Tag Archives: Prince Maximilian of Liechtenstein

The Liechtensteiners Meet The Pope At The Vatican

  April 22, 2017 at 6:21 pm by

Pope Francis today received a large continent of the Princely Family of Liechtenstein in a private audience at the Vatican. Fürst Hans-Adam II and Fürstin Marie Aglaë lead the delegation, which included their four children (Hereditary Prince Alois, Prince Maximilian, Prince Constantin and Princess Tatjana) with their spouses (Hereditary Princess Sophie, Princess Angela, Princess Marie and Baron Philipp von Lattorff) and children (minus the Hereditary Princely Couple’s children). The Fürst’s siblings … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday Prince Maximilian of Liechtenstein

  May 16, 2015 at 1:00 am by

Prince Maximilian Nikolaus Maria of Liechtenstein was born on May 16, 1969 in Switzerland as the second son of Prince Hans-Adam II and Princess Marie. Prince Maximilian studied his school years and university in Germany. A few years later he received his MBA from Harvard Business School. He has worked in New York and in Germany. Prince Maximilian of Liechtenstein is married, his wife’s name is Angela Gisela Brown and they … Continue reading

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