Tag Archives: Roskilde Cathedral

Frederik’s Daughters Visit Grave to Mark 40th Anniversary

  January 14, 2012 at 6:09 am by

The three daughters of King Frederik IX of Denmark have visited his grave at Roskilde Cathedral this morning, Danish time, to mark the fortieth anniversary of the late King’s death in 1972. Queen Margrethe II, Princess Benedikte of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg and Queen Anne-Marie of the Hellenes were accompanied by their husbands and families a short while ago, travelling from Copenhagen to Roskilde, thirty minutes west of the capital, via saloon car. … Continue reading

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Ingrid’s Daughters Visit Grave to Mark 10th Anniversary

  November 14, 2010 at 8:59 pm by

Two Sundays ago, on November 7th, the three daughters of the late Queen Ingrid of Denmark visited her grave at the open-air mausoleum just outside Roskilde Cathedral, to mark the tenth anniversary of her death at the age of 90 on that date in 2000. As a Danish Queen, a German Princess and a Greek Queen arrived at the Cathedral just before 10:00am, only the precense of four uniformed police … Continue reading

Posted in Denmark, Germany, Greece | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

What have the Danish royals been up to lately?

  November 1, 2010 at 3:34 pm by

Just a little personal note to start with: This is my first attempt at writing a blog, so please bear with me. I intend this to be a brief weekly summary of the latest events involving the Danish royals. For more details you will have to go to the appropriate topics. this is merely a sample, a bite if you will. If it works, I’ll continue. If it doesn’t, well, … Continue reading

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