Tag Archives: The Duke of Bragança

Dom Duarte Parties With Monarchists

  June 7, 2016 at 3:26 pm by

Dom Duarte, Duke of Bragança and head of the Portuguese royal family attended a neighbourhood party in the Santo António neighbourhood of Lisbon on June 3rd. The party was held in the Amoreiras gardens by the local neighbourhood association. The Duke and his family do not live in the neighbourhood but in the posh town of Sintra, west of Lisbon. He did attend the party for another reason: Lisbon’s monarchist … Continue reading

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Dom Duarte: “I Am Very Proud Of My Children”

  May 21, 2016 at 10:41 am by

Dom Duarte, Duke of Bragança and head of the royal family of Portugal, spoke to the Belgian magazine L’Eventail about his children, his causes, his role in Portugal and about his connections to the Belgian royal family. The duke was asked about the fact that unlike Spain, Portugal did not become a monarchy again after the death of their facist leader, Salazar. The duke replied that Salazar did think of … Continue reading

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Prince Davit Hosted Birthday Dinner For Dom Duarte

  May 19, 2016 at 3:38 am by

Prince Davit of Bagration-Mukhrani -or ‘Crown Prince Davit of Georgia’- hosted a birthday dinner for Dom Duarte Pio, Duke of Bragança and head of the Portuguese royal family in Tblisi. Dom Duarte turned 71 on May 15th. According to the website of the Georgian royal family: Dom Duarte Pio of Portugal was treated to a superb banquet of traditional Georgian gastronomy and wine, which he very much enjoyed. (…) The … Continue reading

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Dom Duarte Pio About Infanta Cristina: ‘If She Did It, She Will Have To Pay For It’

  April 5, 2016 at 9:56 am by

The Duke of Bragança spoke to the Spanish newspaper ‘El Espanol’ about the chances of a restauration of Portugal’s monarchy, about his friendship with the Infantas Pilar and Margarita and about his love for Spain. The chef of the Portuguese royal family also offered his thoughts about  the Infanta Cristina, who is facing charges of fraud. He also reveals that Ronald Reagan once suggested he should run for president and … Continue reading

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Dom Duarte Honours Rowdy History of Royal Town

  February 29, 2016 at 12:59 pm by

Dom Duarte, Duke of Bragança and head of the Portuguese Royal Family, visited the town of Salvaterra de Magos, near Santarém, north of Lisbon. The duke went to the village to open an exposition about the royal history of the village on saturday. This history dates back to April 1383, when the marriage contract between Princess Beatrice of Porugal and King John I of Castile and Léon was signed in … Continue reading

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Portuguese Royals Remember Lisbon Regicide

  February 3, 2016 at 5:21 pm by

The Duke and Duchess of Bragança and their eldest son Prince Dom Afonso attended a mass in Lisbon’s church of S. Vincente de Fora to  remember the 108th anniversary of the Lisbon regicide. On February 1st 1908 King Carlos I of Portugal and the 20 y/o Crown Prince Luíz Filipe were murdered at Lisbon’s Terreiro do Paço. The king, his wife and his sons were travelling in an open carriage … Continue reading

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The Duke of Bragança Turns Seventy

  May 15, 2015 at 2:00 am by

Dom Duarte Pio, the Duke of Bragança today celebrates his seventieth birthday. The Duke is the head of the defunct Portuguese Royal Family. He was born in 1945 in Bern, Switzerland as the eldest son of Duarte Nuno, Duke of Bragança and his wife, Princess Maria Francisca of Orléans-Braganza. Born while his family were living in exile, Duarte Pio first set foot in Portugal in 1951, the year after the laws of exile were … Continue reading

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Spanish Introductory Visit to Portugal

