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  1. C

    Russian Imperial and Other Titles

    I have tried to find a site that would be fairly easy to follow and show titles as they would appear in Russian. I hope this link works and if it does not, simply type under google search russian noble ranks and whik. should list the article with grid box.Warm regards, A...
  2. C

    Russian Imperial and Other Titles

    That is a fair statement. we must also look to the points of knighting as well. I had pointed out the numerous ways that one could find a hand full stating that they are the count of a certain area. So, if you were to look up Holy Roman title you will find viscount. If you look into some...
  3. C

    Russian Imperial and Other Titles

    Greetings, I am Count Andrew Mospak of Mangup. I am by far no expert but I hope I can assist you. There can only be one count and countess of an area at one time UNLESS for say a prince creates a count of say NJ and lets say the pope creates a count of NJ and each orthodox Patriarch or head of...
  4. C

    Count of Mangup

    Greetings to all, Please allow me to take a moment of your time and introduce my Wife and self to all. I am Andrew Mospak Count of Mangup and my Wife is Anna Countess of Mangup. We are of the noble Russian lines of Trubilov (Trubiloff). We are by the grace of God holders of titles through the...
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