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  1. Tinsel

    The Duchess of Cornwall's Fashion and Style Part 5: November 2012 - July 2013

    Purple is her color and I do love that amethyst choker. (And doesn't Charles look exactly like QEQM in that photo?)
  2. Tinsel

    Official Portraits of the Duke and/or Duchess of Cambridge and Family

    I suspect she's being diplomatic and gracious, because really, this one needs to go into a closet at the National Gallery and never be seen again. It reminds of me those age-progressed photographs of people who have been missing a long time. And I doubt she asked the artist to show her how she'd...
  3. Tinsel

    The Duchess of Cambridge is pregnant!

    Twitter Twitter parody accounts have already sprung up.
  4. Tinsel

    The Duchess of Cambridge's Eveningwear, Part 2: November 2011 - February 2012

    It is indeed a gorgeous and well-fitting dress. Is it no longer a faux pas for royalty to wear black outside of mourning?
  5. Tinsel

    Sarah, Duchess of York: "Cash for Access" - May 2010

    I know I read some magazine that had a lavish spread a few years ago about SF's Manhattan penthouse co-op. It was a HUGE place, professionally decorated, and she was rather pleased with herself for being so prosperous. Now I wonder if she ever owned it or did have it and has lost it already...
  6. Tinsel

    Sarah, Duchess of York: "Cash for Access" - May 2010

    Maybe she'll opt for the good old American rehab ploy - alcohol made me do it and now 30 days at Promises has made me better and humbler. And for a grace-and-favor residence, how about Fort Belvedere? Has it been used since 1936? :D
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