Marius Borg Hoiby - Discussions 2003 - 2020

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Heir Apparent
Jan 14, 2003
Polfoto 18-08-2003 Asker 18.08.03: Marius' first day at school Marius had his first day at school at Janslökka school in Asker today. The school is situated just across the road from the Crown Pince family's new home at Skaugum. Marius was followed to school by his father Morten Borg, his mother Crown Prince Mette-Marit, and his step-father Crown Prince Haakon. Photo: Mette Möller/Dagbladet/All Over Press Norway (Code: 505962a)

Polfoto 18-08-2003 Asker 18.08.03: Marius' first day at school Marius had his first day at school at Janslökka school in Asker today. The school is situated just across the road from the Crown Pince family's new home at Skaugum. Marius was followed to school by his father Morten Borg, his mother Crown Prince Mette-Marit, and his step-father Crown Prince Haakon. Photo: Mette Möller/Dagbladet/All Over Press Norway (Code: 505962a)
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The Crown Prince takes Marius to school
Av Hanne Dankertsen 19.08.03 08:46

Monday was the first day at school for Norway's 6-year-olds, including Marius Borg Høiby, son of Crown Princess Mette-Marit. His mother, father and stepfather Crown Prince Haakon took Marius to school for the very first time.

The first day of school is not a long one, but is may be quite an overwhelming one for excited 6-year-olds. One particular group of children were even more excited, as the son of the Crown Princess was to join their class.

The press was ready

At midday 71 6-year-olds were arriving the school in Asker along with their parents. A number of reporters were waiting to see Marius and his family.

Marius was wearing a big black and light blue rucksack and held his fathers hand for some time, but stayed close to his mother most of the time.

New friends

Marius will be in a class of 16-17 children and their teacher took the class to their classroom where the lesson of the day consisted of drawing and chatting. The parents were in the classrooms to t with before attending a meeting with the principal in the gym hall.

Close to home

After two hours the first day was over and the family drove back to their home in Ullevålsveien, here they live when waiting for the royal property Skaugum to be restored. Marius's new school is located very close to Skaugum.

Marius will learn Norwegian, English, religion, music, gymnastics and a number of other subjects the first year. His class will also enjoy other activities such as trips to the forest and visiting museums.

Principal Arnt-Jørgen Nilsen said he is pleased that the royal family has chosen their local school for Marius, saying: "We see this as a challenge ad hope to fulfil the wishes Marius and his parents have to the school".

:flower: Xicamaluca
Marius Borg Høiby was also accompanied to schoolstart by his paternal grandmother - farmor - Mette Borg - wearing blue skirt, white blouse and iceblue jacket - to be seen above in the pic Alexandria Posted: Aug 19th, 2003 - 1:58 am
Marius' father

this week se og hor says:

sjokk beskjed for gravide mette marit: marius papa i terror drama

perhaps somebody can translate?

in the srmb it has also been said that they were spending some holidays in valentino's private yatch and kyril and wife rosario were also there. :)
carlota said:
this week se og hor says:

sjokk beskjed for gravide mette marit: marius papa i terror drama

Shock message for pregnant Mette Marit: Marius´ father in terror drama. Don´t know what it´s about though.
Dennism said:
Shock message for pregnant Mette Marit: Marius´ father in terror drama. Don´t know what it´s about though.

Marius' father, his new wife, her son from a former relationship and their new born (or nearly new born) son were in Sharm-el-Sheik when the bombs exploded. It's said (from Se og Hør that is) that they were sleeping in their hotel a hundred metres form where the bombs went off.
KikkiB said:
Marius' father, his new wife, her son from a former relationship and their new born (or nearly new born) son were in Sharm-el-Sheik when the bombs exploded. It's said (from Se og Hør that is) that they were sleeping in their hotel a hundred metres form where the bombs went off.

gosh she must have been really shocked
KikkiB said:
Marius' father, his new wife, her son from a former relationship and their new born (or nearly new born) son were in Sharm-el-Sheik when the bombs exploded. It's said (from Se og Hør that is) that they were sleeping in their hotel a hundred metres form where the bombs went off.
Wow. Thank goodness they are all okay.
Haakon teaching Marius to windsurf

Haakon was teachin Marius how to windsurf at Maagerø where they were celebrating Haakons birthday. There is also a smal girl on the pictures but I dont recognise her

pictures from cover
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Larzen said:
Haakon was teachin Marius how to windsurf at Maagerø where they were celebrating Haakons birthday. There is also a smal girl on the pictures but I dont recognise her

pictures from cover

I'm not 100 % sure, but I think that the little girl might be Marius' cousin.
KikkiB said:
I'm not 100 % sure, but I think that the little girl might be Marius' cousin.
I think its Tuva Hoiby. My boyfriends sister is Norwegian and she think its Tuva, Espens daugther.
LaMinka said:
I think its Tuva Hoiby. My boyfriends sister is Norwegian and she think its Tuva, Espens daugther.

