Tag Archives: King Willem-Alexander of The Netherlands

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Big Brother For Dutch Royals?

  May 25, 2009 at 4:10 am by

According to a new proposal from the Netherlands’ largest opposition party SP (Socialist Party), the members of the royal family have to explain precisely how they spend their days and what they are doing with the 119 million Euros that the royal family costs each year. Newspaper ‘De Telegraaf’ reports that SP parlamentarian Ronald van Raak will ask the minister of internal affairs, Guusje Ter Horst for a annual report … Continue reading

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Queen Beatrix unviels Statues of her Parents

  May 19, 2009 at 11:41 am by

Queen Beatrix today unveiled a bronze-plated statue of her late parents, Queen Juliana and Prince Bernhard. The statue lies in the grounds of Soestdijk Palace, which was the home of Juliana and Bernhard from 1937 to their deaths in May and December 2004, respectively. The statue, which shows Juliana with her arm outstreched in a wave while standing next to her husband, was commissioned by the Images of Juliana and … Continue reading

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Dutch Royals Attend Memorial Service For Victims ‘Apeldoorn’

  May 8, 2009 at 4:56 pm by

Queen Beatrix, the prince of Orange, Princess Máxima, Princess Margriet and Prof. Pieter van Vollenhoven attended the memorial service for the victms of the Queen’s Day tragedy that was held tonight in the Orpheus theatre in Apeldoorn. Before the service the royals talked to victims and family of victims. This took so long that the service had to start 15 minutes behind scheduele. Apart from the royal family, 1200 other … Continue reading

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Prince Willem-Alexander And Princess Máxima Visit Victims’ Families

  May 5, 2009 at 4:05 pm by

Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Máxima of The Netherlands visited the families of four of the six people who died at the Apeldoorn tragedy on April 30th. The prince emphasized to the families that he visited them on behalf of the entire royal family. This way the royal family again shows their support for the victims of the Queen’s Day car crash. According to newspaper ‘Telegraaf’ a sister of one of … Continue reading

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Applause for Queen Beatrix at Remembrance Day

  May 5, 2009 at 2:51 pm by

Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands was applauded during the national remembrance ceremony on Dam square yesterday. The queen, the prince of Orange and princess Maxima were present at the annual ceremony to commemorate the victims of WWII. In the New Church, where the ceremony started, Wim de Bie held a speech about his memories from the war. After that, the royals walked to the memorial statue on Dam square, escorted … Continue reading

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Dutch Royals Visit Koninginnedag Crash Wounded

  May 2, 2009 at 9:21 pm by

Following the attempt on their lives at Thursday’s Koninginnedag (Queen’s Day) festivities in Apeldoorn, several members of the Dutch Royal Family yesterday visited the wounded victims of the tragic car crash which has claimed six lives, plus that of the perpetrator. Queen Beatrix visited the Isala Clinic in Zwolle, where she spoke with the injured and their families for four hours. Her Majesty has been receiving constant updates on the … Continue reading

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Swedish State Visit to the Netherlands

  April 22, 2009 at 11:45 pm by

Liberace eat your heart out! That must be what Beatrix, Silvia and Máxima spoke about on the telephone when deciding what to wear for the state visit which is currently underway between the two nations. All three women have brought elegance and glitz to the visit, which began yesterday morning when Queen Beatrix greeted King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia at the airport in Rotterdam. After a exchange of … Continue reading

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Jogger arrested near Villa Eikenhorst

  April 9, 2009 at 3:27 am by

A jogger was arrested recently near Villa Eikenhorst, home of the prince of Orange and his family. The jogger wanted to lock his bicycle to one of the fences of the private estate, so he could jog in part of the estate ‘De Horsten’ that is open to the public. The place where van Zijll de Jong stored his car is however a forbidden area. When the jogger and his … Continue reading

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Willem-Alexander and Máxima attend Premiere

  April 5, 2009 at 5:44 am by

The Prince of Orange and Princess Máxima attended the premiere of the theatre production ‘MAPENZI Tamu’ (‘Sweet Love’) at the RAI Theatre in Amsterdam last night. The production is an initative of the AMREF Flying Doctors, of which the Prince is patron. The cast is compiled of former Kenyan street children, all of whom come from Nairobi. ‘MAPENZI Tamu’ shows how that even in a country where teenage pregnancy and … Continue reading

