Tag Archives: Sacha Casiraghi

Monaco’s Princely Family Attend The Formula One Grand Prix

  May 28, 2017 at 5:11 pm by

As they do each year, members of the Princely Family of Monaco were present for the 2017  Formula 1 Grand Prix de Monaco on Sunday. Prince Albert II and Princess Charlene headed onto the track ahead of the race, for the national anthem and a minute’s silence in honour of the victims of the Manchester terrorist attack. After the race, the couple were joined by Andrea and Pierre Casiraghi for … Continue reading

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Monaco Celebrates National Day With Traditional Ceremonies

  November 19, 2016 at 8:43 pm by

On Saturday, Monaco celebrated its National Day with all the traditional ceremonies that are held each year and attended by members of the Princely Family. Prince Albert and Princess Charlene were joined by Princess Caroline, her four children – Andrea, Pierre and Charlotte Casiraghi and Princess Alexandra of Hanover – and two daughters-in-law – Tatiana Santo Domingo and Beatrice Borromeo – and Princess Stephanie with her son Louis Ducruet for a … Continue reading

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Grimaldis Out In Force Celebrating National Day

  November 19, 2014 at 6:37 pm by

The Monégasque Princely Family were out in force today, to celebrate the country’s national day. Prince Albert II led the charge of Grimaldis and Casiraghis across the three annual events that take place every November 19. He was joined by his two sisters, Princesses Caroline and Stephanie, for the mass at the Cathedrale Notre-Dame-Immaculee de Monaco. The Duke and Duchess of Castro were also in attendance for the mass. It was then … Continue reading

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Andrea Casiraghi Marries Tatiana Santo Domingo

  September 1, 2013 at 9:34 am by

August 31st, 2013 Members of the Princely Family of Monaco gathered at the Prince’s Palace in Monaco to attend the civil marriage of Andrea Casiraghi and Tatiana Santo Domingo yesterday. Andrea, who is the eldest son of Princess Caroline, is second in line to the Monégasque throne. The private ceremony was very low-key and it is believed that the couple will have religious wedding ceremony in January 2014. Columbian heiress … Continue reading

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