For the summary of the states visit look at, then choose 'staatsbezoek turkije' and 'bekijk'.
Tonight the dutch program 'Blauw Bloed' will also cover the visit (and can be seen on the same site afterwards!)
If the first link doesn't work, try this one :
and then klick on the button : 'bekijk uitzending'
With this link you can watch the interview shown yesterday, of course it is n dutch!
there are some 'moving'pictures from Blauw Bloed-televison show.
Go to : and choose Window media player. It starts at about 3 minutes.
Amalia is asking if she can go into the tower!!!
If you're interested :
It's the broadcast of his funeral, very moving indeed!
If it's not working, perhaps this on works! It's to cute for words
Loosely translated :
Maxima is telling that Amalia is still to young to ski, but their playing with her plastic skies to learn it whilst playing. And playing with other children...
W-A ads that she has to get used to the cold also!