Prince Daniel's Current Events, Part 4

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An Ard Ri

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Jun 30, 2009
An Iarmhí

Arms of HRH Prince Daniel of Sweden

Welcome to Prince Daniel's
Current Events, Part 4

Commencing January 2024

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Daniel has today inaugurated new facilities for seriously ill children at Astrid Lindgren's children's hospital at Karolinska University Hospital in Huddinge.

The children's regional care department moves into new premises at Karolinska University Hospital in Huddinge. The new premises mean that the hospital can receive more sick children and provide more advanced care. H.R.H. Prince Daniel is there to inaugurate.
Children with diseases of the kidneys, pancreas, intestines, liver, blood and bone marrow come to the Children's Regional Care Department. The department receives patients from all over the country. Many of the children are cared for here before and after their transplant.
Prins Daniel inviger nya lokaler för svårt sjuka barn på Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset - Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset

Photos, Daniel inaugurated with patient Lukas Nordstrand.
TT gallery
ANP gallery
SPA photos

Court website
During the visit Daniel also visited Ronald McDonald house, where families have the opportunity to stay while the children are being cared for in the hospital. The Ronald McDonald House is an independent and non-profit foundation that has a close collaboration with Karolinska University Hospital.
Prins Daniel invigde ny barnsjukhusavdelning _ Kungahuset

More photos
Prins Daniel invigde barnsjukhusavdelning - GALA magasin

Daniel said at his inauguration speech among other things:
- When you are sick, it is so important how you feel around. I think of the incredibly professional staff that I know are here at Huddinge. I am so happy for you that you are getting this newly renovated premises. Both for the staff, for the children and the parents. I really wish for all the children who are here: that it will go in the right direction and that it will be good. It doesn't always happen that way - but I keep my fingers crossed and wish you all the best.
Annika McCarthy, director of operations for nursing area highly specialized pediatric medicine 1 and pediatric surgery:
- The prince was very curious about children's healthcare and asked many questions. Both we in the staff and the children in the ward have had interesting conversations with him during the tour of the new ward.
Prins Daniel inviger nya lokaler för svårt sjuka barn på Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset

The Ronald McDonald House in Huddinge at its Instagram:
"Royal visit to the House today - literally! Prince Daniel, little singer Lucas and children's hospital director Svante Norgren today inaugurated the new Children's regional care department at our hospital, and after a tour of the super nice department, which can now receive twice as many patients, it was our turn at the House It was a great visit with many questions, so valuable for us to be able to showcase our business as an extended arm of children's healthcare. Together we are the best!"
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Daniel visited today Industrifonden (The Sweden's Venture Capital Fund).
Industrifonden writes at its Linkedin
"We had the honor of welcoming Prince Daniel to Industrifonden yesterday. His deep engagement in entrepreneurship and keen interest in our operations and portfolio companies made for an enriching and insightful day. Representatives from Telness, Enginzyme, and Elypta, got the opportunity to showcase their businesses and innovations. We're grateful for the visit and the spotlight Prince Daniel brings to Swedish entrepreneurship."
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Daniel gave this afternoon at the Royal Palace an audience for the Heart-Lung Foundation's Secretary-General Kristina Sparreljung and communications manager Jenny Kölfors. Daniel has been the honorary chairman of the Heart-Lung Foundation's Board for 10 years.
Daniel got a recap of the last year's work and the activities that are planned this year when the Heart-Lung Foundation celebrates 120 years. He was also informed about developments within the population study SCAPIS. The long-term goal of the study is to be able to stop cardiovascular and lung diseases before they occur. A total of 30,000 Swedes are included in the study, of which 15,000 will now undergo a re-examination at six university hospitals in Sweden.
Prins Daniel i möte med Hjärt-Lungfonden _ Kungahuset
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Daniel visited yesterday company Mips which develops safety systems for different types of helmets.
Over 30 million helmets with the Mips safety system (launched 2007) have been sold. The solution is based on more than 25 years of research and development with doctors and professors from the Royal University of Technology and Karolinska Institutet.
Daniel received an introduction to Mips, followed by a tour of the test lab where different types of helmets are tested.
Prins Daniel besökte företaget Mips _ Kungahuset

