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    Anna Anderson's claim to be Grand Duchess Anastasia

    Anna Anderson split from New Graves thread I hear that they have identified the two bodies found near the grave of the Imperial Family. It said on ABC that the bodies were those of Tsaravitch Alexei and Grand Duchess Anastasia. I feel it is good that the whole family can be reunited again. But...
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    Your Favourite Royal Family

    Favorites I would have to say British:britflag:Russian:russiaflag:and Monaco:monacostandard: I am also interested in African monarchies and royalty. Especially that of Ethiopia
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    I:britflag::britflag: am really happy ti be a part of Royal Forums. I have been interested in royalty and monarcy sincwe I was a child. Among my favorite monarchs are Queen Elizabeth II, Nicholas and Alexandra and Emperor Haile Selassie I look forward to sharing info on royalty!
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