Tag Archives: King Willem-Alexander of The Netherlands

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Prince Of Orange Takes Family To The Vancouver Olympics: Four Extra Days of Vacation for Princess Amalia

  February 4, 2010 at 7:52 am by

On Monday the Dutch court announced that Prince Willem-Alexander will go to the Vancouver Winter Olympics with his wife and with his three daughters. From February 9th to 12th the prince will be participating in the 122nd meeting of the IOC in Vancouver. After that the prince will attend the 21st Winter Olympics in Vancouver from February 12th to 28th. Princesses Máxima, Amalia, Alexia and Ariane will join the prince … Continue reading

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Gossip Magazine Corrects Rumours About Willem-Alexander’s Skating Tour

  January 27, 2010 at 10:33 am by

Dutch gossip magazine ‘Privé’ has to correct their article of last week in which they said that the prince did not skate the complete eleven city skating tour in 1986. Their source was a republican from Drachten, Mr. Lutzen Haak who was annoyed by the ‘hero status’ that the prince got from the tour. However, the two security men who skated the tour with the prince, Anne Folkertsma and Jantinus … Continue reading

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2009 Prince Claus Prize

  December 17, 2009 at 9:31 pm by

The Dutch Royal Family yesterday attended the 2009 Prince Claus Prize awards ceremony. Attended by HM Queen Beatrix and TRH the Prince of Orange, Princess Máxima, Prince Constantijn (who presented the award as honorary chairman of the Prince Claus Fund for Culture and Development), Princess Laurentien, Prince Friso (also honorary chairman) and Princess Mabel; this year’s award went to Colombian architect Simón Vélez, who has been investigating how bamboo can … Continue reading

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New Property in Argentina for Willem-Alexander and Máxima

  November 25, 2009 at 3:24 pm by

Dutch media is reporting that the prince of Orange and his wife have bought a new property in Argentina. The couple bought two acres of land on a villa park in the area of Patagonia in Argentina. Last week the prince and princess announced that they intend to sell the property that they are building on the Machangulo peninsula in Mozambique after it is completed. The project has met with … Continue reading

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Dutch Royals Attend the Opening of the Holland Dance Festival

  October 29, 2009 at 9:03 am by

Last night Queen Beatrix attended the opening of the annual Holland Dance festival at the Lucent Dance Theater in The Hague. The queen was accompanied by the prince of Orange, princess Máxima, prince Constantijn and Princess Laurentien. Princess Máxima wore the grey Natan dress that she first wore during Prinsjesdag in 2004, while princess Laurentien looked smashing in a green creation. It is widely known that queen Beatrix is fond … Continue reading

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Three Spokesmen for Building Project of Prince of Orange

  October 20, 2009 at 6:00 pm by

The image of the much troubled building project of the holiday house of the prince of Orange and his wife in Mozambique will be dealt with by professionals. In The Netherlands there has been a lot of commotion about the project on the Machangulo peninsula in Mozambique. There were various claims of corruption, embazzlement, intimidation and violance against locals which already caused the prince to start a foundation that deals … Continue reading

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Dutch Royals Celebrate Prinsjesdag 2009

  September 18, 2009 at 2:31 am by

This past Tuesday, September 15th, the Dutch Royal Family attended the annual opening of parliament, Prinsjesdag. The event took place at The Hague’s 13th century Ridderzal (Hall of Knights), where HM Queen Beatrix addressed the Dutch parliament from the throne. Accompanied by TRH the Prince of Orange, Princess Máxima, Prince Constantijn, Princess Laurentien, Princess Margriet and Professor Pieter van Vollenhoven, the Dutch monarch arrived at the Ridderzal in a golden … Continue reading

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Willem-Alexander & Máxima Conclude NY400 Visit

  September 14, 2009 at 5:55 am by

TRH the Prince of Orange and Princess Máxima have concluded their week-long visit to New York City, in celebration of the 400th anniversary of Henry Hudson’s voyage aboard the Half Moon which discovered the city. After their incredibly busy Tuesday and Wednesday schedules, Thursday was a relatively quiet day for the royal couple. The pair had seperate meetings on water management and micro-finance, the Prince and Princess’ pet areas respectively, … Continue reading

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Prince of Orange & Princess Máxima’s First Two Days in NYC

  September 11, 2009 at 5:30 am by

TRH The Prince of Orange and Princess Máxima of the Netherlands have landed in the United States of America for an official visit to mark the 400th anniversary of the Hudson Voyage (and to attend the wedding of Bernardo Guillermo over the weekend), and the first stop was the USS Intrepid, where the Prince and Princess were greeted by Mayor of NYC, Michael Bloomberg, and the US Secretary of State, … Continue reading

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Crown Princely Villa in Mozambique: ‘A Royal Mess’

  August 23, 2009 at 7:26 pm by

The holiday villa of the prince of Orange in Mozambique is causing more problems than expected by the prince and his wife. As newspaper ‘De Volkskrant’ reported on Saturday, that many things went wrong with the Crown Princely family’s building project in nature area Machangulo, on a peninsula in Mozambique. The project has now turned into such a mess that the Dutch prime minister J.P. Balkenende advised the prince to … Continue reading

