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  1. C

    Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark and Mary Donaldson: May 14, 2004

    Hello, I am ordering the DVD and I live in the States. What does "Postnr. og By" mean? I don't know what to enter in that box. Also, does anyone have more info on how we pay for this, since we have to pay when it arrives?
  2. C

    Pavlos And Marie Chantal: Current Events February 2004 - August 2004

    I am wrong about the issue. Sorry! I forgot the letters are delayed by one issue. I believe Wille Nelson was on the cover, I think it was the music issue.
  3. C

    Pavlos And Marie Chantal: Current Events February 2004 - August 2004

    You could also try Ebay for a copy, I've seen it offered there a couple of times. Or email the company to see if they sell back issues? That picture also ran in Vanity Fair, in the issue after the royal issue, in the letters column. Someone was complaining about the greek royals and that...
  4. C

    Retrospective of the Spanish Royal Family, Part 1 (February 2003 - June 2006)

    That was a great article! I used to understand what it says, it was a good translation. But, you do have to cut it into pieces because it's too long to translate all at once. One thing I need help with. Does it say that they did not have money for a honeymoon and...
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    Spanish Official Visit to Chile: January 14-15, 2004

    wow.. what's going on with that skirt? (3rd picture) :shock:
  6. C

    Prince Laurent And Princess Claire, Current Events, Part 1

    I love this couple. They always look so happy together. The wedding pictures of Laurent crying are so touching! And she really is lovely.
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    Changes: What should some of the royals do?

    This is a fun topic, and I can't believe I'm about to say anything about these women dress but... Mette-Marit is casual but can turn it up when she needs to. I've rarely seen her in any evening wear that I didn't think was stunning on her. She would be harshly criticized for wearing too much...
  8. C

    Princely Family of Monaco Current Events 1 : May 2003 - June 2006

    You know, I've never had an impression of Stephanie one way or another but these pictures make her far more appealing. She seems to like what she's doing and is affectionate with the children. Maybe it's hard to reconcile this with the stories and pictures that aren't always flattering? :flower:
  9. C

    The Nobel Prize 2002 - 2012

    One of the neighbors a couple of streets over from me was a Nobel winner this year in Chemistry. It's really exciting, he seems to be a really nice man. Anyway, looking at the dinner seating chart, his wife is next to Carl-Phillip and he is across the table and down a seat from Victoria. I...
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