Tag Archives: Prince Afonso of Braganca

Royal Princesses Make Their Debut At Le Bal des Débutantes

  November 26, 2017 at 3:00 pm by

Several royal young ladies made their official debuts into society on Saturday evening at the famed Le Bal des Débutantes, held at The Peninsula Paris in the French capital. Princess Charlotte of Nassau, only daughter of Prince Guillaume and Princess Sibilla of Luxembourg; Infanta Maria Francisca of Portugal, only daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Braganza; Princess Gauravi Kumari of Jaipur, only daughter of Diya Kumari Singh, the daughter of the last Maharaja of Jaipur; … Continue reading

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Portuguese And Brazilian Royals Remember Queen Maria I

  April 4, 2016 at 1:00 pm by

Two weeks ago Portuguese and Brazilian royals gathered in Lisbon to remember Queen Maria I of Portugal, Brazil and The Algarves. On March 20th it was 200 years ago that the monarch died. The queen is known as Maria the Pious in Portugal and as Maria the Mad in Brazil. The latter being a reference to her mental detoriation. The Queen married her uncle prince Pedro of Portugal. After his … Continue reading

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Portuguese Royals Remember Lisbon Regicide

  February 3, 2016 at 5:21 pm by

The Duke and Duchess of Bragança and their eldest son Prince Dom Afonso attended a mass in Lisbon’s church of S. Vincente de Fora to  remember the 108th anniversary of the Lisbon regicide. On February 1st 1908 King Carlos I of Portugal and the 20 y/o Crown Prince Luíz Filipe were murdered at Lisbon’s Terreiro do Paço. The king, his wife and his sons were travelling in an open carriage … Continue reading

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