Tag Archives: Republicanism

Poll: 58% of Belgians Want Country To Remain A Monarchy

  September 24, 2017 at 2:03 am by

A new poll conducted for Belgian royalty program Place Royale has shown that 58.2% of respondents want Belgium to remain a monarchy in the future. 1,000 people were surveyed by IVOX, a research agency, earlier this month to ascertain support for the monarchy across a cross-section of the populace. They were asked what they wanted Belgium to be in the future – a monarchy or a republic – and also if the monarchy … Continue reading

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Stavanger Newspaper Calls For End Norwegian Monarchy

  May 14, 2016 at 12:42 pm by

The Norwegian newspaper ‘Stavanger Aftenblad’ said in Friday’s editorial that it is time for a constitutional evolution in Norway. An evolution from a monarchy to a republic. They claim that incidents concerning the monarchy are usually swept under the rug, because the Norwegians like ‘such a cosy little family’. The newspaper has nothing against the royals themselves but they think that the principle is outdated. Furthermore they claim that younger … Continue reading

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Barbados Proposes Removal of Queen Elizabeth as Head of State

  December 15, 2015 at 8:43 am by

Politicians on the island of Barbados in the Caribbean have announced they are planning to have Queen Elizabeth II removed as the country’s head of state, a move they hope will take place on November 30 next year to coincide with the 50th anniversary of their independence. Prime Minister Freundel Stuart is behind the push, having recently stated that it was “a little awkward” in 2015 for the country’s citizens to … Continue reading

Posted in The United Kingdom | Tagged , , , | 5 Comments

Support for Danish Monarchy Increases

  July 6, 2013 at 11:32 pm by

According to a recent poll undertaken by YouGov, support for the monarchy in Denmark as a form of government has increased in recent years. This was not the popularity of each individual member, which typically fluctuates over time, but the monarchy as a whole. The 1,015 respondents, who were polled in June this year and were aged between 18 and 74, delivered a result which saw support for the monarchy … Continue reading

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New Zealand to Keep Queen Elizabeth II as Head of State

  April 21, 2010 at 2:06 pm by

Wednesday April 21st marks Queen Elizabeth II’s 84th birthday, and she got quite a present! In New Zealand, the MPs through out a referendum that was meant to abolish the monarchy. It was voted down 68 to 53 in its first read. Disgruntled republicans are pointing the finger at the Queen’s grandson, Prince William, because his visit to the country likely boosted interest in the royal family. “We think that’s … Continue reading

Posted in The United Kingdom | Tagged , , , , | 8 Comments

Republicanism in New Zealand

  May 8, 2009 at 6:48 pm by

The question of the relevance of monarchies is one which seems to be being asked more and more frequently these days. Just recently, an American magazine ran an article about the Danish Crown Prince Couple, in a similar vein. Many constitutional monarchies are questioning whether they should turn republic, and New Zealand has been one of these. New Zealanders don’t seem to be able to make up our minds – … Continue reading

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