Tag Archives: House of Habsburg

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Archduchess Yolande Has Died

  September 19, 2023 at 2:15 pm by

On september 13th Archduchess Yolande of Austria has died at the age of 100 in Brussels. The archduchess was born as Princess Yolande de Ligne and was the daughter of Eugene, 11th Prince de Ligne and Philippine de Noailles (a daughter of the 10th Prince of Poix). She was born in Madrid where her father was serving as Belgian ambassador. In 1950 she married Archduke Carl Ludwig of Austria, 4th … Continue reading

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Prince Jean Christophe Napoléon marries Countess Olympia von und zu Arco-Zinneberg

  October 21, 2019 at 5:13 pm by

On October 19, Prince Jean Christophe Napoléon married Countess Olympia von und zu Arco-Zinneberg at the Cathedral of Saint-Louis-des-Invalides in Paris, France. The bride, who met her future husband whilst studying in Paris, wore an Oscar de la Renta gown. The Invalides Cathedral is also where Napoleon’s body was returned from St. Helena after his exile from France. Some of the reigning guest list included Princess Beatrice of York and … Continue reading

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A Daughter for Archduchess Gabriella and Prince Henri

  December 20, 2017 at 8:38 am by

Some surprising news comes out of Luxembourg today, as it was announced that Archduchess Gabriella of Austria, the younger daughter of Archduke Carl Christian and Archduchess Marie Astrid, welcomed her first child back in October. The 23-year-old Archduchess gave birth to a healthy baby girl on October 30th. Gabriella and her fiance, Prince Henri of Bourbon-Parma – youngest son of Prince Erik of Bourbon-Parma and Countess Lydia af Holstein-Ledreborg – have named … Continue reading

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Queen Elizabeth Joins Birthday Celebrations For Archduchess Helene of Austria

  May 18, 2017 at 10:03 pm by

On one of her rare private night outs Thursday evening, Queen Elizabeth II attended a dinner at The Ivy in London to celebrate Archduchess Helene of Austria’s 80th birthday. The Queen, wearing a cream lace dress underneath a black paisley shawl, was spotted upon arrival and on departure from the party, which was also attended by Prince and Princess Michael of Kent. Archduchess Helene is the daughter of Count Carl Theodor … Continue reading

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On This Day: Maria Theresia Is Born

  May 13, 2017 at 8:00 am by

300 years ago today, the only female ruler of the Habsburg Monarchy was born at Homburg Palace in Vienna. Maria Theresia was the eldest daughter of Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor. Prior to her birth, Charles had issued a new act of succession to allow any daughters of his to succeed the throne ahead of his two nieces, the daughters of the previous ruler, Joseph I. As Maria Theresia was only … Continue reading

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Pope Meets Habsburg Family

  November 6, 2016 at 11:30 am by

Yesterday pope Francis met with members of the former Imperial family of Austria-Hungary at the Vatican. The meeting was dedicated to the theme of  ‘rediscovering family values’. In his short speech the pope referred to the Blessed emperor Charles I, who was blessed in 2004 by pope John Paul II.The pope continued: “His presence among you makes the Hapsburg family not a nostalgia of the past but, on the contrary, … Continue reading

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On This Day: Empress Elisabeth Opens Her Hermes Villa

  May 24, 2016 at 8:24 am by

On this day 130 years ago in 1886, Empress Elisabeth of Austria aka Sisi opened her new palace in the Lainzer Tiergarten in Vienna. Construction on the palace, orginally called “Villa Waldruh,”  started in the summer of 1881. Emperor Franz Joseph hoped to encourage his wife -who longed for peace and soltitude- to remain in Vienna and stop her travels by providing her a secluded residence near the Austrian capital. … Continue reading

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Archduchess Francesca: “Austrians Are At Crossroads”

  May 22, 2016 at 1:26 pm by

Archduchess Francesca, wife of the head of the Austrian imperial family, wrote an open letter to the Austrian newspaper ‘Kurier’. In the letter she focussed on the presendential elections in Austria that were held today. The article mentions that the Archduchess herself can not vote in the elections, but if she could, she would vote for Alexander van der Bellen and not for his opponent Norbert Hofer. In her letter … Continue reading

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Amedeo And Lili Show Daughter Anna Astrid For the First Time

  May 20, 2016 at 11:38 am by

Prince Amedeo of Belgium, Archuke of Austria-Este, his wife Elisabetta (Lili) and their newborn daughter left the hospital in Brussels where the little Archduchess was born earlier this week. They shortly posed for the press and prince Amedeo replied to a few questions. The name of the baby was also revealed: Anna Astrid. She is 7th in line of succession to the Belgian throne.  Amedeo told the press in fluent … Continue reading

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New Career For Archduchess Francesca?

