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    Catherine Middleton's Fashion and Style Part 1: September 2005 - November 2009

    In some countries, among them mine, we wear long evening/gala dresses to weddings, also to church. So that is church attire for us.
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    William, Harry, their Girlfriends and the Press

    I have tried to comment a few times lately, and not one of my comments has been printed;) But that won't stop me, I'll tell them what I think. On Friday they had a pic of Kate where you could see her underwear. I wrote an angry comment, like alot of others I'm sure. And very soon the picture was...
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    Prince William and Kate Middleton Current Events 6: August-November 2008

    If it doesn't bother William too much, why should it bother anybody else. How attractive a man is has very little to do with the number of hairs on his head in my opinion.Selfconfidence is more sexy than hair. I must admit that the men surronding me, at work and in private, are not perfect any...
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    William, Harry, their Girlfriends and the Press

    Those comments are only in the online edition and only those specially interested in royalty will enter those pages. So I don't think the average person would know about this hate campaign at all. When you read through a paper you take a look at most of the pages, but when you read the online...
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    How should Prince William spend the next few years?

    I think you guys may have misunderstood what a degree in geography really means. There are lots of issues in that field that a king should take an interest in.
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    Prince William and Kate Middleton Current Events 5: June-August 2008

    The fact that William's time with the armed forces has been differerent than that of his father and other royal men, tells me that they have come to the conclusion that another way of doing things than the tradisional one would be better for William.Maybe when Charles is thinking back on his...
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    Prince William and Kate Middleton Current Events 5: June-August 2008

    He doesn't insist on being a part of the Navy. He wants to learn the most important about all the armed forces, to get an overview. As a King that will be good for him, but he doesn't have to know every detail of their job.I don't understand why you can't believe that he has finished his time in...
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    Prince William and Kate Middleton Current Events 5: June-August 2008

    Oh my I have to tell my husband about this. Tell him that he probably doesn't love me. I always have to walk really fast, almost run, to keep up with him. Except from that he's a great guy, though. I have not seen any journalist or commentator picking up on this, have they not understood the...
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    Diana and James Hewitt

    I have seen a couple of recent photos where Prince Harry looks quite a lot like Prince Charles.
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    William, Harry, their Girlfriends and the Press

    Oh please, let him be the way he is. It's more than good enough. We don't want an "actor-like ,American -politican -type" polished speaker anyway.
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    Prince William Current Events 19: May 2008-May 2009

    Maybe it's the RN that sees this as a good opportunity to get some well earned attention to what they are doing. Fair enough I think.
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    Prince William and Kate Middleton Current Events 5: June-August 2008

    I have enormous problems respecting people who judge others from what they read about them in the tabloids.
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    Prince William and Kate Middleton Current Events 4: February-May 2008

    That type of hat is actually really fashionable right now. I have seen young women wearing them to different cool events.
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    Prince Harry Current Events 22: November 2007-July 2008

    It sure must be an expert to see the big difference between the boots Kate was wearing on Sunday and the pair Chelsy was wearing today. One pair is not more fashionable than the other I would think.
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    Prince William and Kate Middleton Current Events 4: February-May 2008

    From November to April I wear boots every time I go out. I am smart and dressing according to the weather.And don't call me boring, thank you very much! Boring must be those who go on and on about what footwear people choose.
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    Preferred Wives For William and Harry

    Miss Jecca? How can you miss somebody that was never there in the first place?
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    Prince William Current Events 19: May 2008-May 2009

    In June. Before that visiting some of his charities and having some time off.
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    Prince William Current Events 18: January-May 2008

    I think the soldiers in Afganistan probably thought it was as ok to get a visit from another soldier that at least is genuinely interested in what they're doing, as getting a visit from Princess Anne or Gordon Brown.
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    Prince William Current Events 18: January-May 2008

    It is not unusual that members of royal families visit soldiers that are serving abroad. I have never heard that people see that as a waste of money or just a PR thing. Why should prince William's trip be anything but positive?
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    Good Prince and Bad Prince

    Harry is not the heir, so therefore he can do those things that now is turning him into a hero. If William was not the heir, he could have gone to Afganistan and Africa and done things he liked to do. He would easily be a hero then, wouldn't he. But he can't. I'm sure Harry knows this. And most...
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    Prince William Current Events 18: January-May 2008

    The fact that he was doing a week or so with visits to different charities was announced before the last week's "scandals". Then he'll have e few days off before he joins the Navy.
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    Prince William Current Events 16: June-September 2007

    We don't know for a fact that they broke up. I didn't see a statement from any of them on that. They were rumours only. Why are some rumours ok and some not mentionable? Does it at all have anything to do with what those with the power to decide really would want the truth to be?
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    The Chelsy Davy Thread 6: April-October 2007

    So one is allowed to talk about Chelsey on this forum, but Kate Middleton, at the present holidaying with her boyfriend, is a persona non grata here. Very interesting.
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    Kate Middleton Current Events 6: March-April 2006

    On smiling and not smiling: When Kate goes to an event where she knows there are photographers( with royal guests, Cheltenham, other races) she of course accepts that and behaves normally, smiles and talks. When she is out shopping or partying etc she doesn't expect to be...
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