Yes, that does make sense :)
Will Marius get a title?

tiaraprin said:
While Marius cannot be a royal, maybe someday Haakon will grant him an aristocratic title if appropriate. He is the brother of a future Queen!

I have to disappoint you, since Norway doesn't have an aristocracy and thus no titles, Marius won't get one. It has been "extinct" since the mid 1850s (I think!)

But there is a large chance, IMO, that he might get a high position in the society through the connections he might establish through his relation to the royal family and thus the business life and official life in Norway. And he probably would get access to the college/university that he likes, because even if one doesn't want to people will give him a benefit since he is related to the royal family. To please the royal family so to speak. One can argue that people wont do such a thing in our days, but I think that deep inside people have some awe and respect of the royal family.

So he might be in the diplomatic corps, he might be in the military, he might be in business, he might be a carpenter, he might be a bus driver. Who knows?? Time will tell!
I can't understand this discussion about Marius given a title. Would it make him a better person to be a prince or a duke or something like that?
Why can't he be respected for what he is, Marius Hoiby Borg, the son of Mette-Marit and Morten Borg?
IMHO it's as good as to be a prince...
hippiesheep said:
I can't understand this discussion about Marius given a title. Would it make him a better person to be a prince or a duke or something like that?
Why can't he be respected for what he is, Marius Hoiby Borg, the son of Mette-Marit and Morten Borg?
IMHO it's as good as to be a prince...

Well Said, Hippiesheep. This topic never seems to END!
Who pays for Marius' education and other expenses?

Just curious, I don't mean any harm or heated debates but who's financing Marius' education and other expenses? Does he get an allowance (aka tax payers' moulah) or his father still provides for him as he should be?
hippiesheep said:
I can't understand this discussion about Marius given a title. Would it make him a better person to be a prince or a duke or something like that?
Why can't he be respected for what he is, Marius Hoiby Borg, the son of Mette-Marit and Morten Borg?
IMHO it's as good as to be a prince...

I think if Marius gets a title he will be disrespected as a result by not only his peers but the public as well. Not a good idea. Your right, he is who he is, why change it? Unless Hakon adopts him but his fathers still alive so why would that happen?
planetcher said:
Just curious, I don't mean any harm or heated debates but who's financing Marius' education and other expenses? Does he get an allowance (aka tax payers' moulah) or his father still provides for him as he should be?

Public school is free in Norway from you are six years troughout university, unless you choose to go to a private school, I would say atleast 98 % children go to public schools from they are 6 to they are 18-19, there is no need to go to private school as the public ones are of good quality (some choose private schools for special needs children or for religious reasons). Most also choose publich schooling for hogher education. All the universitys are free also. Although there are some Private higher education which you would have to pay for if you choose them.

Who pays for his private costs is not known, but as he lives with Haakon and MM I would guess they cover much of his expenses and when he is with his father he takes care of him, that is ofcourse a private matter, he will never get any money from the state, he will have to earn them and pay taxes like everyone else.
Larzen said:
Public school is free in Norway from you are six years troughout university, unless you choose to go to a private school, I would say atleast 98 % children go to public schools from they are 6 to they are 18-19, there is no need to go to private school as the public ones are of good quality (some choose private schools for special needs children or for religious reasons). Most also choose publich schooling for hogher education. All the universitys are free also. Although there are some Private higher education which you would have to pay for if you choose them.

Who pays for his private costs is not known, but as he lives with Haakon and MM I would guess they cover much of his expenses and when he is with his father he takes care of him, that is ofcourse a private matter, he will never get any money from the state, he will have to earn them and pay taxes like everyone else.

