Tag Archives: Prince Pedro Luís of Orléans-Braganza

Brazilian Royals Attend Mass For Air France Victims

  June 8, 2009 at 5:29 am by

Members of the imperial family of Brazil attended a mass in Rio de Janeiro in the memory of those who lost their lives in the Air Flace plane last week. One of the passengers was prince Pedro Luís of Orleans-Bragança. His parents, prince Antonio, princess Christine and his siblings prince Rafael, princess Amélia and princess Gabriela were seated on the first row in the church of Nossa Senhora do Carmo … Continue reading

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Prince Pedro Luí­z on Doomed Air France Flight

  June 1, 2009 at 3:35 pm by

Relatives confirmed that prince Pedro Luíz of Orleans-Bragança (26), descendant of the last emperor of Brazil, is a passenger on the Airbus of Air France that disappeared above the Atlantic Ocean today. The Airbus was on its way from Rio de Janeiro to Paris when it disappeared from the radar. On board were 228 people, among them prince Pedro Luíz. Prince Pedro Luíz is the son of prince Antonio of … Continue reading

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Royals Attend Princess Michael’s Book Presentation in Portugal

  March 6, 2009 at 6:38 pm by

Princess Michael of Kent’s new book, The Serpent and the Moon, has had a presentation ceremony earlier this week in Portugal. The book was presented on March 3rd at the beautiful Palace of Fronteira, in Lisbon, and is now being published in Portugal by Civilização. It is a novel about the most famous love triangle in the French Court of the Renaissance, that of Henri II, Catherine de Medici and … Continue reading

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