ANP gallery
Profimedia gallery

Prins Daniel besökte testlabb - GALA magasin


Today Daniel attends the meeting of the Steering Group of the Prince Daniel's Fellowship at the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences.
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Daniel and representatives from Prince Daniel's Fellowship and its entrepreneurial programme have today attended GoWest - Nordic Venture Capital Forum in Gothenburg. GoWest is one of the Nordic's premier venture capital forums for startups, scale-ups, and investors in pre-seed to series A stages.

Daniel listened to several stage talks about everything from the dynamics of the VC market and how the Nordics stand in relation to the rest of the world, to global sustainability as a business model and so-called exit strategies for startup investors.
Prins Daniel på GoWest Nordic Venture Capital Forum _ Kungahuset

The County Administrative Board of Västra Gotaland tells about Daniel's visit to GoWest that Daniel is committed to supporting young entrepreneurs and inspiring young people to entrepreneurship and he had with him representatives from Prince Daniel's Fellowship. The County Administrative Board has on a visit of a royal the task of assisting the Royal House with practical arrangements: transport and coordination of security issues and program planning.
Prins Daniel besökte Göteborg och Go West _ Länsstyrelsen Västra Götaland

Photos at Court Instagram
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TV4 News morning showed yesterday morning a clip of Daniel's visit to Mips company on 1st February. He gave an interview to Anders Pihlblad at the visit.
"Our royals have their various matters of heart. Areas that Prince Daniel holds dear are Swedish entrepreneurship and innovations. In the clip, Prince Daniel talks about how important the development in Swedish business is."
Prins Daniel brinner för svensk innovationskraft_ ”Viktigt för Sverige”
Daniel met today at the Royal Palace researcher Daniel Waldenström from the Research Institute for Industrial Economies (IFN).
Waldenström presented IFN's research program Taxes and society, it's purpose is to increase knowledge about the importance of taxes in the social economy.
Möte om forskningsprogrammet Skatter och samhälle _ Kungahuset
Daniel visited today Blekinge Institute of Technology in Karlskrona with Prince Daniel's Fellowship's entrepreneurial programme. With him he had entrepreneurs Emma Ridderstad/Warpin, and Patrik Liu Tran/Validio. Together they talked about their experiences of running a business at an inspirational lecture. Later around thirty students participated in round-table discussions with Daniel and the entrepreneurs to share concrete tips and feedback about their own business ideas.

Daniel was interviewed by Radio Sweden P4 Blekinge
It was a full house when Prince Daniel lectured on entrepreneurship at BTH. A lecture that would inspire young people to start a business. The prince also sends a good tip for those who wanted to start their own business.

Daniel and Patrik Liu Tran

The Royal Court tells at its website about the visit, that in addition to the visit to Blekinge Institute of Technology, Daniel attended lunch at the governor's residence and met local entrepreneurs. The day ended with a visit to NKT and Marine Technology Center.
Daniel participated yesterday in a meeting with the Steering group of the Prince Daniel's Fellowship at the
Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences.

He attended also Prince Daniel's Fellowship's mentee meeting at Northzone.
At this year's first mentee meeting they visited Northzone. They learned more about what Northzone is, how they work, and about taking in and securing capital in entrepreneur-led companies.
On the occasion of World Kidney Day today, Daniel invited researchers in kidney medicine and transplantation to the Royal Palace. He received information about the latest in Swedish kidney and transplantation research.
Daniel attended yesterday the Transatlantic Day trade conference arranged by the Swedish–American Chambers of Commerce US. It highlighted the 400 years of good business relations between Sweden and the US that continue to create opportunities between and within the countries. Daniel gave a speech. He is patron of The Swedish American Chambers of Commerce USA since June 2023 and has long been involved in entrepreneurship and how Swedish companies succeed in export markets.

