Tag Archives: Prince Nicholas Romanovich

Death of Prince Nicholas Romanovich, Claimant to Russian Throne

  September 15, 2014 at 8:54 pm by

One of the claimants to the defunct Russian throne, Prince Nicholas Romanovich, passed away today in Italy, at the age of 91. The Prince was the elder son of Prince Roman Petrovich of Russia, a second cousin of the last Tsar, Nicholas II. Nicholas Romanovich was a great-great-grandson of Tsar Nicholas I. As such, following the death of Grand Duke Vladimir Cyrillovich in 1992, Nicholas considered himself the Head of the … Continue reading

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Letters Written by Nicholas II Sell For a Record Price

  December 17, 2012 at 11:52 am by

Letters by the last Russian Tsar written during World War I sold for a record $130,000 at a Swiss auction house. They were initially estimated to fetch in the region of $15,000 but a private Russian collector paid nearly ten times the price to acquire the historical documents. The letters were sold by Prince Nicholas Romanov, a second cousin of the late Tsar and one of the claimants of the … Continue reading

Posted in Historical Royals, Russia | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Is the Kremlin planning to restore the Monarchy in Russia?

  July 31, 2009 at 7:36 pm by

Russia is positively buzzing with news about the Romanovs! The upcoming 400 years anniversary of the House combined with the unusually high level of activity of the members of the Romanov family, have resulted in a significant increase of coverage of Family. While the members of the Romanov Family discuss who is going to be the main representative of the Family during the celebrations, Russians are trying to understand what … Continue reading

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“We may return to Russia, but we want no privileges” announces Prince Dimitri Romanov

  July 29, 2009 at 5:52 pm by

Some time ago, the spokesman for Maria Vladimirovna announced that, “The Imperial House intends to return to Russia. We don’t know when the time will be right, but we are certain that it will happen in near future, as it has already happened in many civilized countries, like Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania and Hungary. The former Royal Houses that returned to their countries of origin now actively take part in their … Continue reading

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