestral spirits, who transcend time and space, it gets even more confusing.
We must bear with him.

That Durek appears to not to know what will come out of his mouth next is hardly a novel thing!
I have encountered many, where when they open their mouths, something comes out that is wholly unconnected to their brains.

More ominous though is the account that he can be "sharp" towards his employees, but always kind towards ML. - Yeah, he needs her. She's a potential source to greater fame and income.
But how will he treat her when she is no longer considered of use to him? His former track record in that regard isn't exactly stellar!
ML & her shaman keep replaying their own bad version of "Groundhog Day".:blink: Eventually they will come to realize there is room for only one narcissist in the relationship.?
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How big is Bling Empire on Netflix?

I think the discussion in the video segment shown by the Swedish paper Aftonbladet was fair and I agree with the lady to the far left: I too wonder what the NRF think of Durek!
I find it interesting that Durek for period blocked Norwegians from commenting on his Twitter account, because they asked too critical questions.
How big is Bling Empire on Netflix?

I think the discussion in the video segment shown by the Swedish paper Aftonbladet was fair and I agree with the lady to the far left: I too wonder what the NRF think of Durek!
I find it interesting that Durek for period blocked Norwegians from commenting on his Twitter account, because they asked too critical questions.

Bling Empire was filmed prior to the pandemic Feb - Oct 2019 just released Jan 15. Netflix rates the show "#8 in the US today" whatever that means. We watch Netflix frequently, the show never crossed our radar until I saw this post on TRF.

I watched most of episode 5. The shaman's skit lasted not quite 4 minutes out of a 47 minute run for the episode. Unlike many reality shows with cast members pretending to be well-heeled, several of these members actually are. Toward the end of shaman's skit he appeals to a female cast member to come sit closer and she literally doesn't budge an inch. He tells her she needs to trust her own feelings instead of talking with everyone else. She says "that happened today". Her cast mates are already breaking out laughing as she asks Shaman if he knows the Bottega Veneta pouch bag (cost $2,790). Apparently she couldn't decide which color to buy, nude or mist... now she and the rest of her cast mates are rolling around on the beach in hysterics laughing. End of scene and the shaman. I think this is his only appearance in the entire series. In episode 6 they consult a medium. In the end shaman just appeared to be the hired entertainment for the evening.
A lot of the reality show nouveau rich wives plan parties for friends like a job. And part of it includes coming up with some new entertainment. Plenty of psychics and palm readers and such. Some actually believe in the junk when they invite them especially psychics. But mainly their friends just humor them for a laugh and booze.

As for the show Netflix does a trending rating. You get a list of the top ten shows. I rarely glance but Bling is number 5.
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What an odd scene he appeared in!

Bridgerton - the fantasy porn based loosely on Jane Austen... Perhaps he could make an appearance there? It wouldn't make it less historically correct than it already is...
Perhaps Durek was Mr. Collins in a previous life? :D
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I think Jane Austen wouldl be horrified even to be mentioned in relation to that show...
I wonder how the Royal Court of Norway admit all this nonsenses every Norvegian may read in their newspapers?
Bling Empire was filmed prior to the pandemic Feb - Oct 2019 just released Jan 15. Netflix rates the show "#8 in the US today" whatever that means. We watch Netflix frequently, the show never crossed our radar until I saw this post on TRF.

I watched most of episode 5. The shaman's skit lasted not quite 4 minutes out of a 47 minute run for the episode. Unlike many reality shows with cast members pretending to be well-heeled, several of these members actually are. Toward the end of shaman's skit he appeals to a female cast member to come sit closer and she literally doesn't budge an inch. He tells her she needs to trust her own feelings instead of talking with everyone else. She says "that happened today". Her cast mates are already breaking out laughing as she asks Shaman if he knows the Bottega Veneta pouch bag (cost $2,790). Apparently she couldn't decide which color to buy, nude or mist... now she and the rest of her cast mates are rolling around on the beach in hysterics laughing. End of scene and the shaman. I think this is his only appearance in the entire series. In episode 6 they consult a medium. In the end shaman just appeared to be the hired entertainment for the evening.

Hired entertainment for the evening?Just that?Oh well,it is what ML does every evening so he should have grown in his role then.
Poor woman,I had so wished she would have had an awakening of sorts after the passing of Ari,but no.
I wonder how the Royal Court of Norway admit all this nonsenses every Norvegian may read in their newspapers?

What nonsesnse? Durak's stuff? Martha L was into some funny werid stuff before she met him. so I expect they are used to it...
What an odd scene he appeared in!

Bridgerton - the fantasy porn based loosely on Jane Austen... Perhaps he could make an appearance there? It wouldn't make it less historically correct than it already is...
Perhaps Durek was Mr. Collins in a previous life? :D

Funny you should mention Mr. Collins. I see Durek more as a Wickham though. The cad. :D
Funny you should mention Mr. Collins. I see Durek more as a Wickham though. The cad. [emoji3]
Or more a William Elliot from Persuasion.
Or more a William Elliot from Persuasion.

Not really. William Elliiot is intelligent.. I think he's a lot closer to Wickham.. who is essentially crude, not all that smart but clever enough to make money dubiously and to seduce young women.
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