  May 20, 2016 at 5:24 am by

The vivacious Archduchess Francesca, wife of the head of the Austrian Imperial family is playing a small role in a costume drama for the Austrian television. The series created by ORF is Vienna’s famous Hotel Sacher and is set in the belle epoque. ‘Das Sacher’ is directed by Robert Dornhelm, a friend of the Archduchess. In her film debut Francesca has a small role as an English diplomat. For the … Continue reading

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Cigarette Reduces Schloss Ebenzweier To Ashes

  May 12, 2016 at 9:33 am by

Schloss Ebenzweier in Altmünster, Austria, has burnt down on monday. A burning cigarette that was thrown into the castle’s rose garden is the most likely cause of the fire. The castle’s history goes back to 1292. In 1830 it was sold to Archduke Maximilian Joseph of Austria-Este. After his death in 1863  the castle was inherited by his niece Archduchess Maria Theresia. In 1891 she sold the castle to Prince … Continue reading

Posted in Austria-Hungary, Italy | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

Belgian King and Queen Share Three Events In One Day

  May 11, 2016 at 10:55 am by

A busy day for the king and queen of Belgium. Together with their son they participated in three seperate events. In the morning King Philippe I and Queen Mathilde received school directors from Brussels in the royal palace to talk about the challenges, tools and prospects of Belgian education. Réunion de travail avec des directeurs d'écoles sur l'#enseignement à #Bruxelles: défis, outils et perspectives pic.twitter.com/nMLWBGQLzK — Belgian Royal Palace (@MonarchieBe) … Continue reading

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On This Day: Wedding of Archduke Otto and Princess Regina

  May 10, 2016 at 7:12 am by

Sixty-five years ago royal Europe gathered on May 10th 1951 in Nancy, France, to witness the wedding of Archduke Otto of Austria, head of the imperial family, to Princess Regina of Saxe-Meiningen. The couple married in the Franciscan church of The Cordeliers, where 20 generations of the dukes of Lorraine, anscestors of Archduke Otto, are burried. The bride was wearing an ivory-white dress by the Parisian designer Jean Desses. The … Continue reading

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Queen Mathilde Takes Youngest Daughter Along To Piano Semi-Finals

  May 9, 2016 at 4:12 pm by

Belgium’s Queen Mathilde and her youngest daughter Princess Eléonore went to the Flagey building in Elsene, Brusels this afternoon to listen to the semi-finalists on the piano of the annual Queen Elisabeth Music Competition. The first round of the piano was last week. Of the 76 finalists only 24 made it to the semi-finals. The young musicians have to perform twice for an international jury. Each afternoon there will be … Continue reading

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Habsburg Heir Installed as Knight in the Order of St. George

  May 9, 2016 at 8:24 am by

Archduke Ferdinand Zvonimir of Austria has been installed as a knight in the order of St. George on May 5th. The heir to the house of Austria received the knighthood from his father, Archduke Karl. His younger sister Archduchess Gloria was also present at the ceremony, absent were his mother Francesca and his eldest sister Eleonore. The history of the order goes back several centuries. A predecessor was created bycreated … Continue reading

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Four Exhibitions Mark Centenary Of Emperor Franz Joseph’s Death

  April 4, 2016 at 11:41 am by

The long reign of Emperor Franz Joseph I will receive special attention this year to mark the fact that the emperor died 100 years ago on November 21st 1916. The exhibitions will mainly focus on the private face of the Habsburg monarch and will be centered around Vienna. The organisation tried to show a balanced picture of the emperor’s life, which is still shaped by many mysteries and chichés. Schönbrunn … Continue reading

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Archduke Imre And Archduchess Kathleen Welcome Second Daughter

  February 29, 2016 at 10:20 am by

Archduke Imre and Archduchess Kathleen have become parents for the second time. On February 24th Kathleen gave birth to a healthy daughter. The new Archduchess has been named Magdalena and is the fifth grandchild for Princess Marie-Astrid of Luxembourg and her husband Archduke Carl Christian. Magdalena is also the eighth great-grandchild for Grand Duke Jean. Archduke Imre was born on December 8, 1985 and is the eldest son and second … Continue reading

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Dracula’s Castle to Close Its Doors?

  February 26, 2016 at 7:29 pm by

The Romanian government has decided to end the lease of Bran Castle. The castle was once believed to be owned by Vlad III the Impaler, better known as ‘Dracula’. Bram Stoker uses the castle as the residence for his ‘Dracula’. In 1920 the castle became property of the Romanian royal family. It became a great favourite of Queen Marie, née Princess of Edinburgh. Her youngest daughter, princess Ileana inherited from … Continue reading

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The Habsburg Effect

  February 24, 2016 at 4:59 pm by

The newspaper ‘Independent’ dedicated an article to a remarkable study. Researchers suggest that the Habsburg’s ability to instill obedience in their subjects still has its effect today, several generations onwards. People who live within the borders of the old Habsburg Empire have significantly more trust in their country’s justice system than those who live outside of it. The researchers have described the phenomenon as the ‘Habsburg effect’. They claim that … Continue reading

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Archduke Christoph and Archduchess Adélaïde Welcome a Daughter

  January 10, 2015 at 10:39 pm by

Archduchess Adélaïde of Austria (née Drapé-Frisch) gave birth to a daughter on December 22, 2014 in Geneva. The little Archduchess has been named Katarina Marie-Christine Fabiola. Archduchess Katarina was christened very shortly after her birth, on December 27. The christening also took place in Geneva. The little Archduchess’s sponsors are Countess Marie Christine de Limburg Stirum and Galdric Drapé-Frisch. Archduke Christoph and Archduchess Adélaïde were married in a religious ceremony on … Continue reading

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