Tag Archives: Grand Duchess Charlotte of Luxembourg

On This Day: Death of Luxembourg’s Grand Duchess Charlotte

  July 9, 2015 at 12:00 pm by

Thirty years ago, Grand Duchess Charlotte of Luxembourg, who reigned the small European nation for 45 years, passed away at the age of 89. “A great lady has entered history, after preserving, leading, strengthening and inspiring our country for so long. She has taken a definitive place in our hearts and memories,” the then Prime Minister, Jacques Santer, said in a statement after the Grand Duchess’s death, which occurred in the … Continue reading

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70th Anniversary of Grand Duchess Charlotte’s Return to Luxembourg

  April 14, 2015 at 9:53 pm by

Today marks the 70th anniversary of Grand Duchess Charlotte’s return to Luxembourg after a five-year exile during World War Two. A commemoration was held at Clairefontaine Square in Luxembourg City. Grand Duke Jean, the eldest son of Grand Duchess Charlotte, was present for the ceremony alongside his eldest son and the current reigning Grand Duke, Henri, and his wife Maria Teresa. Members of Luxembourg’s government, parliament and diplomatic corps were also … Continue reading

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Luxembourg Royal Wedding Look-Back: Charlotte and Felix

  October 14, 2012 at 12:00 pm by

To mark the marriage of the Hereditary Grand Duke of Luxembourg and Countess Stéphanie de Lannoy this coming Friday and Saturday, the TRF blog will be stepping back in time and looking at past royal weddings in Luxembourg. We begin this series with the marriage of Her Royal Highness The Grand Duchess of Luxembourg and His Royal Highness Prince Felix of Bourbon-Parma. Grand Duchess Charlotte and Prince Felix were married … Continue reading

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