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  1. J

    Languages spoken by Nicholas, Alexandra and Family

    Nicholas spoke Russian, French, and English in probably that order. Alexander III was very keen on using Russian and it is quite probable that he only ever spoke to Nicholas in Russian. The letters between Nicholas and Marie Feodorovna are almost all in French and Nicholas was known to speak...
  2. J

    Who is the Head of the Imperial Family?

    Though I'd love to nail Maria Vladimirovna on this point, I don't know that it's 100% valid. Aleksandr III and Marie Feodorovna both wanted Nikolai II to marry Princess Helene d'Orleans (subsequently Duchess d'Aosta). While The Bourbon Dynasty was more freshly deposed this goes to show that the...
  3. J

    Who is the Head of the Imperial Family?

    I feel like the group may have been a bit quick in shuting susana down. There is a fairly strong argument against Maria Vladimirovna. The argument is very simple. While Pauline Law does indicate a sucession in the event of the extinction of the male line, it would not have come into effect...
  4. J

    Marie Pavlovna "The Elder" (Grand Duchess Vladimir) (1854-1920)

    Ah. The Mariinsky Theater story is one of my favorites. For those of you who don't know it, I'll paraphrase it here. The Dowager Empress used to have two tables set up with refreshments and invited the most prestigious people in the theater to dine with her. Sometimes the Empress Marie would...
  5. J

    Members of the Extended Romanov Family, past and present

    Also, this precedence only held true if all three were at some other location. If they were in England King George would have ranked first, the same sort of thing holds true for Germany and Russia. I love your comment about Willy, Warren. Though I think his placing the Dowager Empress under...
  6. J

    Members of the Extended Romanov Family, past and present

    I would just like to clarify that I was, in no way, trying to insinuate that Maria Vladimirovna "looked Jewish" or that it was a bad thing. I have many faults but antisemitism isn't one of them. I also don't agree with your assertion that the Jewish "nation" "deposed and massacred his family and...
  7. J

    Who is the Head of the Imperial Family?

    Vladimir had no right to change the House Laws, mostly because Paul created the House Laws as part of Imperial Decree making it a legal matter instead of a private one and seeing as Vladimir had no legaling standing he could not change the laws. There are two camps. 1. Maria Vladimirovna...
  8. J

    Russian Noble and Princely Families

    I quite agree. Xenia was very attractive. A lot of that was her demeanour but I would imagine lots of Tatiania's beauty comes from Felix. His features are very evident in her. Especially in the first picture.
  9. J

    Tsar Alexander III (1845-1894) and Empress Marie Feodorovna (Dagmar) (1847-1928)

    She didn't view her as a threat exactly. It was more that the Dowager Empress was extremly serious about the importance of having a non-morganastic dynasty. She took House Law very seriously and was devastated when her children began to break the rules. She had always critisized the other GDs...
  10. J

    Marie Pavlovna "The Elder" (Grand Duchess Vladimir) (1854-1920)

    I know there's a piece about it in The Flight of the Romanovs. I'm almost positive that Maria Pavlovna converted later because when people contest Maria Vladimirovna (as I often do) it isn't ever mentioned that it is a morganatic branch. The branch is considered legit. so I think it's safe to...
  11. J

    Marie Pavlovna "The Elder" (Grand Duchess Vladimir) (1854-1920)

    Marie didn't sell them herself, though they are hers. They were sold just after she died. Which was immediately after she reached Paris.
  12. J

    King Christian X

    Christian X made a speech in August of 1943 against the occupying forces which resulted in his imprisonment for the remainder of the war. Does anyone know here I can find a copy of this speech? Preferably in English but I can translate it if I have to. Thanks!
  13. J

    King Christian X

    The story goes something like this: King Christian X, irritated at the Dowager Empress, send a messanger to tell her that if she was not going to be in every room of her suite if she would please turn off the lights. Seeing as the Dowager had company and was very much embarresed she sent her...
  14. J

    Members of the Extended Romanov Family, past and present

    So, what do we know about Nikolai and Rostislav Romanov? The only time I've ever seen them was in pictures from HIM the Dowager Empress Marie Feodorovna's reburial service and the unveiling of a statue to commemorate the occaision. Does anyone know anything about them? I suppose I should have...
  15. J

    Members of the Extended Romanov Family, past and present

    While I agree that being in the Army builds lots of moral character and was a crucial part of the Romanov image (I once heard the army refered to as the "Playground of the Romanovs") there are two big reasons that George should NOT and will not be in the Army. One, he would not be in the Russian...
  16. J

    Members of the Extended Romanov Family, past and present

    Where did you hear that? I would love to read about that. (If I had to choose a Romanov to be Tsar I would choose Nicholas as well but he has no sons. grrrr.)
  17. J

    Members of the Extended Romanov Family, past and present

    Yes. And Nicholas was considered a physically disapointing Tsar. Both to the family and to Russian Society. As for Cathrine and Elizabeth they were large in a time when being overweight was not so frowned upon. Now if you gain ten pounds and you're a celebrity it's a three week news story. I'm...
  18. J

    Members of the Extended Romanov Family, past and present

    Let's face it, people do not want a monarch who is not a symbol of their power. Part of the Romanov image was tall, muscular men who could display the strength of Russia. I'm similar in size to George but I would not be a good restoration monarch. The way they look and the way they act makes up...
  19. J

    Members of the Extended Romanov Family, past and present

    I firmly disagree with the right of the Head of Family of a deposed Monarchy to be the fount of honour. And it certainly has not "always passed in law in precedent." There are no laws about who has the right to confer titles in any deposed monarchy because there are no titles (except in Germany...
  20. J

    Members of the Extended Romanov Family, past and present

    Yes. Nicholas origionally named Aleksi Tsar but then he was persuaded that it would be a death sentance for Aleksi so he named Michael Tsar. I believe the quote from the abdication decree reads "We abdicated for Ourselves and for Our Son Aleksi Nicholaievitch in favor of Our Brother Michael...
  21. J

    Members of the Extended Romanov Family, past and present

    What is this manifesto? I've never heard it mentioned before. I don't dispute Kyrill and Vladimir as the rightful Heads of the Imperial Family in their turn. What I dispute is this business about them being Tsar. Even if every single Romanov recognized Kyrill as Tsar, it would make no...
  22. J

    Grand Duke Georgi, son and heir of Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna (2008-Oct. 2021)

    That type of attitude is exactly what kept the family from accepting Kyrill and Vladimir as the heads of the family. Kyrill confered titles to anyone who would sympathize with him and Vladimir tried to change House Law to say that his daughter would be the rightful heir. This rediculous self...
  23. J

    Members of the Extended Romanov Family, past and present

    Interestingly enough, one of my favorite stories about Prince Felix Yousoppov (not really a Romanov but married to one) is that he cut his two favorite Rembrandt's (The Man in the Large Hat and The Woman with the Fan) out of their frames, rolled them up and took them with him aboard HMS...
  24. J

    Former Imperial, Princely and Royal Houses

    haha touche. Do they actually have their own little "gotha" parties? haha that's too amusing. I would die to get in there. :)
  25. J

    Former Imperial, Princely and Royal Houses

    There seem to be an inordinate number of "former royals" floating around Europe. I have a list of almost three pages worth of princes born between 1986-1992 and I keep finding more. What gets me about all of these people is that they are completely off the radar screen (internet searches for...
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