Tag Archives: President Macron of France

French State Visit to Sweden – Last Day

  January 31, 2024 at 9:37 pm by

The second and last day of the state visit from France to Sweden started today, Wednesday January 31, with a business seminar attended by King Carl Gustaf, President Macron, Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel and French and Swedish Ministers and business leaders. The seminar, held at Stockholm City Hall, was titled “Accelerating Europe’s competitiveness”.Then, in Lund, the King and the President paid a visit to the headquarter of the European … Continue reading

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French State Visit to Sweden Begins

  January 30, 2024 at 6:02 pm by

At the invitation of His Majesty King Carl Gustaf, France’s President Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte Macron, started a two-day State Visit to Sweden today, Tuesday January 30.King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia greeted the French President and the First Lady at the Royal Palace where took place the official welcoming ceremony.In the courtyard of the Palace the president and the King inspected the Grenadier Guards of the Life … Continue reading

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State Visit from France to the Netherlands: Last Day

  April 12, 2023 at 6:27 pm by

The second and last day of the State Visit from France started today, Wednesday April 12, with separate agenda for the President of the Republic of France, Emmanuel Macron, and the First Lady, Brigitte Macron.In the morning King Willem-Alexander and the President paid a visit to the Faculty of Science of the University of Amsterdam (UvA). There they toured the Quantum Gases & Quantum Information Lab to be informed about … Continue reading

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State Visit from France to the Netherlands

  April 12, 2023 at 1:14 pm by

At the invitation of His Majesty King Willem-Alexander, the President of the Republic of France, Emmanuel Macron, and the First Lady, Brigitte Macron, started yesterday, Tuesday April 11, a two-day state visit to the Netherlands.King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima officially received the President and the First Lady with a welcoming ceremony held at Dam Square in Amsterdam. The King and the President inspected a guard of honor and the national … Continue reading

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British royals pay tribute to Notre Dame fire

  April 17, 2019 at 2:08 am by

On April 15, the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris was struck by a ravaging fire which destroyed the roof and spire of the 850 year-old cathedral, which is arguably one of the most significant religious sights in the world and attracts millions of tourists to Paris each year. In her letter to French President Macron, the Queen said that she and the Duke of Edinburgh were “deeply saddened” by the … Continue reading

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Moroccan King Participates in ‘One Planet Summit’ in Paris

  December 13, 2017 at 3:49 am by

King Mohammed VI of Morocco, accompanied by Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan, took part in the One Planet Summit held Tuesday December 12 in Paris. The participation of King Mohammed VI at this summit confirms his “strong commitment to the preservation of the environment”, a commitment that was also noticeable on the occasion of COP22, his presence in the Summit and his unflinching commitment to the African continent development were highlighted … Continue reading

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King Abdullah Visits France For Meeting With Macron

  June 19, 2017 at 4:40 pm by

The King of Jordan was in Paris on Monday for bilateral talks with the new French President, Emmanuel Macron, at Élysées Palace. The two leaders discussed the “importance of continuing coordination and consultation between Jordan and France on issues of mutual interest”. One of the major topic of discussion was sharing of intelligence and cooperation between the two countries to combat terrorism and extremism. King Abdullah and President Macron both reiterated the … Continue reading

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France’s New President Meets With King of Morocco

  June 14, 2017 at 7:03 pm by

King Mohammed VI of Morocco and other members of the Royal Family have welcomed French President Emmanuel Macron to Rabat on Wednesday for the President’s two-day visit to the country. The King and the President then had a private audience where they discussed intelligence sharing between the two countries in order to work together to stabilise the region. Among those who were present for a photo opportunity ahead of the audience … Continue reading

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