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  1. C

    Monaco Grand Prix 2006 - 2024

    Charlotte does look young and pretty in these photos. She looks her age and very monaco in the springtime. She looks quite thin in these photos, as well. Nothing negative about that just thinner than in pics from earlier this year.
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    Prince Félix, Current Events 5: July 2008 - May 2013

    Thank you kyansaunt. As a female myself I would hope that if Guillaume were to only have daughters they would be given the same opportunity as GD Charlotte was. Though you bring up an interesting point regarding the fact that GD Henri does have so many sons.
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    Prince Félix, Current Events 5: July 2008 - May 2013

    Does anyone know if Felix would become grand duke if Guillaume only had daughters or would it allow for a female ruler of luxembourg?
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    Garden Party at Château de Berg: June 30, 2008

    The GD looks great. She has amazing skin and has really aged well. I think she is the most beautiful royal woman (the older generation), with the exception of Queen Rania who is just model gorgeous. The GD made a decent choice fashion wise as well, she looks really good, much classier than...
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    Rose Ball, Monaco: 2005 - 2024

    Your right Princess mahala I saw those pics where you can see her back. my mistake then, but how peculiar that she didn't take her little coat off for the pictures. I'm sure the dress is probably much more beautiful without that odd jacket.
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    Rose Ball, Monaco: 2005 - 2024

    Unfortunately Rosana that isn't a coat that is the dress. I too am overwhelmingly dissapointed. I agree that I don't understand at all why it seems that Caroline and Charlotte wear whatever Karl gives them and only that. It takes away from their personal styles and just makes me more...
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    Van Cutsem Family

    Maybe this isn't the place to ask, if it isn't sorry feel free to delete this, but does anyone have any pictures of the Grosvenor family? I really want to see some current pics of Tamara's younger siblings and the Duke and Duchess. Is there a thread just on Grosvneors?
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    Prince Félix, Current Events 4: July 2005 - July 2008

    I think I saw some pics of archduke imre and archduchess marie-christine (Princess Marie-Astrid's children) as well. They are both quite good-looking.
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    Prince Félix, Current Events 4: July 2005 - July 2008

    Yes I though I heard something abour Felix working with a sports organization as well. Last I heard he was working in Geneva. I don't remember where I read it. Does anyone know where he attended university? PS Happy Thanksgiving to all Americans and any American ex-pats
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    General Information and Questions about the Luxembourg Grand Ducal Family

    I have a question about princess margaretha's children. I know that marie astrid's children did not inherit the titles of their mother. But is the same true for Margaretha's children? Do they only have Lichtenstein titles? Also, what are their official titles then? I know that's more like 3...
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    Archduke Carl-Christian, Pss Marie Astrid (née Luxembourg) and Family, 2003- 2021

    Does anyone know what what archduke Imre is studying or has studied at university? I wonder what his career might be. Also do MA's children carry the titles of prince/princess of luxembourg bourbon and parma?
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    Prince Louis, Princess Tessy and Family, Current Events 1: March 2007 - April 2017

    Thanks for the welcome! And great information from both Avalon and grim lady I think I understand how it works now. Yes then I agree it was a wise decision for Louis to give up his sucession rights to prevent a future family drama
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    Prince Louis, Princess Tessy and Family, Current Events 1: March 2007 - April 2017

    maybe this isn't the place to ask but i don't really understand why Louis gave up his rights of sucession and why Tessy was not given a princess title. Could someone please explain more clearly? I'm new by the way
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