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    Princess Charlene Current Events Part 4: April 2019 -

    Thank You Lee-Z, I don’t care about the arrogance of people in this forum. I will continue to reply with the education is received from parente. Have a Great day!
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    Princess Charlene Current Events Part 4: April 2019 -

    You need to be informed. Tonight there is the Monaco TV Festival, tomorrow there will be the Starter. She could do both events.....if She wants to...
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    Princess Charlene Current Events Part 4: April 2019 -

    And what about her presence at the TV festival tonight June 14th?
  4. N

    Charlotte Casiraghi and Dimitri Rassam: June 1 & 29, 2019

    Unfortunately no pictures of Casiraghi uncle Marco and Aunt Cecilia, and grandma Fernanda. Afra Casiraghi and Fernanda Casiraghi posted pictures on their IG profile. What a pity....
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    What now for Princess Charlène: Duties, Roles and Responsibilities

    Dear Madame, it’s very odd You didn’t remember what Princess Caroline did since her mother death. Prince Rainier was very proud of his daughter Caroline as “She stepped into her mother shoes”. I kindly ask You to avoid sentence like “I know more about the Monaco than all the readers here”, I...
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    What now for Princess Charlène: Duties, Roles and Responsibilities

    Dear Madame Melina, may be You are too young to remember. I can assure You Princess Caroline did it in the past when She was the First Lady of Monaco. There’s plenty of pictures.
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    Princess Charlene Current Events Part 4: April 2019 -

    As far as the Maternity Visit at PGH is concerned, She did what Princess Caroline did for many years after Princesse Grace passed away, in the same day of the Grand Prix. Nothing more than that.
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    Princess Charlene Current Events Part 4: April 2019 -

    I agree completly with You Flaubert!
  9. N

    Princess Charlene's Fashion and Style Part 16: January 2018 - June 2019

    Can’t agree more with you! Furthermore the outfit was really odd.
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    Monaco Grand Prix 2006 - 2024

    Pierre Casiraghi and Beatrice, Andrea Casiraghi were present at all Grand Prix, talking with King Carl Gustav and his son Carl Philip.
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    Charlotte Casiraghi and Family Current Events Part 43: August 2018 - May 2019

    Charlotte was in New York with her cousin Afra Casiraghi, daughter of Marco and Cecilia Casiraghi.
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    Princely Family of Monaco: Current Events Part 9: May 2018 - December 2019

    Agree with You Florestane. There’s a lot of events who Charlène could attend. The funeral of The Granduke of Luxemburg for instance.....and many others.
  13. N

    What now for Princess Charlène: Duties, Roles and Responsibilities

    Not a surprise!! I can’t understand why She is not Smart to learn from his Husband what She is gonna do, one day later enough, when She could be the regent. If She is gonna Plan to ve regent. May be will be Pierre Casiraghi.
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    What now for Princess Charlène: Duties, Roles and Responsibilities

    Once again we missed Princess Charlene! I really can't understand why she is absent to the Rolex Master, while in the past years she attended the event.
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    Rose Ball, Monaco: 2005 - 2024

    Could not agree more with you.
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    Rose Ball, Monaco: 2005 - 2024

    I don't like Princess Caroline and Princess Charlotte outfit. I think Princess Caroline wears Chanel, while Charlotte is wearing YSL. I'm happy to see Prince Albert together with Princess Caroline and all her family.
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    The Casiraghi Family

    Dear Moonmaiden, yes Mrs. Casiraghi is still alive. I think she is 95 years old. His father passed away in 1998, if I remember well. Prince Rainier, Princess Caroline and Andrea attended at Giancarlo Casiraghi funeral.
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    The Casiraghi Family

    Marco Casiraghi as well as all Casiraghi Family is part of the Princely Family. Marco Casiraghi is an engineer but he moved to Monaco soon after Stefano death together with Fernanda and Giancarlo Casiraghi - in law's - of Princess Caroline to support her, Andrea, Charlotte and Pierre, for...
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    Princely Family of Monaco: Current Events Part 9: May 2018 - December 2019

    Princess Caroline is Princess Caroline. I mean She worked, is working and will work for her Country. No doubts about it. As you pointed out Princess Grace and Princess Caroline did a lot for Monaco when they were Monaco's First Lady. We cannot even compare both of them with Princess Charlene...
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    Princely Family of Monaco: Current Events Part 9: May 2018 - December 2019

    It's a disrespectful behavior from a diplomatic point of view, even for King Balduin, and King Albert with the Pope, etc etc.
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    Princely Family of Monaco: Current Events Part 9: May 2018 - December 2019

    Dear Flaubert, I agree with you, she did the minimum as First Lady, and it's not a great effort if we consider the few events she attended since Saint Devote. She is a a princess but she doesn't want to be the First Lady for Monaco. Albert's is lucky because, having accepted that from his wife...
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    Princely Family of Monaco: Current Events Part 9: May 2018 - December 2019

    Yes Julianna it's a great mistake mainly of education. When you meet a new person you need to look in his/her eyes, being a Head of State, a Queen, King, or a very normal people. That's it
  23. N

    Princely Family of Monaco: Current Events Part 9: May 2018 - December 2019

    Princess Caroline, during lunch was sitting on the left side of Chinese President, while Albert was on his right side. Princess Charlene and the China First Lady were sitting on the opposite side of tha table. Princess Caroline elegant and chic as usual.
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