Tag Archives: Niger

Princess Haya’s Latest Engagements

  October 8, 2016 at 2:11 pm by

On Wednesday, Princess Haya of Jordan, wife of Dubai’s ruler, Sheikh Mohammed, inaugurated the Medcare Women & Children Hospital. The new hospital is dedicated to women and children and it is the first tertiary hospital in the United Arab Emirates to be 90% staffed by women. She visited the paediatric department and their patients. Princess Haya opens Medcare women and children hospital https://t.co/Je5KqYkNip #MedcareDubai pic.twitter.com/QTJal38Ewr — The Gulf Today (@thegulftoday) … Continue reading

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Princess of Hanover Solo Visit to Niger

  February 8, 2009 at 6:21 pm by

Between February 5th and 7th, Princess Caroline of Hanover and Monaco paid a visit to Niger to vist the projects of her patronage, AMADE (Association Mondiale Des Amis De L’enfance). AMADE was founded in 1963 by the late Princess Grace of Monaco as an organization to direct her personal efforts to help children in need.  Her Royal Highness of Hanover was elected to the chairmanship in 1993 and has undertaken … Continue reading

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