Michael Jackson Promised King Mswati III a Disney-style Theme Park for Swaziland

  June 28, 2009 at 4:16 pm by

In 1998, pop star Michael Jackson visited the Kingdom of Swaziland on a business trip, where he filmed a video. During the visit, the now-deceased Jackson met with King Mswati III and the Swazi royal family. Among other things, one of the ideas discussed during the visit was a Disneyland-style theme park that Jackson would build in Swaziland, according to an article in the Times of Swaziland.

The theme park would have attracted millions of tourists, according to the article, and was supposed to have been built in Ezulwini, where Jackson was working with Tibiyo Taka Ngwane on the project.

While he was in Swaziland, Jackson stayed in the royal suite at the Royal Swazi Sun Hotel. In addition to meeting with the royal family, Jackson met with elementary school children, who serenaded him by singing his song, “You Are Not Alone”.

There has been no mention or announcement regarding the theme-park. Jackson was only in Swaziland for one visit, and was never able to make a return visit. It is unknown whether the project will be financed or completed, especially since Jackson has recently passed away.

For more information about King Mswati III and the Kingdom of Swaziland, please visit this thread.

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