Tag Archives: Nicholas II of Russia

Protests At Russian Movie Premiere

  October 25, 2017 at 8:18 am by

The Moscow police detained seven Russian orthodox activists last night at the premiere of a movie “Matilda” about the love affair between the last Tsar of Russia, Nicholas II, and the Polish-born ballerina Mathilde Kschessinska.  The controversial new film has premiered in Russia after months of protests, threats and violence. Last month a cinema that showed a preview of the movie was set in flames. Activists also set alight two … Continue reading

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On This Day: Tsar Nicholas II of Russia Abdicates

  March 15, 2017 at 3:00 am by

One century ago, the Tsar of All the Russians abdicated his throne after several days of protests and uprisings in the Russian capital, Petrograd. Tsar Nicholas II was in Mogilev, where the Russian Army’s staff headquarters were during the First World War, on March 10 when he was informed of the growing dissent in Petrograd. For a week, protests had grown rapidly throughout the city – 250,000 were now on strike, bringing Petrograd’s industrial … Continue reading

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Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna Unveils Statue in Occupied Crimea

  May 17, 2016 at 5:32 am by

Grand Duchess Vladimirovna of Russia, head of the Imperial Family, went to the Crimea this weekend to unveil a statue of Russia’s last Tsar in the city of Jevpatorija. She will stay in the area until May 20th to mark the 100 years that passed since the last visit of Tsar Nicholas II to the Crimea. The Grand Duchess was accompanied by her son, Grand Duke George Mikhailovich. The head … Continue reading

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On This Day: The Ōtsu Incident

  May 11, 2016 at 3:26 am by

On this day 125 years ago in 1891 a failed assassination attempt was made on Tsarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich of Russia -the future Tsar Nicholas II- during his visit to Japan. The Russian heir was invited to Japan to improve the relations between Japan and Russia which were under pressure as Russia’s militairy presence in the far East was growing rapidly. During the visit the Tsarevich tried to charm his hosts: … Continue reading

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The Tsarist Easter Eggs

  March 27, 2016 at 6:00 am by

Today is Easter Sunday, and if we were either Empress Alexandra or the Dowager Empress Maria of Russia back in the early 20th century, we would be receiving an elaborate jewelled Easter egg from our husband or son, Tsar Nicholas II, to mark the holiday. The House of Fabergé was first commissioned to make an egg – the Hen Egg – in 1885 for Tsar Alexander III, who gave it to his wife Maria … Continue reading

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Remains of Last Russian Tsar Exhumed For Further Testing

  September 24, 2015 at 5:50 am by

The remains of Russian’s last tsar, Nicholas II, and his wife Alexandra have been exhumed by Russian authorities for further testing, which is hoped will confirm the identities of the remains found in 2007 that are believed to be that of two of the couple’s children, Grand Duchess Maria and heir Tsarevich Alexei. The Investigative Committee took samples from the Tsar and Tsarina as the Russian Orthodox Church wanted further … Continue reading

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Letters Written by Nicholas II Sell For a Record Price

  December 17, 2012 at 11:52 am by

Letters by the last Russian Tsar written during World War I sold for a record $130,000 at a Swiss auction house. They were initially estimated to fetch in the region of $15,000 but a private Russian collector paid nearly ten times the price to acquire the historical documents. The letters were sold by Prince Nicholas Romanov, a second cousin of the late Tsar and one of the claimants of the … Continue reading

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100th Anniversary of the Historical Meeting of Nicholas II and Edward VII

  August 3, 2009 at 5:58 pm by

Today is the 100th anniversary of the historical meeting between Emperor Nicholas II of Russia and King Edward VII of the United Kingdom. The meeting significantly improved the relationships between the two countries. The Russian Emperor, accompanied by his wife and all 5 children, arrived at the Isle of Wight on the Imperial Yacht Standart, which was escorted by Russian Cruisers and Destroyers. King Edward VII prepared a no-less impressive … Continue reading

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Ninety Years Ago: Murder of Tsar Nicholas II and his Family

  July 21, 2009 at 10:20 pm by

On July 25, 1918 The White forces entered Yekaterinburg and immediately headed to free the Emperor but found the Ipatyev house (where the Imperial Family was kept) empty. Gripped with grim predictions, they started searching for clues to what could have happened: the house looked as though it was left in a hurry and although they didn’t find any clothing or jewellery, a lot of personal belongings of the family … Continue reading

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Unlucky 13 (Plus 100): The Coronation of the Last Russian Tsar

  May 29, 2009 at 9:31 am by

The last Tsar of Russia, His Imperial Majesty Nicholas II The Emperor and Autocrat of All the Russians, was official crowned in an elaborate coronation which took place 113 years ago this past Tuesday in Moscow. After a suitable period of mourning for his father, the Late Tsar Alexander III (who died in 1894), the festivities celebrating the new Tsar could begin. And begin they did. The coronation celebration lasted … Continue reading

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