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Dutch Royals Participate in MADD

  March 20, 2009 at 6:28 pm by

Today, March 2oth, several members of the Dutch Royal Family participated in the first day of Make A Difference Day in Holland. The royal family volunteer their time for this event every year, and it brings out the majority of members of the family. The Prince of Orange and his wife Princess Máxima were helping to fix the De Gagel playground in Utrecht, where the heir to the throne helped … Continue reading

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The Prince of Orange Speaks at 5th World Water Forum

  March 17, 2009 at 7:48 pm by

The Prince of Orange has spoken at the 5th World Water Forum. The forum began on Monday, March 16th, when a summit meeting for heads of state was held at Istanbul’s Ciragan Palace. The Forum is held every three years, and this year’s key themes are sanitation, climate change and increasing demand for water. Prince Willem-Alexander is the Chairman of the United Nations Secretary-General’s Advisory Board for Water and Sanitation. … Continue reading

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Willem-Alexander and Máxima Help End Dutch International Polar Year

  March 7, 2009 at 9:14 am by

The Prince of Orange and Princess Máxima yesterday attended the final event of the fourth International Polar Year in the Netherlands. The pair attended the ‘Pool Experience 2009’ event in Middelburg. The event was showcasing life in the polar regions and Dutch polar research. Willem-Alexander and Máxima were shown different sections of the exhibition, and were given small presentations by polar researchers on their work. This was after the pair … Continue reading

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Prince of Orange With Environment Minister in Malmö

  March 5, 2009 at 11:40 am by

The Prince of Orange and the Dutch Environment Minister, Jacqueline Cramer, visited the Swedish city of Malmö today, reports GDP’s royalblog. The prince and the minister visited various spots in the city where projects of sustainable building have been realised. Among other thing, they visited the neighbourhood of Augustenburg where the group saw a botanical garden that was made on the roof of a building. In the afternoon they visited … Continue reading

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Prince of Orange Visits Military Rehabilitation Center

  March 3, 2009 at 4:49 pm by

The prince of Orange visited the military rehabilitation center (MRC) in Doorn. The prince spoke with soldiers that are rehabilitating, most of them got wounded in Afghanistan. After these talks he opened a new wing of the rehabilitation center. Willem-Alexander also spoke with specialists at the MRC, who demonstrated the innovative rehabilitation machine CAREN (Computer Assisted Rehabilitation Environment). With CAREN patients can practice their rehabilitation in a virtual world, which … Continue reading

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Dutch Photo Session in Lech

  February 16, 2009 at 5:23 pm by

Today, the main members of the Dutch royal family participated in their annual photo session in the exclusive Austrian ski resort of Lech am Arlberg, in Vorarlberg. Queen Beatrix was joined by her eldest and youngest sons, Princes Willem-Alexander and Prince Constantijn; along with their respective wives – Princesses Máxima and Laurentien – and their gaggle of adorable children for the winter holiday. 4-year-old Count Claus-Casimir was outnumbered amongst his … Continue reading

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Willem-Alexander and Máxima To Buy Argentinian Ranch?

  February 11, 2009 at 3:45 pm by

According to the Argentinian press the Dutch crown princely couple bought a farm called Estancia Pilpilcura in Pilcaniyeu, Argentina, for the amount of 3,5 million dollars. The rumours are not denied by the RVD. The farm is located in the region Patagonia, and close to Bariloche where the Zorreguieta family enjoy to ski and where princess Máxima’s brother Martin has a restaurant. The RVD denied that the prince and princess … Continue reading

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Willem-Alexander & Máxima Visit Antarctica

  February 9, 2009 at 2:59 am by

The Prince of Orange and Princess Máxima are currently on an expedition to Antarctica, as part of the Dutch branch of International Polar Year. The expedition was planned by Dutch scientists after Queen Beatrix expressed an interest in knowing more about the effects of climate change on the globe, and in particular, the North and South Poles. Willem-Alexander and Máxima began their trip on February 4, when they flew to … Continue reading

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