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  1. P

    The Snow Princess: Queen Astrid of Belgium, Part 2

    Could Astrid speak French and Dutch?? How could she communicate with people otherwise? English perheps?:flowers:
  2. P

    Princess Astrid, Prince Lorenz and Family - general questions

    Visa romanisering Something I have been thinking about is why Baudouin changed its rules so that women can also become queen of Belgium. Yes, I think he changed because he thought that Astrid would become queen and her eldest son Amedeo would be king. What do you think??
  3. P

    Princess Astrid, Prince Lorenz and Family - general questions

    I need to ask you all... Elisabeth becomes queen of Belgium.. But what happends if Gabriel and Emmanuel marries the future monarch of ex: Spain , Norway or The nederlands???? And mybe Eleonore with Denmark : Prince Christian... I am quite wierd;)) But what happends then?? And if Elisabeth dosent...
  4. P

    Princess Astrid, Prince Lorenz and Family - general questions

    I know this will sound strange .. But Prince Laurent's wife Claire 's Princess of Belgium .. And Amedeo is before Laurent to the Belgian throne .. But then it would be rather strange if Amedeo future wife does not have a title .. As "Princess of Belgium".. What do you all think?? Mybe the King...
  5. P

    Princess Astrid, Prince Lorenz and Family - general questions

    Prince Amedeo is 7 in line to the belgian throne... When Princess Élisabeth becomes queen , he is at 5th (if you dont count Astrid in). Then he is quite close to the "throne". But that means that he´s future children will become Princess of Belgium? The only thing is dont now is Nicolas and...
  6. P

    Princess Astrid, Prince Lorenz and Family - general questions

    Will Prince Amedeos future wife be Princess of Belgium?
  7. P

    Princess Astrid, Prince Lorenz and Family - general questions

    But , Prince Laurent is married to Claire and she is not noble... And their children Louise , Nicolas and Aymeric. Nicolas och Aymeric is only Prince of Belgium. And when they marry and have children , what will their childrens title be?? I mean.. Nicolas and Aymeric isent Archduke or...
  8. P

    Princess Astrid, Prince Lorenz and Family - general questions

    i just need to ask something... The king and queen of belgium has 12 grandchildren... Princess Elisabeth will one day become queen. And her future children will be titled: prince or princess of belgium. But like if ex: Maria-Laura or Louise have children , will they be prince or princess of...
  9. P

    Princess Astrid, Prince Lorenz and Family - general questions

    But wich palace or house will Prince Amedeo live when he get merried??:ermm:
  10. P

    Prince Amedeo - News & Pictures, Part 3

    Haha! How can you now when he comes to Manhattan? And if you ask him , he will ofc say no. Like any normal person whould do too.:whistling:
  11. P

    Princess Astrid & Prince Lorenz - Current Events part 3

    But isent 11 October Luisa Maria´s birthday? I mean.. If i am wrong i am sorry. But i think they should be with their dother insted of being at a gala.
  12. P

    Belgian National Day - 21 July, 1: 2009-2022

    Laurent isent before Astrid in order of the line.
  13. P

    Prince Amedeo - News & Pictures, Part 3

    Eeh.. In Belgium they speak Germen , Dutch and French. Not only French and Dutch.
  14. P

    Prince Amedeo FAQs

    religion Okey , but can he marry someone thats not catholic? Or someone thats not even have a religion..?
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