Oh, sorry, if I misunderstood that!
Anyway, he's currently living in the one-bed flat and will move into the cottage after William and Kate move into their own flat in the palace, so definitely won't be living with them, just near them.
Harry has NOT moved in with his brother and sister in law. He moved to Kensignton palace but has his own self-contained flat in a different area of the palace grounds! A lot of other members of the royal family also live at Kensington Palace, but they all have their own flats. They're neighbours...
I was also wondering, seeing as William got three different titles, do you reckon Harry might also be given several titles of different countries of the UK or more likely just one?
I agree it's a bit 'stalkerish' but I've read her book and it is a real fun and entertaining story. Obviously she never got married to her prince in the end, but even she herself concludes that it's more a book about following your heart rather than marrying a prince and eventually she found her...