The Princess of Asturias Current Events and News Thread

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Leonor is not actually vaping, is she?
If she follows in her father's footsteps, Princess Leonor is likely to visit several institutions in Zaragoza when she finishes her course there in June.

Zaragoza approves granting the title of Adoptive Daughter to Princess Leonor
Will Leonor take part in the Day of the Armed Forces end of May?
Will Leonor take part in the Day of the Armed Forces end of May?
It is expected that she will attend, but it has not yet been officially confirmed and the information that has been published about the different events does not mention her at the moment. Armed Forces Day is celebrated every year in a place and this year it will be celebrated in Asturias, so it would be very strange if she did not attend.

As a curiosity, the parade will be in Oviedo and the authorities' box will be a few meters from the building where Queen Letizia was born.
According to a television program about the activities of the Royal Family, it is likely that in the end the Princess of Asturias will not attend Armed Forces Day, because it coincides with the beginning of her last phase of training at the military academy.
The DGA awards the Medal of Aragon to the Princess of Asturias, Leonor de Borbón

This is the highest distinction granted by the Community. "She has earned the general affection of the Aragonese people and has shown a special sensitivity towards our land," highlights the Government.

Princess Leonor will receive distinctions from the Government of Aragon and the city of Zaragoza before completing her training at the General Military Academy. It is also being valued that she visits the Seo del Salvador in Zaragoza where historically the kings of Aragon were crowned.

The date is not fully confirmed, but it is being considered May 21.

On May 21, Princess Leonor will receive a tribute from the institutions on her farewell to Zaragoza.

- Presentation of the Medal of the Cortes of Aragon, the highest distinction awarded by the regional Parliament, at La Aljafería palace.

- Presentation of the title of Adoptive Daughter at the Zaragoza City Council.

- Presentation of the Gold Medal of Aragon, awarded by the autonomous Government, in the cathedral of San Salvador (La Seo), where the kings of the Crown of Aragon swore their privileges and in that place the Princess of Girona will speak a few words of gratitude.

- Reception in the courtyard of the Archbishop's Palace.

Princess Leonor visits the institutions of Aragon where she will be decorated


Presentation of the title of Adoptive Daughter at the Zaragoza City Council

Presentation of the Gold Medal of Aragon
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Will the king and Queen be present?
Will the king and Queen be present?
No, she is accompanied by the Head of the King's Household.

Presentation of the Medal of the Courts of Aragon
Presentation of the title of Adoptive Daughter of Zaragoza
Presentation of the Medal of Aragon

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It was nice to see all the videos. She did great in her speech. She was a bit nervous at the beginning, but she carried it well until the end. Bravo Princesa de Asturias!
It was nice to see all the videos. She did great in her speech. She was a bit nervous at the beginning, but she carried it well until the end. Bravo Princesa de Asturias!
I feel like Leonor always rushes a little bit when she reads a prepared speech. But she is still better at giving speeches than her father was at age 18. Hopefully she will improve over time.
The Princess carried herself wonderfully as ever and look at those crowds outside in Zaragoza!

Its completely normal to be nervous and the Princess is only 18 after all.
I feel like Leonor always rushes a little bit when she reads a prepared speech. But she is still better at giving speeches than her father was at age 18. Hopefully she will improve over time.
She is still so young and the improvement will come as she gets more practice. One thing she has is perfect diction, something very important in public speaking. She'll be great in the future.

What keeps surprising me is how good she looks in uniform. Her posture is beautiful. Forget finishing schools, there is nothing better for posture than joining the army :giggle:
She has a lot of charisma. People give her the benefit of the doubt, which she is scrupulously careful about acknowledging at all times. She seems lovely and genuine and very committed and so people want to hear what she says — which is hopefully a healthy confidence booster. So far the engagement between her and her country of fiances is going pretty well, and there’s appreciation and regard on both sides.
leonor's speeches are getting better and better - she sounds and looks confident and relaxed. sometimes i feel hear some of letizia's mannerisms when speaking, so i have no doubt she has some part in her public speaking coaching. although she appears shy at times, there's also a lot of warmth about her.
The Princess carried herself wonderfully as ever and look at those crowds outside in Zaragoza!

Its completely normal to be nervous and the Princess is only 18 after all.
Ha! When I remember my own excruciatingly awkward teenage years, I am dazzled by Leonor.
In a recent docu about the current CPs/future Queen, in the part about Leonor, the Spanish journalist/"expert" Fernando Rayon said that Leonor is a nice looking girl who makes a great effort to live up to her role. He continues saying that at this stage, its not possible to say 'great that she will be Queen one day. it depends. she will be Queen, when she has earned the right to be Queen. for her to become Queen, there has to be a benefit for the future of Spain. this will be her biggest challenge and a huge responsibility. she will have to prove every single day that she is up to the role she wants to occupy'.

I think for now, she's had a great start and the military will be a huge benefit, not only making friends and connections but also living in 3 different locations other than Madrid, where she will be for the rest of her life.
I've said it before: if Leo has her grandfather’s charm and people skills and her parents’ morals and grounding (and so far, she seems to check all the boxes), she will go quite, quite far indeed, whatever traces of nerves may currently remain.

Without unfortunate events, I’ll wager Spain will continue to see her as a benefit long before she can really do much that is a benefit.

She’s a nice lovely intelligent person. She has beautiful manners. People love her. Even people who don’t want to don’t have anything bad to say, and in the meantime her esteem will only grow.

Why shouldn’t she stick around and run the show?
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She will be queen unless the monarchy abolished. Ready or not, beneficial or not, she will be queen.

What kind of queen stands to be seen. Kind of early to judge her at 18.

Its not a meritocracy where if she is voted not good enough she will lose out to her sister or a cousin.
Are we even sure its Leonor?
Last week, the Princess of Asturias left the Army's General Military Academy in Zaragoza, which she entered in August of last year.

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