Delphine Boël, daughter of King Albert II

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What the Belgian people says about King Albert and all this Paternity Case

Belgian people “very dissapointed” in King Albert II – Royal Central

The Brussels Court of Appeal has decided yesterday 14 February to postpone the hearing until 28 March

New hearing on Thursday 28 March at the Court of Appeal of Brussels.
Delphine Boel presses King Albert as demands a bail of 5,000 euros a day, with this measure, wants to force him to submit once and for all to DNA test.
A final hearing is scheduled for 11 April. Then the Court of Appeal will pronounce its judgment.
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I have to say, I completely agree with you on this. I just don't see the necessity in dragging all this out. Just doesn't make sense to me.
I suppose she might have an emotional/psychological need to be acknowledged as Albert's daughter. My brother has a son he refuses to acknowledge & when I met with the young man he said that's all he wants. Not money, not even a relationship, but just to be acknowledged as my brother's son. Unfortunately my brother is just as irresponsible as he was 20 years ago and refuses....
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He'll keep delaying this over and over and over again and hope he'll pass away before the case is closed :( Probably encouraged to do so by Queen Paola :(

Had he knew that he isn't Delphine's father, he would have cooperated a long time ago to solve this...
He'll keep delaying this over and over and over again and hope he'll pass away before the case is closed :( Probably encouraged to do so by Queen Paola :(

Had he knew that he isn't Delphine's father, he would have cooperated a long time ago to solve this...

Delaying it could be worse as Delphine may demand a posthumous DNA exam (not sure if that is possible in Belgian law), or, even worse, Albert's descendants may be compelled by the courts to submit DNA samples. King Philippe is probably protected by his sovereign immunity, but that is not the case for his siblings.
If the old codger wont do it! I am tempted to think the very gracious Princess Astrid WILL do the DNA test after the death of her father only for the sake of her father’s line, not the monarchy.
If the old codger wont do it! I am tempted to think the very gracious Princess Astrid WILL do the DNA test after the death of her father only for the sake of her father’s line, not the monarchy.

I doubt Astrid would ever do such a thing, but I imagine Laurent would not mind at all!
He really is the worst. At this point, no self-respecting person would want to have anything to do with him, so it isn't like Delphine's going to ask to come over for dinner if the DNA tests show that he is her father.

And, I think we can all reasonably assume that he is. Were he not, you'd think that he'd have given up a sample right away just to throw it in her face.
Delaying it could be worse as Delphine may demand a posthumous DNA exam (not sure if that is possible in Belgian law), or, even worse, Albert's descendants may be compelled by the courts to submit DNA samples. King Philippe is probably protected by his sovereign immunity, but that is not the case for his siblings.

Worse for his children yes but not for himself as he would be dead and won't have to take responsibility for anything. Because that's what it is about. Him not wanting to admit that his extra marital affair 50 years ago most likely resulted in a child. And he has shown over and over again that he don't care what his legacy will be as long as he don't have to take any responsibility for this mess...

If the old codger wont do it! I am tempted to think the very gracious Princess Astrid WILL do the DNA test after the death of her father only for the sake of her father’s line, not the monarchy.

Delphine took King Albert, Philippe and Astrid to Court 6 years ago but nothing came out of it. Now Philippe is probably protected by being King. Strange that she didn't took Laurent because i think it's there she has her biggest chance...

I know there are also long-standing rumours that Laurent is Paolas son and not Alberts but honestly Laurent is the only one of their children who actually looks like Albert...
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This thread just caught my attention. And I thought Meghan's family problems was a hot mess.

I think this might be the end game for Delphine

If I am reading this correctly one does not have to be born in wedlock to be eligible to be a successor to the throne. Delphine may want a title and recognition as a member of the royal family. It could be the reason Albert is stalling.
Well, what you read might be correct but as it is NOT about succession rights to the throne in general but only focuses who is in line now, you might be better of to look elsewhere for an answer - And i'm quite positiv, that you have to be born in weddlock to qualify.

It might be different, when the thron falls vacant ;)
This thread just caught my attention. And I thought Meghan's family problems was a hot mess.

I think this might be the end game for Delphine

If I am reading this correctly one does not have to be born in wedlock to be eligible to be a successor to the throne. Delphine may want a title and recognition as a member of the royal family. It could be the reason Albert is stalling.

That is not correct. A successor needs to be born inside a marriage with the King's consent (read: a Royal Decree with a ministerial contraseign).

That was also the reason why the three children from the second marriage of King Leopold III were no successors. The King himself -of course- approved his own marriage but as there was no ministerial contraseign, it was a non-approved marriage.

If Delphine Boël indeed happens to be a daughter of then Prince Albert, she is still no successor because she was not born into a marriage consented by King Baudouin and the Cabinet.

