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  1. nwinther

    Mary's Accent and Languages

    But dropping Thanksgiving or the Easter-egg hunt etc. would most likely raise a few eyebrows, wouldn't it?
  2. nwinther

    Mary's Accent and Languages

    How many of those people that speak multiple languages, speak danish and IS NOT a native dane? Several languages are similar. The latin group or Germanic group can have similarities that make them very easy to learn - if you know one of them already. With a little effort, I could claim to...
  3. nwinther

    General News about Frederik, Mary and Family 7: October 2010 - March 2011

    What "work" is it he's supposed to be doing? Just because there isn't a pictoral of him at all times, it doesn't mean he isn't working. For all we know, he's busy preparing for the summer season, planning events, reading up on subjects concerning the coming events etc. etc. I have no doubt Mary...
  4. nwinther

    General News about Frederik, Mary and Family 7: October 2010 - March 2011

    Nope. An easychair can be stylish. A bike is "Cool" "rough" "bas-ass" etc. And putting rhine-stones on a bike only sends one message: "I'm fabulous". If you are to put precious metals in a bike, or diamonds, it can only be in the form of spark plugs (platinum/gold/palladium) and bearings...
  5. nwinther

    General News about Frederik, Mary and Family 7: October 2010 - March 2011

    Yeah, that's what I'm looking for in a Chopper. Cute. IMO the ornaments on this bike make it a hair's-breadth from a full-size "My Little Pony". All the chrome and gunmetal in the world can't make up for that stuff.
  6. nwinther

    General News about the Danish Royal Family 1: December 2008 - January 2013

    It's not that it's a general problem. But QE2 have a tendency only to participate in events where she is the center of attantion - why she is rarely (if ever) seen at continental houses weddings. What's so important that the queen herself can't go? This tendency could trickle down the system...
  7. nwinther

    General News about the Danish Royal Family 1: December 2008 - January 2013

    I don't know. Queen Victoria was raised to Empress (of India) because her daughter, married to the German Crown Prince, would soon become Empress herself. And the British didn't want Victoria to be "subordinary" to her own daughter.
  8. nwinther

    General News about the Danish Royal Family 1: December 2008 - January 2013

    Just adding fuel to a fire: By sending the Regent Couple you force W&C to recognize the seniority (in rank) of the guest (i.e. they'll have to bow/courtsy to the Queen and Prince consort as Royal HoS, whereas they won't have to if it's just J&M. Someone could find pleasure in that). As to who...
  9. nwinther

    General Questions and Information about the Danish Royal Family

    The most recent was the way Ekstra Bladet covered the (non-)story of the youngest princess (the twin) having been admitted to - and then discharged from - hospital. They went "Breaking" on that "story". And to boot, EB is a republican "paper" who loathes everything the monarchy is and stand...
  10. nwinther

    General Questions and Information about the Danish Royal Family

    Media Coverage of the Danish Royal Family I'm starting this thread by suggestion from a post in another one, where some of us voiced our opinions on the way the media covers the DRF. The point of the thread is to discuss media coverage or level/tastefulness thereof, when the DRF engages in...
  11. nwinther

    General News about Frederik, Mary and Family 7: October 2010 - March 2011

    The coverage would be repeated either way. But with 2-3 million potential viewers not watching the event live, there won't be as much hubbub (I hope). The problem - if I may move down that tangent - is not so much the coverage (although the birth/twin-presentation could have been effectively...
  12. nwinther

    General News about Frederik, Mary and Family 7: October 2010 - March 2011

    I think the timing is allright. Sure, a lot won't be able to watch live, but that may reduce the amount of media attention - something that is becoming a problem in Denmark IMO - where TV-ancors wallow in tasteless segments and overanalyze things etc. etc. etc. I'm a royalist through and...
  13. nwinther

    Danish Royal Family, Current Events 3: April 2010 - June 2012

    I wasn't thinking of sporting events in particular.
  14. nwinther

    Danish Royal Family, Current Events 3: April 2010 - June 2012

    I think the word is "ambivalence". Anyway, she may not be very much into the sport, and as such it can be hard to follow. I also think, well she's still new to the game (being a princess that is - not Handball necessarily). Surely she's been cautioned again and again about her behaviour and...
  15. nwinther

    Frederik and Mary's Introduction and Courtship

    It could be an expression. We sometimes say that "he could walk down Strøget without..." meaning that "he could be out in pulic without...". To underline that no one would notice whatever would otherwise be noteworthy. Of course - Strøget is right in the middle of Copenhagen, so he might mean...
  16. nwinther

    General News about Joachim, Marie and Family 3: January 2011 - July 2014

    A more correct translation would be "Watch & Listen". Originally, it was a magazine describing what was on TV and radio - and who and what people on TV and Radio were and were doing currently.
  17. nwinther

    Frederik and Mary's Introduction and Courtship

    I would challenge that, Muhler. On occation I both hear and use the word "husbond" - the male equivalence to "hustru". I know it's very uncommon, but the word is not gone from the Danish language yet. I've said it before, but I find the word "hustru" much nicer than "kone". The latter sounds...
  18. nwinther

    The Future of the Danish Monarchy

    It's a satire-bit - maybe from an old satire show. Ulf Piilgaard, the actor parodying the queen in the bit - it's one of his specialties. The idea is that the queen is answering the most stupid questions from the press - despite having said, that they've had "50 years to prepare their...
  19. nwinther

    The Future of the Danish Monarchy

    But that doesn't mean it's desirable. IMO quite the contrary. As the nations peerless representative, he should have command of a dignified danish, and shouldn't let his vocabulary be so "totally" dominated by superlatives. Then why isn't Joachim influenced by the same "bug". Surely he spoke...
  20. nwinther

    The Future of the Danish Monarchy

    I don't buy it. There's been plenty of third-hand reports for Frederick to have totally missed it. So Frederik should have brought it up himself if noone else would. A sense of self (selverkendelse in danish) is one of the finest qualities in any man, most of all a king. Besides - surely there...
  21. nwinther

    The Future of the Danish Monarchy

    I'll try. I'm pretty much in agreement with Muhler. Frederiks speech is that of a teenager, imo. He can't say a sentence without using words like "totally", "extreme(ly)" and "fantastic", making most of his talk undignified. And usually, he paints himself into a corner, by starting with how...
  22. nwinther

    Greenland and the Danish Monarchy

    No, they leave because they don't want to stay there for their entire lives. I work with three people who've been stationed in Greenland (two nurses and a social worker). Asides from the environment being spectacular for the first few weeks, they have little positive to say about the island, the...
  23. nwinther

    Greenland and the Danish Monarchy

    It would make sense for Greenland to ally themselves with the Canadians. They have a common cause with the inuit population in Canada. However, here too, Greenland would come up short compared with remaining in the Danish realm. Noone else would allow them places in the governmental body (or at...
  24. nwinther

    Greenland and the Danish Monarchy

    Have you considered the difference in size and power, between USA and Denmark? Say Greenland chose to tie with the Americans (true independence is impossible - Greenland has neither the workforce nor the intelligensia to maintain even the most simple of institutions - be thy governmental...
  25. nwinther

    Crown Princess Mary is Expecting Twins in January 2011

    Nah, they're a tabloid newspaper. But they don't shy away from anything. Sure, they were "offended" by the paparazzi hunt of Princess DI... the day after she died... and when that mood had cooled a bit, they were right back in the saddle - no scruples. As such, they get most of their headlines...
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