Program of the conference:
Daniel met yesterday at the Royal Palace students from Stanford University to talk about entrepreneurship in Sweden. The students attending the Stanford MBA program visit companies in Stockholm and later also in Estonia.
Klarna's co-founder and CEO Sebastian Siemiatkowski, one of the inspirers of the Prince Daniel's Fellowship, attended the meeting. The Prince Daniel's Fellowship's project manager Frida Olander gave a presentation of the initiative.
Daniel attended this morning the seminar "How do we get children and young people to move more in everyday life?" at the Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences. He gave a speech at the opening of the seminar, which is arranged by the Heart-Lung Foundation and the Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences.
Photos from Facebook of the Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences:
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About the seminar, among the speakers are Generation Pep's operations manager Carolina Klüft and the Minister for Social Affairs and Public Health Jakob Forssmed.
Here are some extra photo from the Seminar at the Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences
PPE Agency
Daniel opened today officially the Nordic Pavilion at the Giardini during the 60th Biennale Art 2024 (La Biennale di Venezia) in Venice.
Getty Images

He visited also the Canadian Pavilion:
ANP gallery

Daniel's speech (in english), he said among other things
"I am honoured and grateful to be here today for the inauguration of the Nordic Pavilion, and for having the opportunity to explore La Biennale di Venezia for the first time. I think few events in the world have the same ability to bring together such a diverse set of rich cultural traditions and languages – and what better medium than art exists to embrace this diversity?"

From court Instagram

Photos from Facebook of the Swedish Embassy
From the Embassy's Instagram

The Royal Court at its website
This year, the Moderna Museet is leading the work on the 2024 Nordic Pavilion at the Art Biennale in Venice.
Swedish artist Lap-See Lam has created a work of art together with Finnish artist Kholod Hawsh and Norwegian composer Tze Yeung Ho.

At the photos we have seen Daniel with Jan Björklund, the Ambassador of Sweden to Italy. Also the Minister for Culture Parisa Liljestrand attended the opening.
At this photo we see Daniel with Finnish Janne Sirén (the member of the Board of the Princess Estelle Cultural Foundation) and Gitte Ørskou (the Director of Moderna Museet).

The Court published at its Instagram photos taken by Daniel at the Biennale:
"It was a great honor for me to inaugurate the Nordic pavilion at the Venice Biennale yesterday.
It was especially fun to be part of Swedish Lap-See Lam's big entry on the international art scene with the multi-art work "The Altersea Opera" in the Nordic pavilion.
During the visit to the biennale, I got to see the pavilions of many countries and the works of different artists. They all had one thing in common: they opened their minds.
After a visit of this kind, you see the world in a slightly different way.
In the post here are some mobile photos from the day.
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Daniel met today at the Royal Palace Benjamin Sousa, ceo of Företagarna/The Swedish Federation of Business Owners.

The Royal Court about the meeting with Benjamin Dousa
Daniel visited yesterday Stockholm University with Prince Daniel's Fellowship's entrepreneurial programme. With him he had entrepreneurs Martin Lorentzon (co-founder of Spotify) and Anna Nordell Westling (co-founder of Sana).
Prince Daniel's Fellowship at its Instagram:
"The conversation touched on driving forces in one's entrepreneurship, finding one's "why" and finding balance in life. Something we take with us from the conversation is that education is an incredibly good springboard and experience before starting a business - but experience is gained through both studies, social life and involvement such as the school union or associations
A round table discussion was held where specially invited students had the opportunity to ask their questions to the Prince and the inspirers."

