Tag Archives: Prince Giorgi Bagration Bagrationi

Prince Giorgi Bagration-Bagrationi Celebrates His First Birthday

  September 29, 2012 at 6:02 pm by

Prince Giorgi Bagration Bagrationi turned one year old on September 27. He is the son and heir of Prince David Bagration of Mukhrani and Princess Anna Bagration-Gruzinsky. The young Prince was born at 22:40 local time on September 27th, in Madrid, weighting 3.7 kilograms. From birth, he has been styled and titles His Royal Highness The Prince Giorgi Bagration Bagrationi. The press release for the Georgian Royal Family at the … Continue reading

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Heir for the Georgian Dynasty born in Madrid

  September 30, 2011 at 2:36 am by

The Georgian Royal House announced two days ago that an heir for the dynasty has been born, to Prince David and Princess Anna Bagrationi Mukhran Batonishvili. Prince David is the current Head of the Royal House. The couple’s first child, a son, was born at 22:40 local time on September 27th, in Madrid. The infant has been named and will be styled, His Royal Highness The Prince Giorgi Bagration Bagrationi. … Continue reading

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