Charlotte Casiraghi's Fashion and Style Part 7: July 2023 -

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Jan 29, 2005
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Welcome to Part 7 of the thread for Charlotte Casiraghi's Fashion and Style!

You can find the old thread here:

** Charlotte Casiraghi's Fashion and Style Part 6: June 2019 - July 2023 **

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:flowers: Happy Posting! :flowers:
Charlotte at the dance festival "F(ê)aites de la danse 2023" this weekend:

** Pic **
I need a better angle but it looks promising. The color is absolutely divine against Charlotte's summer tan, ditto the gold sandals.;)
I had a two pages article about Chanel and Karin Viard , who worked before for Kark Lagerfeld. They talked about her staff , her materials . No mention about Charlotte Casiragi. She wears always Chanel but she seems not to be in the staff.
Charlotte in Chanel for the latest edition of the "Literary Rendezvous at rue Cambon" series:

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 ** Pic 3 **
I very much like the little that I see...elegant, simple, light.
She looks great in the Chanel dress. Very fresh & summer.
Charlotte at a tribute ceremony to Prince Rainier was held at the National Council in Monaco today, September 8 - I'm not excited about her school girl uniform look ;)

** instagram gallery **
I don’t think it’s a good style for her, but the colours are lovely.
It's okay. It's at least appropriate for the occasion unlike that bizarre black/white schoolgirl frock she was wearing the other day.:eek:
A beautiful dress. Just wish she’d done something more with her hair.
I like the dress but Charlotte's hair looks a mess.

What was she thinking?:ermm:
It looks stringy, oily, combed over her forehead in that bizarre style. Almost afraid to see what it looked like from the back.

Probably the worst hairstyle I have ever seen on Charlotte.:sad:
From that angle the hair looks better. The dress looks great.
This picture shows better from a 3/4 angle. It looks better.

Not great though. When you are at this kind of event, with a dress that is beautiful and in a brand you frequently wear and perhaps represent, you need to have a well groomed hair style. If she were wearing a bohemian /cutting edge style she would be fine but this is classic Chanel. From the front view, her hairstyle is pretty awful.
Not great though. When you are at this kind of event, with a dress that is beautiful and in a brand you frequently wear and perhaps represent, you need to have a well groomed hair style. If she were wearing a bohemian /cutting edge style she would be fine but this is classic Chanel. From the front view, her hairstyle is pretty awful.
I don't think she decides. I think the brand decides which kind of image wants to push on. Maybe they wanted to promote this kind of bohemian young chic
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