The Royal Court about the visit to Stockholm University:

The Stockholm University has at its website a good article about Prince Daniel's Fellowship's visit.
Around 150 students listened to Daniel, Martin Lorentzon and Anna Nordell Westling. Daniel hoped that they would get answers to their questions about entrepreneurship and that they will get a little closer to what they want. Having a background as a small business owner, he can say that not everyone will start a company like Spotify right away, but it can be good to start on a smaller scale, start something simpler to get started. With the lecture, Daniel hoped to inspire many young people to become entrepreneurs. It's about those who are interested in entrepreneurship being able to get the opportunity to ask questions and get concrete advice, to hear what it's like to take the step.

Is Anna Nordell Westling related to Daniel?
Is Anna Nordell Westling related to Daniel?
I don't think so. She is married to Peter Westling and their names haven't been at any articles about Daniel and his relatives. They weren't among the wedding guests either.
Daniel visited today the medical technology company Getinge in Solna with the mentees of the Prince Daniel Fellowship.
Prince Daniel's Fellowship's mentoring program gives a number of selected entrepreneurs the opportunity for two years to receive support to develop their company and themselves as entrepreneurs, with the help of a mentor handpicked from the Swedish or international business world. As part of the program, the mentees get to take part in inspirational lectures, networking meetings and accompany them on company visits, the most recent of which was to Getinge.

Getinge's main owner is Carl Bennet, a member of the Steering Group of Prince Daniel's Fellowship.

The Prince Daniel's Fellowship about the visit:
We were given a tour of the production where Getinge manufactures products for operating rooms and intensive care units.
We heard main owner and vice chairman of the board Carl Bennet share his experiences as an entrepreneur, which was very instructive. Carl stressed that you have to love what you do – dig where you stand and deliver where you stand. With patience comes progress. You are not better than your surroundings, and you as an entrepreneur help create this.
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Daniel attended this evening the opening of the European Renal Association's kidney meeting at Stockholmsmässan.

Daniel said at his opening specch at the European Renal Association's kidney meeting among other things
"This year marks 60 years since the first kidney transplantation took place in Sweden, at a hospital called Serafimerlasarettet here in Stockholm. The surgery was performed by Professor Curt Franksson, who grew up in a small municipality two hours north of Stockholm, Ockelbo.
And so did I, but 50 years later.
Our shared history, Professor Franksson’s and mine, does not end there.
Forty-five years after Franksson's first transplantation at Serafimerlasarettet, I found myself at the same hospital, on dialysis, waiting for a kidney transplant.
Today, 15 years later, I am standing here, healthy, and happy with my father's kidney.
The gratitude I feel towards those of you who dedicate your lives to improving opportunities for us patients is indescribable."

At the Royal Court's article:
Today Daniel met at the Royal Palace experts and researchers participating the European Renal Association's kidney meeting to discuss new research results in kidney diseases: Professor Rick Johnson (USA), Professor Peter Stenvinkel (Sweden), Professor Roser Torra (Spain), Professor Gabriel Oniscu (Sweden), Professor Rosalinde Masereeuw (Netherlands), Raymond Vanholder (Belgium) and the Royal Court's and Daniel's physician Lars Wennberg (Sweden).
At the article also about Daniel's event yesterday.
Daniel attended today the meeting of the Steering Group of the Prince Daniel's Fellowship at the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences.
Daniel attends this evening at the inauguration of the Swedish Championships in Young Entrepreneurship at Stockholmsmässan.
He handed out the Prince Daniel's Scholarship for Young Entrepreneurship for the first time, to Jonatan Persson.
The scholarship of SEK 50,000 goes to a former Young Entrepreneuship entrepreneur, who is maximum of 30 years old and has run a business for a number of years. The scholarship was established by The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise to honor Daniel's many years of commitment to Junior Achievement Sweden/Young Entrepreneurship. It was handed over as a gift on Daniel's 50th birthday.
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Daniel delivered also SvD's Affärsbragd (SvD's Business Achievement of the Year) to Estrid: Amanda Westerbom, Ben Eliass and Alan Aygun.
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Alan Aygun, Ben Eliass and Amanda Westerbom have founded Estrid, whose razors have won the love of customers far beyond Sweden's borders.
The medal was presented by Prince Daniel, who emphasized the importance of entrepreneurship, which he says is absolutely central.
- It is a fantastic company that has gone from being very small to becoming very large and challenging the big giants. It is a real feat.
He emphasized the importance of presenting the award on this particular day.
- It gives hope for the future to meet this group of young, enthusiastic people.