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Willem-Alexander & Máxima to sue Associated Press

  August 7, 2009 at 4:21 am by

TRH the Prince of Orange and Princess Máxima have launched legal action against American media outlet Associated Press (AP). The action comes after AP published several photos of the couple and their three daughters – Princesses Catharina-Amalia, Alexia and Ariane – taken at the luxury Villa La Angostura ski resort in Argentina, where the family is currently holidaying. The RVD (Government Information Agency) sent a letter to the AP headquarters … Continue reading

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Triple Treat: Dutch Photo Session by the Sea

  July 21, 2009 at 2:40 am by

A trio of blonde-haired, denim-clad little girls frolicked on a Wassenaar beach yesterday, with a protective eye cast over them by their parents. This could describe any normal family, but with a pack of approximately ninety photographers, videographers and reporters watching their every move; it is clear that normal this family is not. The Prince of Orange, Willem-Alexander, and his wife Princess Máxima arranged a photo session with their three … Continue reading

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Parliament Wants Prince of Orange to Quit the Dutch Bank

  June 30, 2009 at 6:24 pm by

During the television programme Eén Vandaag, it became clear that a majority of parliament wants that the prince of Orange to quit his position as a member of the supervisory board of the Dutch Bank (DNB). The parties fear that the prince will come in a vulnerable position due to the credit crunch and the parlementairy research commission after the crisis and the role of the Dutch Bank. The programme … Continue reading

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First Day at Kindergarten for Alexia

  June 30, 2009 at 5:48 am by

Yesterday morning princess Alexia of The Netherlands started her first day in kindergarten. She arrived in the company of her parents, and her older sister princess Amalia at the Bloemcamp school in Wassenaar, where she will start in group 1A. Her teachers Carla Buijs (monday) and Yvonne van Veen (tuesday-friday) welcomed the princess in the class room, which was decorated with yellow, purple and green kites. Outside the class room, … Continue reading

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Prince of Orange celebrates Veterans Day 2009

  June 28, 2009 at 11:17 pm by

On Saturday June 27th, HRH the Prince of Orange attended the Veterans Day 2009 celebrations in The Hague. He was accompanied by the Dutch Prime Minister, Jan Peter Balkenende. Upon arriving at the Ridderzaal, the Prince and the Prime Minister met before Balkenende delivered a solemn speech. The party then moved to the Binnenhof; where HRH, PM Balkenende, the Defence Minister (E Van Middelkoop) and the Commander of the Armed … Continue reading

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Princess Alexia Starts School On Monday

  June 25, 2009 at 5:58 pm by

Princess Alexia of The Netherlands, second daughter of the prince of Orange and princess Máxima, will have her first day on school on monday. This Friday the Princess will become four years old, according tgo newspaper ‘Telegraaf’ she hopes for a ‘cool’ backpack, that she can use. This was said in a private meeting between members of the press and the prince of Orange and his wife. Like her sister … Continue reading

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Hermitage Amsterdam Oficially Opened By Beatrix and Medvedev

  June 21, 2009 at 7:59 am by

As mentioned in previous blog entries, Russian president Dmitri Medvedev and Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands opened the new Hermitage museum in Amsterdam on Friday evening. The queen was accompanied by her eldest son, the prince of Orange, and her daughter-in-law princess Máxima, who wore an eccentric purple furry outfit, her tutti fruti bracelet and earrings with purple precious stones. The president was accompanied by his wife. The festivities around … Continue reading

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Dutch Royals Unveil, Speak, Listen And More…

  June 18, 2009 at 7:37 pm by

These last days queen Beatrix, her son prince Willem-Alexander and princess Máxima had several public activities. On Tuesday HM the Queen went to Slochteren (Groningen), where she celebrated the 50th anniversary of the drilling for gas in the province of Groningen. The queen unveiled an appropriate piece of art from Marc Ruygrok : a methane molecule of 8 meters high. On Wednesday attended the final ceremony of the anti racism … Continue reading

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Prince of Orange and Simeon of Bulgaria meet at UNSGAB

  May 28, 2009 at 7:27 am by

The Prince of Orange and former King Simeon II of Bulgaria caught up two days ago, at the 12th meeting of the UNSGAB board in Sofia, Bulgaria. The Prince of Orange attended the four-day meeting as the UNSG Advisory Board on Water Sanitation’s Chairman of the Board. He is deeply interested in water and sanitation, often attending events and working to improve the sanitation conditions of the world. One of … Continue reading

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Short break for the Dutch Crown Princely family in Friesland

  May 25, 2009 at 8:57 pm by

Prince Willem-Alexander, Princess Maxima and their daughters, Princesses Catharina-Amalia, Alexia and Ariane took a short holiday break at Friesland, at the region of Frisia. The region is a popular touristic area of the Netherlands, where people visit its lakes and islands of the Wadden Sea. The family seems to have opted to do just that, and is doing so aboard the Groene Draek, sailboat of HM Queen Beatrix. The yacht … Continue reading

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