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  1. coco

    Grace, Caroline, Charlotte, Alexandra. . . it's all in the genes!

    I agree that Charlotte has not the perfekt body but she is definitely a very unique and beatiful lady. Nobody's perfect. About Camille. I also agree that she could become the stunner in a few years. But at the moment it is her and not Charlotte who has to watch her weight. Charlotte had a few...
  2. coco

    The Most Beautiful Crown Princess Of The Past?

    Sofia of Spain! She is still a very beautiful lady!
  3. coco

    Charlotte Casiraghi Current Events Part 29 : Dec.2007 - June 2008

    On this pic 2 you can see Charlotte and the girl from this pic IBL Bildbyrå | 0435 44 07 65 But she looks a lot like Charlotte.
  4. coco

    Pierre Casiraghi Current Events Part 13 : Jan.2008 - June 2008

    He forgot to light his cigarette:lol:
  5. coco

    Caroline and Family - Picture Thread Part 2

    Princess Alexandra:biggrin: circus monte carlo 2008
  6. coco

    Pierre Casiraghi Current Events Part 12 : Nov.2007 - Jan.2008

    Does anybody knows the name of his new girlfriend? Or where she comes from? IMO, she looks german:smile:.
  7. coco

    Pierre Casiraghi Current Events Part 12 : Nov.2007 - Jan.2008

    Thank you covdm:flowers: I think he has bought some presents for christmas . . . I like his red trousers. Who is the other guy?
  8. coco

    Charlotte Casiraghi Current Events 28 : Nov.2007 - Dec.2007

    dark hair in summer? light hair in winter? That makes no sense . . . . . . so she colours her hair:lol:
  9. coco

    Charlotte Casiraghi Current Events 28 : Nov.2007 - Dec.2007

    maybe . . . but I think it's not the colour, I think it's because of the light, her dark clothes or something. :rolleyes:
  10. coco

    Louis, Pauline and Camille Current Events Part 5: June 2007 - December 2016

    Does that mean that Stephanie is listening to Tokio Hotel:eek: Nooooo . . . !!! I only hope Pauline will stop to like them:wacko:
  11. coco

    Princess Caroline & Family Current Events Part 4 : July 2007 - Feb.2008

    I believe you in that point! I have some friends in Paris and all of them are heavy smokers! But Charlotte lives in London, she should stop smoking:biggrin:
  12. coco

    Princess Caroline‘s Role in Monaco

    :eek: I can't believe Grace was that vain! It's a little bit superficial isn't it? On the one hand I can understand her because most glasses were quite ugly in the past. But if she had headaches because of not wearing glasses . . . . :bangin:
  13. coco

    Pierre Casiraghi Current Events Part 12 : Nov.2007 - Jan.2008

    I don't think this guy is normal:lol:
  14. coco

    Caroline & The Casiraghi's - University Life

    He attends university in . . . I think New York. And he makes party:biggrin:
  15. coco

    Princess Caroline‘s Role in Monaco

    Are you sure? Grace didn't wear glasses all the time. So she must have worn contacts and I don't think there were contacts in the 50ies and 60ies and 70ies . . . . and 80ies?
  16. coco

    Princess Caroline & Family Current Events Part 4 : July 2007 - Feb.2008

    ^I agree, Chris looks hot on that pic . . . and Cahrlotte is smoking:mad: . . . Charly, Charly, Charly . . . that's not healthful!
  17. coco

    Crown Princess Mary's Accessories: January 2004 - November 2008

    Yes it's in fashion. But I don't like this fashion . . . it makes short legs
  18. coco

    Favourite Deceased Royals

    Princess Diana . . .
  19. coco

    Diana Websites, Links and Videos

    WOW:eek: TheTruth, have you ever done something else that producing videos? You must have a lot of time. These videos are great . . . thanks a lot:smile:
  20. coco

    Painted and Photographic Diana Portraits

    I love the first one by the 11 years old Lisa: "I painted so many hearts because she was the Queen of hearts . . . " That's cute:wub: Ant I like number nine:biggrin:
  21. coco

    General Questions about Princess Caroline & Prince Ernst August

    I think she speaks german, french and english. Because Charlotte, Andrea and Pierre speak English, French and Italian. It would make sense . . . She speaks french with her mother, the Casiraghi's and her french friends. The casiraghi's speak Englich with Ernst-August and his sons. I can imagine...
  22. coco

    Warm Moments Between Royals - Part 1 Princess Alexandra with Stephanie and Albert 1991, Charlotte (5 jaar) great pics of Albert with Charlotte, Pierre and Andrea at the bottom of the page (the last pics)
  23. coco

    Questions about British Styles and Titles 1: Ending 2022

    I have a question. I think it is true if you marry a prince you have to become a princess. And if your Prince becomes a king, you have no choice, you have to become a queen. And if you marry a queen, it's not possible for you to become a king. And the son of a Prince and a non-princess is a...
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