Photos from Flickr account of Junior Achievement/Young Entrepreneurship Sweden:
Daniel interviewed at the inauguration of the Swedish Championships in Young Entrepreneurship.
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Delivering the Prince Daniel's Scholarship for Young Entrepreneurship to Jonatan Persson.
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Delivery of SvD's Affärsbragd
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Daniel awarded at Oscarsteatern the Heart-Lung Foundation's major research grant (SEK 15 million spread over three years) to Jenny Mjösberg, professor at Karolinska Institutet.

Daniel is the honorary chairman of the Heart-Lung Foundation.

The Royal Court:
Daniel attended the Heart-Lung Foundation's 120th anniversary at Fasching and Oscarsteatern.
The anniversary celebration began at Fasching with Daniel awarding six anniversary grants to mid-career researchers who completed their dissertations 7–15 years ago. The Foundation has established the grant to highlight the vital research into diseases of the heart, vessels and lungs. Each granted grant consists of SEK 5 million distributed over a three-year period.
The celebration continued at Oscarsteatern, where Daniel presented the Heart-Lung Foundation's major research grant.
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Daniel gave today an audience to Jared Polis, the Governor of Colorado.
The Governor is visiting Sweden during the week with a delegation with representatives from business and academia. The visit is carried out to strengthen the economic ties between the American state and Sweden.
Daniel has participated in the Solbacka course, which ended yesterday.
Victoria participated in the Solbacka course in August 2022.
The week long Solbacka course is arranged by the Swedish Defence University on behalf of the Swedish Armed Forces and the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB).

This year's Solbacka course has ended. The course gives people in leading positions from all parts of society the opportunity to build a common level of knowledge, discuss and practice possible scenarios together.
— The course is an important effort to strengthen our total defence and I can only state that in today's society, and with our needs to quickly strengthen the total defense, relationship-building training is more important than it has been in a long time. The invasion of Ukraine is a reminder that we must understand each other and our different roles in order to act quickly and coordinated if the crisis or war comes. We create that together on the Solbacka course, says Charlotte Petri Gornitzka, the Director General of MSB.
At the photo we see the participants, as well as well as the Supreme Commander of the Swedish Armed Forces, general Micael Bydén and the Director General of MSB, Charlotte Petri Gornitzka.

Daniel participated yesterday in Prince Daniel's Entrepreneurial Day, arranged at Winterviken in Stockholm by the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences and Prince Daniel's Fellowship.
The purpose of the day is to give young entrepreneurs an opportunity to be inspired, build networks and jointly discuss experiences.
Daniel gave a welcome speech. Stage talks were alternated with round table discussions. Entrepreneur Bianca Ingrosso spoke under the heading "Building an empire" and business leader Carl Bennet about "Dynamic leadership".
The day ended with a joint dinner. Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson spoke about the need for strong entrepreneurship in Sweden.


The website of Prince Daniel's Fellowship has been updated:
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Daniel attended yesterday The British-Swedish Chamber of Commerce's Platinum Jubilee (70th Anniversary) at Grand Hôtel.
Instagram of The British-Swedish Chamber of Commerce:

The Royal Court about the BSCC's 70th anniversary:
The 70th anniversary was hosted at the Grand Hôtel and featured panel discussions on sustainable trade, green transition, research and development, and security and defence.
Daniel attended today the Board meeting of the Heart-Lung Foundation at the Foundation's headquarters.
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