Tag Archives: Royal Palace of Laeken

Royal Glasshouses in Laeken Open to Raise Money For Queen’s Fund

  March 2, 2016 at 5:07 am by

The beautiful royal glasshouses of Laeken Palace, Brussels will be opened from April 15th to May 6th. A visit will cost 2,50 Euros. The proceeds will go to the Queen’s Fund, a foundation that helps Belgian families in need. Queen Fabiola left her entire estate to this fund, as became clear last month. The glasshouses were built by king Leopold II and store a remarkable collection of exotic plants and flowers. … Continue reading

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Royal Palace of Laeken in Top 3 Ugliest Buildings

  November 7, 2009 at 8:01 pm by

The Royal Palace of Laeken was nominated third in a list of ugliest buildings of Belgium. Groep Jan Stallaert, a building/demolishing company, organised the contest in which people could nominate the ugliest buildings in Belgium. The group would then offer to demolish the winner for free. The Royal Palace of Laeken came out third in the list. However, the first two nominees are suspected of cheating, so it is still … Continue reading

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