New Home for Guillaume and Stéphanie

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Imperial Majesty
Jan 9, 2013
An annex is to be built on the grounds of Berg Castle. It is specified that the new building will be financed from the castle's own resources and that no public funds will be invested.

According to a personal letter from the Hereditary Grand Duke, the Grand Duke gave his consent to the construction of this annex next to the castle.

All legal conditions would also be met, it continues, while Berg Castle will retain its function as the workplace of the Grand Duke and the Hereditary Grand Duke.

I imagine they intend to move there as Garnd DUke and NOT live in the castle itself?
Interesting. Is the castle really used all that much for official duties? TBH I'm surprised they don't either just move all official duties to the Grand Ducal Palace or stay at their current home Fischbach. But its being done with personal money and I like the idea of having a smaller just family residence.
I imagine they intend to move there as Garnd DUke and NOT live in the castle itself?
Although Berg Castle is the official residence of the GDF I guess that they have never lived there most of the time, maybe it is not so comfortable. Just as the Queen of GB and Charles don't like to live in Buckingham Palace. Berg Castle so far has not been opened to the public, maybe it will be in the future. As they are paying themselves for the annex, it is maybe a good idea. I could imagine that living in a very old large castle with not much modern comfort with two small children might not be so convenient.
I have never seen the inside of Schloss Berg, only the outside. But the fact that Guillaume moved out almost immediately following the announcement of his engagement makes me wonder if he has just never had any attachment to this particular castle?

Having a smaller family property for he and Stephanie and the children adjacent to their "official" home makes sense. The big garden parties, receptions etc can continue as always.

On a rather more cynical angle, this big change further emphasizes the difference/distance Guillaume and Stephanie might want to make between themselves and the controversies connected with MT and Berg Castle.

After the bad publicity and scandals associated with Berg via the Waringo Report I really don't blame the HGD couple for not wanting to live there.

In fact whoever has been handling PR for Guillaume and Stephanie since the births of their children has been brilliant.😉
Guillaume and Stéphanie may want a smaller, more welcoming place to live with their children.
They may not think they need a castle as big as Berg Castle to live in at the moment.
I am also curious to know what they will do with their current residence, Fischbach Castle.
And will Henri and Maria Theresa continue to live in Berg Castle?
After the death of Grand Duke Jean, Fischbach was immediately modernized/renovated for Gui and Stephanie and their baby Charles. Since it's now ready for a young family it would be sad to see it sit empty. But Louis's sons are at boarding school and he lives in Paris, same as Alexandra and her family.
I can't see Felix and Claire returning to Luxembourg.
Perhaps Sebastian will live there when he married?
Or perhaps it will just sit empty until Prince Charles marries someday.
I read in an article in the Dutch press that they were looking into the possibility to open Chateau Berg to the public at least part of the year. And the HGD said that he and his wife were constructing this house so they could have a better work-life balance and be closer to their children.

I imagine MT and Henri may move to Fischbach, as GD Jean and GDss Josephine-Charlotte did.

A modern villa is much more practical and comfortable for modern family life than a castle is. We have seen even the Prince of Wales opting for -in royal terms- a rather modest family home, albeit in an old construction. Same goes for the Prince of Orange at the time, the CPss of Sweden, the Spanish King, the Norwegian heirs. All prefer a relatively modest and private home over a palace.
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I've always assumed MT and Henri would move into Fischbach, as happened when Jean abdicated and he moved back in and MT and Henri moved into Berg. If MT and Henri aren't going to move in it would make sense for Gui and Steph to stay where they are, its only 15 mins away from Berg Castle.
I'm intrigued if we'll get to see at least the outside of the new annex - its always looked like the castle is on quite a hill some nice gardens around it so I'm interested to see where they build. Didn't Gui and Steph move into a residence close to Berg when they married?
I've always assumed MT and Henri would move into Fischbach, as happened when Jean abdicated and he moved back in and MT and Henri moved into Berg. If MT and Henri aren't going to move in it would make sense for Gui and Steph to stay where they are, its only 15 mins away from Berg Castle.
I'm intrigued if we'll get to see at least the outside of the new annex - its always looked like the castle is on quite a hill some nice gardens around it so I'm interested to see where they build. Didn't Gui and Steph move into a residence close to Berg when they married?
Yes, they moved to a residence near Berg Castle after their marriage, this residence is also owned by the grand ducal family.
I'm also intrigued as to where they will build this addition. I think Fischbach Castle should be available to Henri and Maria Teresa.
After the death of Grand Duke Jean, Fischbach was immediately modernized/renovated for Gui and Stephanie and their baby Charles. Since it's now ready for a young family it would be sad to see it sit empty. But Louis's sons are at boarding school and he lives in Paris, same as Alexandra and her family.
I can't see Felix and Claire returning to Luxembourg.
Perhaps Sebastian will live there when he married?
Or perhaps it will just sit empty until Prince Charles marries someday.