  July 9, 2014 at 3:10 am by

King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia of Spain paid a one-day introductory visit to neighbouring Portugal on July 7th. Following on from their recent visit to the Vatican, the Spanish King and Queen arrived at the military airport Figo Maduro near Lisbon and were greeted by the the Spanish Ambassador to the Portuguese Republic. After the greeting ceremony, the King and Queen moved onto the Belém Palace, where they were warmly … Continue reading

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The Duchess of Braganza Presents the Order of St Isabel to European Royals

  October 27, 2012 at 7:36 pm by

On October 27, the Duchess of Braganza conferred the Order of Saint Isabel upon several European royal ladies in recognition of their philanthropic work. Those honoured were Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg, Crown Princess Margarita of Romania, Princess Margaretha of Liechtenstein, Princess Christine of Orleans-Braganza ( née Princess de Ligne, wife of Prince Antonio of Orleans-Braganza) and Princess Eleanora of Ligne (née Princess of Orleans-Braganza and Wittelsbach, wife of Michel, … Continue reading

Posted in Belgium, Brazil, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Portugal, Romania | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

30th Anniversary of the Marianne & Sigvard Bernadotte Art Awards

  June 10, 2012 at 4:58 am by

On June 7, 2012 the Marianne and Sigvard Bernadotte Art Awards celebrated their 30th anniversary with a gala at the winter garden of Grand Hôtel in Stockholm. On this special occasion, Prince Carl Philip of Sweden, Princess Christina, Mrs Magnusson, the Duke and Duchess of Bragança, Queen Noor of Jordan and Empress Farah of Iran attended the ceremony. The Marianne and Sigvard Bernadotte Arts Fund was created in 1982 to … Continue reading

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Both Sides to October 5th in Portuguese History

  October 7, 2011 at 7:35 am by

The fifth of October is a national holiday in Portugal, for most people it’s the day that in 1910 King Manuel II was deposed and the Portuguese republic was proclaimed. But for Portuguese Monarchists, October fifth is a holiday because it is the day that in 1143, Portugal was officially recognized as an independent country with the treaty of Zamora. On that day at the Cathedral of Zamora, King Alfonso … Continue reading

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Portuguese Royal Family Summer Events

  September 10, 2011 at 9:38 am by

Although the House of Bragança has not ruled in Portugal in over 100 years, that does not mean they are not busy! On the contrary, the family has partaken in many events at home and abroad this summer. They also attended events of other royal houses, including funerals and weddings. To kick off the social season in Portugal, Dom Duarte and Isabel presided over the 11th annual Madeira Flower Ball, … Continue reading

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Duke and Duchess of Bragança Attend Charity Dinner for Haiti Victims

  February 3, 2010 at 1:48 am by

On January 27th the duke of Bragança, head of the Portuguese royal house, and his wife Dona Isabel, attended a charity dinner that was held for the victims of the earthquake in Haiti. Apart from the duke and duchess a lot of other Portuguese socialites and celebrities attended the dinner, like the Brazilian actress Maria das Graças, Maria Jose Galvao de Sousa and the ‘queen’ of Portuguese socialites: Lili Caneças. … Continue reading

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Dom Duarte: ‘Portugal is Sick and Abused’

  December 1, 2009 at 1:43 pm by

On December 1st, Portugal celebrates the day the country becoming independent from Spain again in 1640, the day the Habsburg monarch was desposed and replaced by the duke of Bragança, who became King of Portugal. Today, 369 years later, the present Duke of Bragança uses this day to write a message to the country that his anscestors ruled. In his message, the Duke says among other things that Portugal is … Continue reading

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Royals Attend Princess Michael’s Book Presentation in Portugal

  March 6, 2009 at 6:38 pm by

Princess Michael of Kent’s new book, The Serpent and the Moon, has had a presentation ceremony earlier this week in Portugal. The book was presented on March 3rd at the beautiful Palace of Fronteira, in Lisbon, and is now being published in Portugal by Civilização. It is a novel about the most famous love triangle in the French Court of the Renaissance, that of Henri II, Catherine de Medici and … Continue reading

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