And even IF Delphine becomes a Princess and successor. No problem: she ranks behind Philippe and his children, behind Astrid and his children, behind Amedeo and his child, behind Laurent and his children.
If I am reading this correctly one does not have to be born in wedlock to be eligible to be a successor to the throne.

I suppose that is probably true, but per the Constitution one does need to be legitimate, and it is highly unlikely that King Albert II would marry Delphine's mother to legitimate Delphine even if the courts acknowledge Delphine as his child in the future. Below is the official translation of the succession law:

Article 85
The constitutional powers of the King are hereditary through the direct, natural and legitimate descent from H.M. Leopold, George, Christian, Frederick of Saxe-Coburg, by order of primogeniture. [...]

Delphine may want a title and recognition as a member of the royal family. It could be the reason Albert is stalling.

Delphine Boël and her attorneys have stated that she is not interested in a title, financial inheritance, or membership of the royal family. See also the New York Times interview with King Albert II's lawyer in this post:

And i'm quite positiv, that you have to be born in weddlock to qualify.

Can I ask where you read that? The Constitution says only that successors must be legitimate, not that they must be born in wedlock.

That is not correct. A successor needs to be born inside a marriage with the King's consent (read: a Royal Decree with a ministerial contraseign).

That was also the reason why the three children from the second marriage of King Leopold III were no successors. The King himself -of course- approved his own marriage but as there was no ministerial contraseign, it was a non-approved marriage.

If Delphine Boël indeed happens to be a daughter of then Prince Albert, she is still no successor because she was not born into a marriage consented by King Baudouin and the Cabinet.

True, but if King Albert II married Delphine's mother with the King's consent and ministerial countersignature, wouldn't she become a successor?
The Brussels Court of Appeal has decided yesterday 14 February to postpone the hearing until 28 March

New hearing on Thursday 28 March at the Court of Appeal of Brussels.
Delphine Boel presses King Albert as demands a bail of 5,000 euros a day, with this measure, wants to force him to submit once and for all to DNA test.
A final hearing is scheduled for 11 April. Then the Court of Appeal will pronounce its judgment.

At the hearing on April 11, King Albert II's attorney accused Delphine Boël of relentlessness and Delphine's attorney accused Albert of obstinacy.

On May 16, the Brussels Court of Appeals will pronounce its judgment as to whether King Albert's appeal to the Court of Cassation suspends the Brussels Court of Appeals' order to submit to a DNA test.

His pending appeal, asking the Court of Cassation to find that the Brussels Court of Appeals erred in ending Jacques Boël's paternity and imposing a DNA test on Albert, is unlikely to be ruled on before the end of 2019, according to RTBF.

However, if the Brussels Court of Appeals resolves that the DNA test order is not suspended by his appeal, King Albert may appeal the new decision, too.

A representative poll of 1,012 Belgians aged 18-75 found that 93% had heard of the Delphine Boël case, 79% believe that King Albert II ought to undergo the DNA test, and 67% believe that Delphine is the biological daughter of Albert. 82% of Flemings, but only 66% of Walloons and 64% of Brussels residents, are supportive of Delphine.
Always comes back to one question for me: why won’t he just take the test and put everyone out of their misery?
I would assume because he already knows what the result would be, at this point with all the fuss (and legal costs) the ongoing court battles are making I guess that points to a result that Albert would rather was not made public.

I understand the principal of not wanting to take a test because you are being forced into it and/or it setting a precedent but really there are no other claims that would get this far so, if he truly wasn't the father, he would simply take the test.After he could release a statement saying how sad he is to have to do so simply to make her go away and move on.

I think its pretty clear Albert is her father and doesn't want to acknowledge that for what ever reason, but really now its just more of a distraction. Didn't Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands accept he was the father to two other women who now have a positive, if discreet, relationship with his other daughters?
Perhaps there are other children that he knows abuot and is afraid that if he has a DNA test they will come out as well. Or perhaps he does not want public acknowledgement of Delphine.. Prince Berharnd was in a different age and I tihnk his children were satisfied with a private acknowlegement
I would assume because he already knows what the result would be, at this point with all the fuss (and legal costs) the ongoing court battles are making I guess that points to a result that Albert would rather was not made public.

I understand the principal of not wanting to take a test because you are being forced into it and/or it setting a precedent but really there are no other claims that would get this far so, if he truly wasn't the father, he would simply take the test.After he could release a statement saying how sad he is to have to do so simply to make her go away and move on.

I think its pretty clear Albert is her father and doesn't want to acknowledge that for what ever reason, but really now its just more of a distraction. Didn't Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands accept he was the father to two other women who now have a positive, if discreet, relationship with his other daughters?