I was once told by someone with connections to the family that the family has an agreement that because the country is so small, only the grand Duke and the heir’s family would reside in the country and the others would live outside of it. Now this was told to me 5+ years ago so maybe they’ve changed the agreement but that’s what I’ve always understood to be the reason behind everyone else living in Paris/France.
That makes sense to me Sarahbellar. It would explain why all the children of Henri and MT live outside the Grand Duchy.
And I honestly cannot picture Henri and MT continuing to live in Luxembourg once Henri abdicates. MT in particular seems keen to be out of the country as much as possible.
Perhaps when they are in Luxembourg they will reside at Fischbach.
I also can’t see MT and Henri continuing to live in Berg Castle- it requires a large number of staff to run and staff official functions- I’m sure that, to be frank, everyone will want MT to have as little contact with as few staff as possible given the tensions there.

I can see them officially having Fischbach as Henri at least will need somewhere for the odd visit to Luxembourg but I can see MT moving almost full time elsewhere (as many reports suggest she does now anyway). I imagine she’ll divide her time between Paris, Biarritz and maybe Cabasson (though I’ve always had the impression that “goes with the job” so maybe Gui and Steph will now be in charge of Cabasson)
I like Gui and Stephanie but I think it's odd and a complete waste of money. But since they're using private funds, they can do what they want. In terms of optics i think it looks wasteful and almost ridiculous to not use any of the already existing properties and renovate a comfortable family sized apartment in Berg for example.
Oh well, it's not my money and I'm, not from Luxembourg...
I’m not sure if it distances them that much if they are still moving to the grounds of Berg Castle. Staying at Fishbach would have been much more of a break imho. However, I guess the expectation is for the regent couple to live at Berg Castle, so this might be the compromise.
It does seem odd to me but as its their money I can’t get too wound up by it, just seems bit strange to me. I’m surprised they couldn’t do what most royals and nobles living in big houses do and at least play round with the rooms a bit to make a family section of the property. An entirely new building seems a bit much maybe? Would the residence they used after their marriage not work? I guess maybe it is too small for a family of 4?
I find it quiet odd to have an annex built. I suppose there are also private appartements at Berg Castle. Jean and JC moved in after his accession in 1964 and then their youngest son Guillaume was only 1 years old and they had 4 more children and still managed to have a Family live there.

TBH I'm surprised they don't either just move all official duties to the Grand Ducal Palace
Don't think that is possible. The Grand Ducal Palace is not really big and the rooms not really big.
But they host state visits there and the pre wedding gala dinner for Stephanie and Gui's wedding - by royal standards it isn't big I understand but it seems to suit the needs.

Either way, they haven't chosen that option.
But they host state visits there and the pre wedding gala dinner for Stephanie and Gui's wedding - by royal standards it isn't big I understand but it seems to suit the needs.

Either way, they haven't chosen that option.
For big Events the use the Chamber of the Parliament which is next door and accessible via the Palace.
I have visited it 2 years ago and was surprised how small the rooms are. For example the big dining room there can seat i think 50 people if i remember right.
For Guillaume and Stephanie's pre-wedding Gala, some of the dinner guests were seated inside the Palace and others in the Chamber of the Parliament.
For Guillaume and Stephanie's pre-wedding Gala, some of the dinner guests were seated inside the Palace and others in the Chamber of the Parliament.
And others had Dinner at the Cercle building in the town and came to the Palace afterwards.
Yes, but we're talking about them building a completely new house which seems unnecessary and wasteful to me. Either Fishbach or Berg should have adequate space to renovate into a nice family sized apartment.

But Okay, build something completely new if you've got the money I guess....
It's not the royal family who owns Berg Castle, it was divested to the goverment in 1934, with the royal family allowed to use it as a residence. Who knows how much renovations that they are allowedcto do. Then there is the cost of warming up a large castle, maybe the cost of having a modern energy-efficient house will be cheaper than renovating and warming up a castle in a decade or two, as well as easier to childproof.

I want to know what they are going to do with Fischbach Castle. Are Henri and Maria Teresa going to live at Fischbach Castle?
I would imagine so. I certainly hope they don’t stay in Berg Castle!
I don't think they'll be much in Luxembourg at all. They'll most likely spend most of their time in the south of France - either in Biarritz or their holiday home near Bormes-se-Mimosas. Nonetheless, they will still need a place to stay for when they are in Luxembourg.
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