Queen Letizia's Evening Wear Part 7: July 2022 - September 2024

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Queen Letizia at the gala of the 104th edition of the ABC International Journalism Awards "Mariano de Cavia", "Luca de Tena" and "Mingote" this evening, July 18:

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It's not the world's worst outfit and she has some nice visible earrings to go with it (Letizia does love her a journalism award evening), but those are some very unfortunately-placed pocket buttons.
The colours are really nice and Letizia is perfectly styled ,though I agree the design lets it slightly down.
Queen Letizia wore a dress from Dior's Haute Couture collection to the reception at the Spanish embassy and to the IOC dinner at the Louvre, an exclusive catwalk piece on loan for this event.

It might be Dior but in my opinion the outfit looks terrible on Letizia. Maybe you need somebody really tall to make it look nice. The skirt is totally overwhelming and for me it doesnt work well with the top. And those shoes ... bows or the frilly stuff on it look good on little girls but not on grown women past 50.
It might be Dior but in my opinion the outfit looks terrible on Letizia. Maybe you need somebody really tall to make it look nice. The skirt is totally overwhelming and for me it doesnt work well with the top. And those shoes ... bows or the frilly stuff on it look good on little girls but not on grown women past 50.
Agree with you. It really do no fit Letizia at all.
I agree the shoes don’t work but I love the contrast of the top and skirt. I don’t think it overwhelms her, it just needed to be a little shorter with different footwear.
Queen Letizia wore a dress from Dior's Haute Couture collection to the reception at the Spanish embassy and to the IOC dinner at the Louvre, an exclusive catwalk piece on loan for this event.

The top and skirt together are too much to me. Too busy. They don’t compliment each other.

I really like the skirt though. Not sure how I feel about the top on its own; it’s okay.
Letizia looks amazing! The CH dress is so simple, black and white with enlarged prints separated enough not to compete for attention. Looks great.

Re the Dior dress, another hit and she looks more regal on it that the picture of the runaway model that used it first.

@Erin9 I see your point and I notice the problem with the top is it breaks from the skirt by using black, so the design seems to be a separate top. Had it been one color, top and bottom, the embroidery would be more cohesive on the eye. She still looks great but not top and bottom matchy.
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I agree the shoes don’t work but I love the contrast of the top and skirt. I don’t think it overwhelms her, it just needed to be a little shorter with different footwear.
It looks too big on Letizia and there's too much going on with the design.

Letizia could also have worn a bangle or a bracelet for such a high profile event at the Louvre.
Earrings and hairstyle were the only highlights.
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Thankfully it was on loan from Dior and can be given back .
I really wonder who choses the clothes for Letizia, does she do it herself? I would think that a stylist from Dior would chose an outfit more suitable for the body type. I dont see how such an overpowering outfit works on a small and slender woman wearing almost flat sandals.
I really wonder who choses the clothes for Letizia, does she do it herself? I would think that a stylist from Dior would chose an outfit more suitable for the body type. I dont see how such an overpowering outfit works on a small and slender woman wearing almost flat sandals.
I had thought that Letizia would wear something by a Spanish designer seeing as they are there to support Team Spain.
(I get that she's in Paris and at the Louvre and hence the French connection)
The outfit and shoes were both terrible choices.
Letizias best friend is CH Carolina Herrera, most of her designs are a perfect match for her body type.
Thankfully it was on loan from Dior and can be given back .
i have seen this too. i am curious as to how they know it has been loaned - did dior say this, or did someone from her circle leak it, maybe in the hopes that she isn't critisized for spending money on such a high end brand? i am curious to know how often it is that royals are lent clothes, as it may be that clothes we think belong to them are actually only lent to them more times than we realise.

I really wonder who choses the clothes for Letizia, does she do it herself? I would think that a stylist from Dior would chose an outfit more suitable for the body type. I dont see how such an overpowering outfit works on a small and slender woman wearing almost flat sandals.
i believe she has her personal stylist, or at least used to - a young lady. i am unsure if she is still with her though.
Queen Letizia always looks for gestures when she visits other countries, choosing national designers or clothes with some element that identifies with the country's culture.

The Olympic Games are an international event, with large and impressive ceremonies, with special uniforms designed for each country... it goes beyond a simple sporting event. At an Olympic Games with medals designed by Chaumet, the uniforms and trays by Louis Vuitton... the equestrian events held at Versailles... the surprising thing is that members of the royalty who usually wear these big fashion brands at events with much less impact, have opted for simple looks and they have not played with elements to pay homage to French culture.

These looks would probably be overdressed if the Olympics were held in another city, but... in the birthplace of haute couture?

Yesterday's Dior design was a couture piece, with hand embroidery inspired by the 18th century, it was a work of art that honored the history of French fashion. It was a tribute to the country, at an event of great importance to them and design by a fashion group that is one of the sponsors of the Games. (Probably if the current designers of the brand were not so extravagant, a Balenciaga would have had more of a Spanish touch).

Today she has repeated a Carolina Herrera dress with a 50s silhouette that she wore exactly one year ago at the inauguration of the Museum of Royal Collections and that in Spain has been quickly identified with that event... it is easy to link it with the history of the Bourbons and the palaces.

From now on, she will probably have days to wear the Spanish sports uniform.
Aww that gorgeous dress again!

I'd agree she's over dressed, IF it's a "traditional" ceremony in a stadium, in another Olympics, in another city. If you look at the fashion choices of many other guests of the opening ceremony you will find Letizia's outfit isn't an odd choice at all. Seems the dress code is "upgraded" from usual opening ceremony in honour of the hosting city who has long and close relationship with fashion. And they even got a red carpet!
I can only imagine the shrieks of horror and pearl-clutching had she somehow been underdressed for this… Not to mention the permanent echoes of “lacks finishing touches!!!” and “doesn’t try hard enough”.

Anyway, aside from it being a grand Parisian gala, the dress, while designer, is not a fancy ballgown or anything. Just a sleeveless b/w dress you could probably take a walk around Paris in this time of year without getting more than admiring stares. Parisians like nice clothes and dressing well. Letizia looks fine.
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