As far as I know the four royal daughters of Prince Berhard have no contact with their half-sisters Alicia de Bielefelde and Alexia Lejeune-Grinda. The Prince's public acknowledgement of their existence, his paternity and that his private fortune had to be divided by six, was a bombshell. Both for his daughters as well the general public.
Can I ask where you read that? The Constitution says only that successors must be legitimate, not that they must be born in wedlock.

That would depend on the interpretation of legitimacy in Belgium. In some countries it applies retroactively-parents can legitimize a child by marrying after the child's birth. In other countries it does't work that way-if the parents are not married at the time of the child's birth the child is not legitimate and nothing changes that.
For example in Britain-David Lascelles, 8th Earl of Harewood was not married to his first two children's mother when they were born in 1975 and 1978. His first born son is the Honorable Benjamin Lascelles. His parents married in 1979 and had another two children. The first son born (in 1980) after his marriage is Alexander Lascelles, Viscount Lascelles and the heir to the title Earl of Harewood.
The Court of Cassation in Brussels - the highest court of the country - has ruled that King Albert II has to pay a penalty payment of 5000 Euros per day that he refuses to hand over his DNA to settle the paternity claims in the case of Delphine Boël.

The penalty will start from the day that an expert will visit the king again to take his DNA sample & the king refuses it again.

The king receives an annual dotation of 923.000 Euros. Refusal will cost him double that amount: 1.825.000 Euros per year.

Dwangsom van 5.000 euro per dag als Albert geen DNA afstaat ... - De Standaard

I do not know if an appeal at the European court in Strasbourg is possible for the king.
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We all know how touchy Albert is about his financial situation....if this direct hit at his bank account does not convince him to play ball then nothing will.:sad:
I'm glad he's being forced to pay. This is ridiculous. Take the test! What a waste of everyone's time and money.
I'm glad he's being forced to pay. This is ridiculous. Take the test! What a waste of everyone's time and money.

same thing could be said about Delphine in the first case.

I do understand, when parents are draged to court if they do not want to pay childcare. But this case, I really do not understand. You cannot force s.o. into a relationship also not with a courtorder.

She had a legal father, who treated her like his daughter from his body - I think she needs a psychotherapy and shouldn't go to court.

Yes I get, she is miffed with her biological father -Yes a biological parent should own up to its prodgenity, but all that legal stuff won^t help her; in fact I belive quite the opposite to be true.
The Court of Cassation in Brussels - the highest court of the country - has ruled that King Albert II has to pay a penalty payment of 5000 Euros per day that he refuses to hand over his DNA to settle the paternity claims in the case of Delphine Boël.

The penalty will start from the day that an expert will visit the king again to take his DNA sample & the king refuses it again.

The king receives an annual dotation of 923.000 Euros. Refusal will cost him double that amount: 1.825.000 Euros per year.

Dwangsom van 5.000 euro per dag als Albert geen DNA afstaat ... - De Standaard

I do not know if an appeal at the European court in Strasbourg is possible for the king.

According to the articles, the 5000 euro per day penalty was imposed today by the Brussels Court of Appeals (the same court that ordered the DNA test in November).

An earlier story from Le Soir stated that an appeal of today's ruling to the Court of Cassation will be possible.

If King Albert appeals the penalty ruling to the Court of Cassation, would he avoid paying for the time being?
The King is actually on holiday in France , said his Lawyer.
The result of the ADN test will remain unknown and secret and will remain in the safe of the Erasmus Hospital. I wonder what he will do now that he is facing this heavy fine.

I wish he'd just does the DNA test and be done with it all its dragged on far too long and is not a good image for the Belgian Monarchy.
I think there is always a point where saying and doing nothing is the best course of action in the hope the interest will die down but in this case that times was passed long long ago. Now all its doing is hurting those involved (fine their choice in some ways) but also the Monarchy as a whole. Nothing will be worse than just doing the test and making it public one way or the other now.
I have mixed feelings about this.
She's not a child anymore, yet she is behaving like one. I mean, it is pretty telling at this point, after all his denial of a paternity test, what the answer is. Yet she is insisting as if all that matters for her is to be publicly acknowledged as the king's daughter for publicity purposes.
Albert on the other hand could have handled this so much better, and if his lawyers advised him to pursue this route, he was certainly ill advised. They could have done all this privately as soon as she requested the DNA samples, keeping the press out of it and bargaining her privacy about the results as long as both he and Paola lives, if that is his main concern (as it appears from the outside). Like this, instead, both his wife and him are perceived as cold-hearted, hypocrite and greedy people, who cannot face the ghosts of their past.
In his Christmas 1999 speech, King Albert said about this "we do not wish to elaborate on this. It belongs to our private life."

My guess is that he is sticking and clinging to this statement for dear life. Hence the dragging of this case to the highest courts in the country and perhaps even the continent.
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