Just some comments; for schooling - it's partly true that higher education is free. When you go to public upper secondary school you have to buy the school books and notebooks and so on yourself. But to go to the school is free (no fee). And for public universities and polytechnicolleges you have to pay a small fee each semester (500 nok plus/minus a 100 nok depending on which insitution you are at and it covers paper mostly, for copying and printing) and also you buy the books and supplies you need. And for quality of the public mandatory school, it may vary from municipality to muncipality due to funding, but that is another can of worms.

As for who pays for Marius' care. The system in Norway is such that when the parents of the child isn't living together (through divorce and split ups) the person who has the daily care for the child will recieve a monthly sum (even though some persons refuse to pay) from the parent who doesn't have the daily care. The size of the sum depends of the number of kids you have to provide for and what your income is. I guess it's the same for Marius. His dad pays a montly sum for his care (to buy clothes, to pay spare time activities and so on). IMO, Haakon also will provide financially for Marius' care, as Marius is a member of his family.
KikkiB said:
Just some comments; for schooling - it's partly true that higher education is free. When you go to public upper secondary school you have to buy the school books and notebooks and so on yourself. But to go to the school is free (no fee). And for public universities and polytechnicolleges you have to pay a small fee each semester (500 nok plus/minus a 100 nok depending on which insitution you are at and it covers paper mostly, for copying and printing) and also you buy the books and supplies you need. And for quality of the public mandatory school, it may vary from municipality to muncipality due to funding, but that is another can of worms.

As for who pays for Marius' care. The system in Norway is such that when the parents of the child isn't living together (through divorce and split ups) the person who has the daily care for the child will recieve a monthly sum (even though some persons refuse to pay) from the parent who doesn't have the daily care. The size of the sum depends of the number of kids you have to provide for and what your income is. I guess it's the same for Marius. His dad pays a montly sum for his care (to buy clothes, to pay spare time activities and so on). IMO, Haakon also will provide financially for Marius' care, as Marius is a member of his family.

Also, Mette-Marit is most likely receiving child benefits from the State for Marius, as other Norwegian mothers do. It would be strange if she weren't. Though, I doubt they get that for Ingrid Alexandra.
She certainly did before she married, but now that she dont pay tax I somehow doubt it.....?
norwegianne said:
Also, Mette-Marit is most likely receiving child benefits from the State for Marius, as other Norwegian mothers do. It would be strange if she weren't. Though, I doubt they get that for Ingrid Alexandra.

Thanks, I forgot about that one - barnetrygden!
What name does Marius call Haakon?

I wonder what Marius uses to Haakon? Does he call him Papa? Sir? Maybe just Haakon? Does Marius even meet with his own father?
He calls him Haakon. There was a recent video released where he drew a picture and it was for "Mama and Haakon".
I know in America most children will call there stepfather by his first name, except in cases where he's been raised by the stepfather from birth or a very young age and the biological father is out of the picture. Then they would usually call him dad.

to me that's kind of strange, calling your step father by his last name...."Hey Olsen, can you help me with my homework?" Sounds almost disrespectful from an American point of view.
Is Haakon his last name? I thought it was his first name. If it's his last name - that is kind of interesting.
Emily said:
Is Haakon his last name? I thought it was his first name. If it's his last name - that is kind of interesting.

Haakon's not his last name, I think point that is trying to be made is that it's normal for the first name to be used when addressing a stepfather because "Papa" isn't appropriate, since Marius seems to see his father (as evidenced by pictures I've seen in other threads) and "Sir" is way too formal. Haakon hasn't adopted Marius, either. I don't know how often Marius sees his biological father, though, and where the father lives in relation to the Crown Princely couple.
Marius biological father has supposedly cleaned himself up, and now is able to have access to him. I think Marius has even spent a Christmas with him.
norge said:
Marius biological father has supposedly cleaned himself up, and now is able to have access to him. I think Marius has even spent a Christmas with him.

The guy knows that if he messes up again this time he won't have an enraged single mother to hide from but a very angry King and Crown Prince to seek and destroy him, so I think he's really trying but Haakon and MM keep a very close eye on him.

I think Marius thinks more of Haakon as a father than his own for several reasons:

1. He lives with Haakon, mom and his siblings so he spents a lot of time with him
2. Haakon has been there for him in many moments like first days of school and stuff
3. Haakon strengted his love for MM through the love for her son
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