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    Princess Majeedah To Marry Khairul Khalil

    He's not working any longer. Previously he was a reporter at the now defunct News Express newspaper; and worked Asean EC Management Centre, then under the PM Office. There's no announcement of any engagement perhaps because they're not yet engaged.
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    Princess Majeedah To Marry Khairul Khalil

    He is Awangku Khairul Khalil and a very friendly, down to earth person. Wedding preliminaries and rituals, including the engagement, begin June 1st and last until June 15th.
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    Worst Royal Jewels 1

    Agree, in fact the only royals with any taste in clothing are the minor Bruneian royals. You can check out P Huda's wedding photos, her elegant and simple dress and jewellry and compare it with P Sarah's wedding photos..who looks the most stunning? P Huda. Her jewellery is not big or bulky...
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    Royal Family of Brunei Current Events 2: August 2006-

    It's been written about before here why HM divorced Hajah Mariam. There are many reasons why it happened, one story was that she was secretly seeing an Indonesian singer, behind her husband's back. It's also said that the Sultan's brother Prince Mohammad may have been responsible for driving...
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    Royal Family of Brunei Current Events 1: July 2005-August 2006

    Sounds like a major snub and upstaging to me. Haven't seen any of Hjh Mariam's kids at their father's Birthday celebrations and then rather than join their father and other family at HM's big 60th Birthday concert - they snub it to hang out at another bigger bash with a bunch of celebs. How...
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    The Sultan's Birthday: 2006-2011

    Would love to see that show.:lol: I think only wives of monarchs wear them, as symbols of their status.
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    The Sultan's Birthday: 2006-2011

    Big 60th Bday Concert It was lasted for hours. I dont know where they got the entertainment from. The singers were amateurish and bland despite the flashy colourful costumes. Performances were nothing new or spectacular and No stars or local talent featured. Listening to people around and...
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    Royal Titles

    I'm afraid she isn't, if that were the case, and she was "Crown Princess", her title would include that. If you listen to the news on Brunei channels, they never refer to her as "Crown Princess Sarah". Likewise on official Government websites - bruneiresources is not one of those official...
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    Princess Sarah current events 1: July 2005-

    Sarah's doing a 4 year bachelor degree in Public Policy or something to do with Policy. Maybe she's preparing for her future role in running the country!
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    Prince Abdul Malik News & Current Events: 2006-

    I seriously doubt Malik has a girlfriend. His position and the people around him would make it tough for anyone to get close to him. Even his elder brother never had a serious girlfriend before he married Sarah!
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    Prince Abdul Malik News & Current Events: 2006-

    He recently had his birthday I believe - he was 23 on June 30th..according to his profile on the other website we're not allowed to mention. Malik seems quite laidback, he offers some basic information about himself, so I assume he knows people want to know more about him.
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    The Sultan's Birthday: 2006-2011

    Sarah is the Belle of the Ball here. Love the chocolate brown colour on her. It's nice to see her in plain colour designs rather than just flowery patterns. Princess Azrinaz has started covering her hair, as I predicted she would after she got her royal title. :rolleyes: She's now dressing...
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    HRH Princess Azrinaz current events 1: March 2006-

    I'm sorry but let's stick to facts. If HM had shown the proper respect to his 1st wife, he would have followed Muslim custom and obtained her permission to take a 2nd wife. Since we know what happened, and without repeating history here, your whole theory of having a low key ceremony so as...
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    HRH Princess Azrinaz current events 1: March 2006-

    It says a lot, but to write it here would reflect badly on HM, so I won't. I'm not being rude, it's how most people in the country view the 2nd wife, not my own exclusive opinion. "Faking it" is too strong a word. "Keeping up appearances" is very important in any Royal Family, and Raja Isteri...
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    Princess Sarah current events 1: July 2005-

    Just to let you all know that the local word for headscarf is "tudung" in the Bruneian language. "Hijab" refers to headcovering inclusive of face veil, which Bruneians don't wear. Sarah only wears tudung for official royal functions, the rest of the time she walks about freely showing her...
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    HRH Princess Azrinaz current events 1: March 2006-

    No. They had a low key gathering for their wedding in Malaysia, the bride's home country. It wasn't covered by either countries' press, only reported afterwards by the Malaysian press and no photos of the wedding became public. It was incomplete wedding as they didn't even have the...
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    HRH Princess Azrinaz current events 1: March 2006-

    I was told that the royals had no choice but to be there.
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    The Sultan's Birthday: 2006-2011

    Because she's just had a baby. Found interesting website and articles at this link.
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    The Sultan's Birthday: 2006-2011

    Sarah - Swiss/Malay Mix aka Eurasian Sarah's mother is Swiss and her father is Malay making Sarah of Eurasian race.
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    Royal Titles

    Hi Dang Ayah, even though I only quoted your post, it seems in fact that lots of other people on the forum seem to make the same mistake too, including the moderators - just look at the thread titles:p
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    Royal Titles

    Clarification of titles Can we just clarify that HRH Pg Ak Isteri Pg Ak Sarah is not a "Crown Princess". Sarah's title does not translate into "Crown Princess" or even "Princess". Sarah is Her Royal Highness .. but not "Princess" Sarah. Although Brunei has a Crown Prince .. his wife is...
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    Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah (and Queen Saleha) Current Events 1: July 2005-

    Queen Saleha's father never was Sultan :p Someone's got their facts mixed up. I believe it was our Sultan's uncle - Ahmad Tajuddin - who was the Sultan without any sons. He only had daughters (Princess Nor Ehsani, who is the little old lady wearing glasses often accompaying Raja Isteri...
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    Queen Saleha Current Events 1: July 2005-

    Jello, sorry, but your info is completely untrue! Saleha's father was never the Brunei Sultan. And Saleha did have a brother. Where do you get your information from??
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    Crown Prince Billah, Princess Sarah and Family: August 2005-

    I don't see any of them smiling, Sarah, the Crown Prince or Malik. History and culture are probably not in the best of their interests as compared to amusement parks and video games:D
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    Royal Family of Brunei Current Events 1: July 2005-August 2006

    A lot of girls don't envy Sarah. Her freedom is gone, and she's tied down to duty now, obliged to produce an heir, missing out on fun with her friends and a whole lot more. Her life must be boring, married to a prince who's much older whom she has nothing in common with. Leading separate lives...
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